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RE: Always Think Positive - Always Wake Up Keeping it in Your Mind...

in #life7 years ago

We are human, we can not put hapiness on our face every time and also in my opinion positive thinking will destroy us sometimes.
Let me show you by taking an example.Suppose there is a man who have the degree of btech in his hand,somehow he got a job into a company similar to his study. He works hard there and also smartly, but he doesn't able to live his all dreams because the pay he is getting is enough not a large one.He is the man with hidden talent.Now suppose if he keep thinking positive i.e."A day will come when i will live all my dream, i will put more effort here" , then he is only lying with himself.He knows the company is paying him less, there is no fault in his work, then if he remain thinking positively, he is going to destroy himself.

So which thinking we should keep.Well my answer is constructive thinking.If the above man have constructive thinking, then he will think like this way" I am not able to live my dream life, isit fault in my work or in company". After couple of research he will find that the real fault was in company not in his, by this way he get out from the company and will start working there where his work get enough value.


@amansharma555, I understand your words but positive thinking leads us to make changes in our lives and it has nothing to do with free will we have. If you are not satisfied as you said in your example change to pursue your dreams but anyway we have to think positive. I can guarantee that negative thinking in any situation will never be the solution. Think positive always. Regards

I am not offending the positive thinking, i am only telling the some cases where inspite of positive thinking, we should consider constructive thinking

Positive thinking let you to happy all time in sad moment also which is good whereas constructive thinking show you the main reason of sadness and its solution, which is also good.As we have so many problems facing day by day, no one have time to find the solution for such little problems so there constructive thinking will be bad and positive thinking will be best.