Sorry to hear about the general malaise; having a retard for a bestest on Steemit probably doesn't help:(
Perhaps, though, young buckin' needem' stronger coffee!
Now consider this: there are those who are worse off:
Seriously, and this section isn't conspiratorial but rather pragmatic rationalism: I'd rather have old money rule over me as they've had enough time to reflect on the human condition and consider what's important in life; while, IMO., new money suffers from narcissism, in part because
much of the wealth created here hasn't really been earned but has been generated via keyboard clicks or purchases of real-estate 50-years ago which has been speculated to the moon and has made about 10% of first worlder's wealthy for doing next to nothing! It's this, in part, that has created a culture of narcissism symbolized, IMO., within the persona of Canada's new P.M.
Okay, the audience is heckling me!
I'm sorry that you feel cold.
In reality, it's a balmy 45 degrees here; and yes, of course, from an idealist perspective I'd rather have no rulers...