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RE: Is Attachment The Source of All Suffering?

in #life7 years ago

Meditation is only exit to be free from sufferings. Attachment concealed truth of the seffering also.

We think ourselves the rich and the wealthy if we have money or house. And the poor if have not it.

Really, the suffering which Buddha said are births and deaths. It is the truth of suffering. So attachment must be abandoned if want to free from the suffering.

How do we abandon?

First, I would like to say arising attachment. We have six apparatus of body. These are eye, ear, nose, tongue, body and mind.

Eye sees visible thing. Ear hears sound or noise. Nose sniffs smell. Tongue tastes. Body touches. Mind knows.

When mind cannot know reality as eye sees colour, it knows falsely as creature, person. It is the attachment.

This attachment arise in our mind. So, meditator must know with consciousness as eye saw. It is abandonment to the attachment.

See this post too:


I agree that meditation is the path to liberation. But its very difficult for most people.