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RE: Always Think Positive - Always Wake Up Keeping it in Your Mind...

in #life7 years ago

@amansharma555, I understand your words but positive thinking leads us to make changes in our lives and it has nothing to do with free will we have. If you are not satisfied as you said in your example change to pursue your dreams but anyway we have to think positive. I can guarantee that negative thinking in any situation will never be the solution. Think positive always. Regards


I am not offending the positive thinking, i am only telling the some cases where inspite of positive thinking, we should consider constructive thinking

Positive thinking let you to happy all time in sad moment also which is good whereas constructive thinking show you the main reason of sadness and its solution, which is also good.As we have so many problems facing day by day, no one have time to find the solution for such little problems so there constructive thinking will be bad and positive thinking will be best.