Block chain summits.....probably I’d actually need to be involved in Dev. Work, which I’m not! Pondered doing something with steem....but easily for me someone already invented ‘smartsteem’ which I think pretty much perfect (amazing really). So right now I’m following the lazy (or warren buffet approach, you could say😂)...invest/trade...and sit back and let other people do the real work (including the people who actually write stuff on steem!)😼
Yes, it's my third time here as my best friend works here. You should go to Abu Dhabi if you have never been. Money master the game by Tony Robbins, where the author talks a lot about Warren. 😹Have you read it?
Also I am truly happy you didn't take a break from Steemit once again and thanks for your support. 🏆
It's okay the weather especially in the evening and night, glad you like Dubai. It's definitely a healthy approach so congrats for that @xaero1, currently I am reading and trying to apply what I discover through my book
I read some stuff by him a long time ago, but not recently😀.
Actually, I find I trade better now when I’m not following anyone else’s advice (So I no longer even follow the discussion forums - only the charts these days😀]. I guess i am pretty experienced though - so not that surprising probably.
But I think the same is true of following any ‘experts’. I.e., filter it with your logic/views/experience, IMO. I mean warren was a genius at what he invested in....but remember too he advised ‘never buy crypto’😂
Hahah yes he said that so often and he also missed the boat with Google and Amazon, so he is not perfect & flawless.
I agree with you, we shouldn't do something just because someone else said that, I am not following the crowd either.
I heard that on 11.05 will be a Steemit meeting here in Dubai, maybe you are interested, maybe you are interested, unfortunately I will be back home really soon. really soon.
For how long are you going to stay in Dubai? Do u have some recommendations? Maybe you have been somewhere else
I love the weather! Have you visited?
Block chain summits.....probably I’d actually need to be involved in Dev. Work, which I’m not! Pondered doing something with steem....but easily for me someone already invented ‘smartsteem’ which I think pretty much perfect (amazing really). So right now I’m following the lazy (or warren buffet approach, you could say😂)...invest/trade...and sit back and let other people do the real work (including the people who actually write stuff on steem!)😼
Yes, it's my third time here as my best friend works here. You should go to Abu Dhabi if you have never been.

Money master the game by Tony Robbins, where the author talks a lot about Warren. 😹Have you read it?
Also I am truly happy you didn't take a break from Steemit once again and thanks for your support. 🏆 It's okay the weather especially in the evening and night, glad you like Dubai. It's definitely a healthy approach so congrats for that @xaero1, currently I am reading and trying to apply what I discover through my book
I read some stuff by him a long time ago, but not recently😀.
Actually, I find I trade better now when I’m not following anyone else’s advice (So I no longer even follow the discussion forums - only the charts these days😀]. I guess i am pretty experienced though - so not that surprising probably.
But I think the same is true of following any ‘experts’. I.e., filter it with your logic/views/experience, IMO. I mean warren was a genius at what he invested in....but remember too he advised ‘never buy crypto’😂
Hahah yes he said that so often and he also missed the boat with Google and Amazon, so he is not perfect & flawless.
I agree with you, we shouldn't do something just because someone else said that, I am not following the crowd either.
I heard that on 11.05 will be a Steemit meeting here in Dubai, maybe you are interested, maybe you are interested, unfortunately I will be back home really soon. really soon.
For how long are you going to stay in Dubai? Do u have some recommendations? Maybe you have been somewhere else