I guess, from the title you can pretty much tell that this is going to be one of those posts where my brain is not involved, just my heart. I like doing posts like these where I can share my unfiltered feelings with all you guys.
Today I want to talk about human suffering and one of its biggest reasons, which is attachment. You see, nobody likes to experience the darker side of human emotions like anger, sadness, jealousy and the likes but as we all know, these tend to happen more often than not.
Most of the times it is our own selves that is the reason behind our sufferings. I know its hard to believe but think about it consciously and you will realize within a week that most of the times you are the reason for your own suffering.
Take attachment for example. It is due to our own attachment with other people and things that cause us to feel pain. Now, I am not saying we should all be like robots having no emotions or attachment towards anyone, but the fact still remains.
The Source of Your Suffering
Attachment doesn’t happen only with a person. It can happen with things and also with animals (our pets for example). My sister @aishwarya keeps telling me that the only reason she doesn’t want to have a pet is because she would get too attached to it and she wouldn’t be able to bear it when the inevitable day comes.
The fear of loss and the pain of loss is one of the strongest ones that a human can feel. It can be so strong that it can be crippling for your mental stability and the stronger the attachment, the stronger the pain.
The most unfortunate thing is that we humans just can’t stop ourselves from getting attached because that’s who we are. We are a bundle of thoughts and emotions/feelings and no matter how logical the brain may think, it is the heart that always wins at the end of the day.
And as happens a lot of times in life, we do tend to lose the things we are attached to and so begins an emotional rollercoaster of a ride.
Is It Only Attachment Though?
No, there are many other things that cause us to suffer. According to the teachings of Buddha, human desire is another major source of our suffering. As you know, our desires are unending and in the process of trying to fulfill one after the other, we just keep suffering endlessly.
Expectations are another common source. Most of the times we expect something from someone (especially our loved ones) and when that doesn’t happen, we get hurt. For example, you love and care about someone deeply and you expect the same from them, but you don’t get it in return.
Whatever the reasons maybe, I would like to point out again, that we are the reason for our own suffering. The attachment happens from our own side, the expectations and desires are our own too.
I don’t have any words of wisdom for you as to how to live a life devoid of suffering because trust me, if I had the answer, I would be the first one to follow it, but I thought I should share this realization with you all anyways!
There was a study done based on positive and negative energy.
3 bowls of rice, one was told I love you, one was told I hate you and the third was completely ignored.
The first bowl of rice was just fine, the second one looked like it was expired, and the final bowl which was ignored was completely rotten.
A lot can be said about being ignored
I have read about these type of experiments top, and yeah getting ignored can be a very painful thing.
So true what you have written, when we expect something from others and we don't receive it, especially if you have done everything for them, yes your feelings can be hurt.
I suffered with those feelings for many years. Until I realized, as you have wisely written, that I had to work on myself.
If I believed in myself knowing that I have value to this world, NOTHING on NO ONE should rob me of my inner peace and joy!
Thanks for your words of wisdom @sauravrungta!
I totally understand. It makes you question the very foundations of the relationship with that person.
What I've discovered is that the main source of suffering in life is having expectations. Expecting certain outcomes instead of taking things as they come, "good" or "bad."
Imho , i think learning to say no is equally important and trust me it will all be good in the end.
Yes, it is one of the biggest.
Expectations do trouble us often but we are humans and even if we try we just can't stop expecting from others.
its in the basic human nature .
I think people come in our lives either to stay till the end or to leave making you stronger than before.
Great post :)@sauravrungta yes i agree that
That's very true and I agree with every word you have said :)
Attachments when gets broken ! It hurts @sauravrungta
I know :(
Without attachments there is no humanness....if one in unable to move on from the a loss...then its more of an obsession than an attachment...
I disagree, detachment is a core believe in Buddhism yet i could argue that buddhist show the most humanity and humility of us all. Being cognitive, mindful and aware of someone or something is enough to appreciate that subject without forming attachments and then later suffering.
So we will agree to disagree...just because its a "core belief" doesn't mean one is able to achieve emotional detachment....being "cognitive...mindful...and aware....is not the same as caring...it sounds robotic...frankly..."suffering" is what makes us human...trying not to is to go against true humaness....so like I say...we will agree to disagree as I am "attached" to my beliefs....
:) Thank you for the reply. Yes we agree to disagree. :)
Those are some wise words :)
totalmente cierto.
I am deeply inspired by your writing style , so much so that i have started my own series under the tag versatile thoughts , raw and unfiltered as you say.
Hey, thanks for the kind words :) It really means a lot to me. I hope you create some great content :)
Attaching oneself without the ability to let go is my thought. Attachment in and of itself is good. However attachment without wanting to let go is a selfish act. I think selfishness would be a better choice of words. Selfishness may produce temporary happiness from a happening, but in the end produces unhappiness because it is not fulfilling. You are always wanting something else or something more. Selfless attachment is true love and will find joy in the giving away of that love.
I totally agree with you and those are some really inspiring words too :)
The best reason is truly said by lord buddha i.e human desires are the main source of sufferings for human....this is even scientifically proved that monks who live a simple and peacefull life are most likely to be more happy and free from any dieseases and thus live more than average whereas a human with lot of desires and unpeacefull mind lives short and finds his life a total mess.....anyhow each human has a different lifestyle and different prepective so for them they may adapt any other alternative but we all are human before God and we cant deny the nature.....awesome post @sauravrungta
Exactly. In fact Buddha said that desires were the biggest reason for human suffering and if we are able to live a life devoid of desires, we can find true happiness.
Well its a very nicely written post. I do believe humans are capable of detachment. If you look at the Buddhist Darma. There are several exercises to free your self of attachment. The consequence of which is a even greater Sence of natural contentness. For me personally it has always been a struggle of detaching too much that i no longer feel motivation to continue.
True. For me the problem has always been too much attachment with the people I care about that life starts seeming empty when they’re not around.
I do not expect great expectation, I want to value small happiness.However, there are times when it is difficult:)))
That is a great way to live :)
A great read it is, looking forward to hear more of you@sauravrungta the realization you beautifully expressed digs not only deeper the universality of torment but deciphers its making, let alone the urge to escape. I am bound to totally agree that it is the attachment that foreshadows sufferings and, in cases, solace as well. The point here is to reckon with what it took us to smear ourself in the attachment, what formative phases it waded through, the extent to which it has ripened, and the resilience one has mustered along the course to shake it off. Despite that spontaneity and violability of subtle heart incapacitates us humans against the currents of emotions, rationalistic approach, whip of time, and omnipotent tide of mind serves the end by helping us shape ourselves anew.
Thank you for those really astounding words of wisdom. You put it much better than I could have :)
After reading this post, I remember a scene from a series.
Detachment is the key to a successful life.
And it is.
It may be painful to apply, but the more emotions we have, the more pain we will suffer.
A good one from your heart, keep them coming.
It sure is very painful to detach yourself. But ironically it is what makes one truly happy.
thanks ^^
For what? :)
We are a bundle of thoughts and emotions/feelings and no matter how logical the brain may think, it is the heart that always wins at the end of the day.
True.. So true.
One of my favourite articles from you so far.. <3 Thank you so much :)
Thank you so much :)
Suffering is simple a part of life for any emotionally being.
Would you like to live a life’s without feeling love, and happiness? Because those feelings goes with sadness and hate.
If you want to feel good things you will inevitably feel the bad ones too.
Ahh yes, the duality of life! Good point :)
Agreed with the thoughts that we are responsible for our suffering but attachments are the way to convey love & also necessary to live actually!!Half of the time we even dont know when we get attached from someone so its like not in our control fully!!And sometime suffering is required too so that we can learn life lessons !!
Yeah most of the time we are not even aware that we are getting attached. And I agree that suffering can be important to learn life lessons..
Though u did not know about whats going on in my life you helped me by posting such stuff. This post just made my day. And i totally agree attachment and expectation are the main source of suffering.
Thanks for the kind words. It really means a lot to me. It’s comments like your’s that keep me motivated :)
Meditation is only exit to be free from sufferings. Attachment concealed truth of the seffering also.
We think ourselves the rich and the wealthy if we have money or house. And the poor if have not it.
Really, the suffering which Buddha said are births and deaths. It is the truth of suffering. So attachment must be abandoned if want to free from the suffering.
How do we abandon?
First, I would like to say arising attachment. We have six apparatus of body. These are eye, ear, nose, tongue, body and mind.
Eye sees visible thing. Ear hears sound or noise. Nose sniffs smell. Tongue tastes. Body touches. Mind knows.
When mind cannot know reality as eye sees colour, it knows falsely as creature, person. It is the attachment.
This attachment arise in our mind. So, meditator must know with consciousness as eye saw. It is abandonment to the attachment.
See this post too:
I agree that meditation is the path to liberation. But its very difficult for most people.
This post will actually correct some of mistakes because I like depending on people while I always regret anytime they disappoint me
Yeah, don’t depend on people!
Attachment most often is the cause of your pain and if it is with something material, that much worse.
I think it is worse when it is with a person. The pain of loss is much stronger when it is associated with a human.
Sad as it was, that's what happens in reality. We get attached with things that might not matter. There are of course things that do matter but not all are.
I love your insight! In my opinion, suffering serves a purpose in our lives. It makes us appreciate what we have and helps us realize when something is wrong or when change is needed. I think that with meditation and more self awareness, we can deal with it better and realize how much of it we are actually causing on ourselves.
Those are some great points and I totally agree with you. Suffering indeed serves a purpose. It makes us stronger. :)