Soon I will be moving to a place with a really bad internet, I dread it but I need to get some important things done in real life for my project. I can adapt. But now I am feeling the deadline intensely as I hurry to finish some web tasks. For those who tend to be impulsive and have a hard time paying attention, and I think the ugly label for that is ADHD, time management can be a big challenge.
At the moment, I am the Supergirl that I need to be - content writer, developer, marketing, researcher, and graphics designer. And hopefully, someday, I don't have to do everything anymore. But if you are just starting and making your idea slowly come to life, you have to be the superhero. You work longer periods and do different tasks without pay. And you will not probably do that if you are working for someone else. You should know everything and the power is yours. Work hard now and reap the rewards later. And of course, I am not expecting such a big reward yet nor a completely flawless business. I know the challenges that might come up and I'm mentally preparing myself for anything. But the journey itself or the things I learn along the way are just as important as the achievement or destination. Anything worthwhile takes time.
I want to make the most of my ADHD superpowers to my advantage. Sorry, I'm working, cat. Sorry, I'm not hungry, stomach. Sorry, I'm busy, people. Please just let me focus and get this first task done, and the other one, and the next one too... and now I'm getting crazy again. It's just hard to focus on one thing. I often find myself distracted until time is wasted.
For those who can relate, there's still hope. There are some ways to minimize the challenges and prioritize goals. Here are some of the things that I do in order to get things done in a timely manner and be productive.
1. Plan
These days I must say that I have become very good at planning that I get stuck in the process. I have learned to see beyond the moment or anticipate every possible problem, which is a good thing. But the downside is that I tend to overanalyze things and feel stressed. Now I just make realistic plans to simply organize my daily life. Even though I am free to use my time however I want, everything cannot be just based on my mood. There has to be some discipline. This is the only time I appreciate routine because it forces me to work and follow a plan. But I don't necessarily have to pressure myself to take giant steps. Every little thing that I do should still help me accomplish bigger goals.
2. Have a planning system
I have recently learned to write down the things that I need to do and my major goals. It does not only serve as a reminder but also helps in making everything I need clear and specific. I also use Google calendar just so I have a deadline as to when I'm supposed to finish a task or accomplish a goal. Then I break down those tasks into manageable or achievable parts. The more time I spend in planning a project, the less time is required for it. I think a planning system is a solution to this so-called attention deficit challenges.
3. Concentrate
This is the hardest part and the actual problem for me. I have to make sure that my environment or working space is free of distraction, or that my email or messenger are closed. It's not really the time spent on a task that counts but the amount of uninterrupted time.
4. Take breaks
This is very important as I cannot just be working all the time no matter how much I love to be in front of my computer. Working for long periods of time can decrease energy and increase tension and stress. I just feel suffocated at the end of the day, that I need to go outdoors and breathe some fresh air. Everyday I get on my bicycle to cycle and catch the fiery sky. Changing from a mental task to a physical task and back can reduce stress and increase efficiency. It's also good for your health.
5. Avoid perfectionism
This is just one of my many issues. I just simply cannot move on if everything is not done according to details or to my taste. Everything has to be perfect otherwise I will go mental again. It's a problem because it means I waste precious time on something instead of moving on and settling on 'what's good enough' for now. I learned that there's a difference between striving for excellence and just striving for perfection.
6. Delegate the tasks
This is something that I have recently done since there are more important things that I need to prioritize. I learned to outsource some tasks that might take me a long time to do. And yeah, of course, I have to spend money for it. It's just another investment. But I don't mind because time is precious. The most important thing is that I am moving on and making some progress. Everything little thing counts.
Love it! Btw, maybe if sign up to your vacation booking underwater tour thing, you could show me how to add a button to a hello world nodejs express thing?😂. Yes, I used to he a programmer but I know nothing about HTML ... jeeze😅. No, I guess given enough time I could become just about profiant enough in react/angular/whatever crazy stuff needed to get anything done these days😏
@xaero1 Still you can learn something new and perfect it. Did you know that i learnt english in just 3 months when i had just reached Uganda? I only knew french and English was like chinese. Being involved in blog writing helped me a lot though still perfecting it.
Yup: where’s a will there’s [perhaps] a way😂
[good for you btw!]
Ok I just woke up and someone is drunk commenting on my posts, courtesy of free beers/company beers in Dubai? I know you're not there for a holiday lol. Yeah, the supergirl must be a quote somewhere haha but I don't know, really. I must have been just writing positive trip advisor reviews to myself, how self-absorbed I know.
Regardless, html must be too easy for you. I need to work on content more than obsess with small buttons and design, hello ocd.
Re holiday...haha! - well, actually two birds with one stone kind of🤣
Lucky people get chances to have 2 🐦 with 1 stone
I think it must be subliminal then😂
Anyway - here ya go, ‘dark @diabolika’😉 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6c_H45kt1_8
I heard that! So sit back and drink your beer while we write? 😅 But ok I got to make my tour agent thing quickly enough. If I can even make money with that to start relaxing...
More seriously ... wish you the best with that! It sounds really cool!
😂😂😂😂😂....true. may be shifting to Chinese soon 🤗🤗
‘I am the Supergirl that I need to be...’ this is just what i was thinking....awesome! [where’s the ‘respect’ far-east ‘bow’ emoji when I need it!😂]. [btw I’m sure this is an allusion/reference to some quote????I’m sure😀]
metaphorssuperheroes?😂]Ok....apologies @diabolika ...coupla’ beers (I found a bar in dubai😏): Of course: The quote is a reference from the one the batman(dark knight etc) movies?!😆 [but which one I couldn’t say right now hehe]. [Though: Shouldn’t a writer avoid mixing theirHi @xaero1. Are you in Dubai too? How do you find the weather?
Are you going to attend the Future blockchain summit @xaero1?
I love the weather! Have you visited?
Block chain summits.....probably I’d actually need to be involved in Dev. Work, which I’m not! Pondered doing something with steem....but easily for me someone already invented ‘smartsteem’ which I think pretty much perfect (amazing really). So right now I’m following the lazy (or warren buffet approach, you could say😂)...invest/trade...and sit back and let other people do the real work (including the people who actually write stuff on steem!)😼
Yes, it's my third time here as my best friend works here. You should go to Abu Dhabi if you have never been.

Money master the game by Tony Robbins, where the author talks a lot about Warren. 😹Have you read it?
Also I am truly happy you didn't take a break from Steemit once again and thanks for your support. 🏆 It's okay the weather especially in the evening and night, glad you like Dubai. It's definitely a healthy approach so congrats for that @xaero1, currently I am reading and trying to apply what I discover through my book
I read some stuff by him a long time ago, but not recently😀.
Actually, I find I trade better now when I’m not following anyone else’s advice (So I no longer even follow the discussion forums - only the charts these days😀]. I guess i am pretty experienced though - so not that surprising probably.
But I think the same is true of following any ‘experts’. I.e., filter it with your logic/views/experience, IMO. I mean warren was a genius at what he invested in....but remember too he advised ‘never buy crypto’😂
Because I heard you like superheroes and memes hahaha.
Ahahahaaaa....@xaero1 you are really funny. You just make me laugh
P.S:@xaero1 why don't you post too? You look being a good writer. 😁 I hope to see more memes in your post🤣🕵️🕵️🚶🚶🚶
Time management is skill and it can be learnt.To be productive we have to learn use our time effectively.One of the best way to handle stress is time management.
For me, time management is a priceless skill.
Thanks for sharing these great tips on time management and your story here. More grease to your elbow.
Yeah this has being my challenge too
@jona12. Just keep being deliberate and keep trying. With time,things will fall in place.
Yeah true
No worries!
You have a good plan in the works. It amazes me how organized your mind is, which is a positive when a big task is ahead of you. I was saying this morning that I am working too hard to be able to focus on some of the other necessities that need to be done. Moderation is a tough one. Best of luck with your project. 🐓🐓
I know what you mean!
Break down those big tasks into smaller ones. You got drive and determination. I’ll give you that.
I'm happy to hear you're such a proficient wicked taskmaster! There is a problem though: in your last post, your helper was looking like Jesus! A more productive helper may be something to consider:D
I have no choice. But his holy touch might cure this madness lol.
One of the most important factors of success is the time management
If you manage your time in a distinctive way you will achieve success and excellence
A very special article really you are a wonderful and successful person
Thank you!
Wauhhh...you are really a hardworker. My day is always fixed and i try to do everything in a day. I wake up in the morning, attend my class, then move at my volunteering work in the afternoon, being stack in the traffic jam and writing my post late in the night or early morning.
I'm soon also starting a website of statistical analysis cause i do like doing some survey and analysis of the various aspects of life in Uganda. well, planning is always the best and i believe i learnt something new from your post
Cheers @diabolika
Goodluck with that website!
Thanks @diabolika. I just found myself enjoying your articles.
Now i think i think i first check out your post before sleeping
So glad I discovered your blog via @tarotbyfergus! I love it!!!
Awww thanks. I love @tarotbyfergus' blog too!
Clearly you are a supergirl. Good luck with your new accommodation @diabolika
This is great story i appreciate your life thanks for sharing ..Best of luck..
thank you for sharing a life you, may you always successful friends
Nice planning. I think learning investment is one of the best investment.buying fishing is better than learn catching fish. outstanding story you shared. thanks a lot for sharing with us....@diabolika
These tips are helpful, @diabolika.
Turning off beeping thingies is important for me. When I get pulled in, that takes me all over the place. Discord, omg!
That was taken in Ecuador.