Happiness for Sale

in #life7 years ago (edited)


I'm sure that I'm not the only one feeling low at the moment due to the crypto bloodbath. But I promise this is me just feeling temporarily unhappy. This too shall pass. When cryptos were high, I was feeling a whole lot better. I was able to move to a new apartment and buy some stuff that I need. It's like when you realize that you don't really have a lot of money, you remember what you lack all of a sudden. Like the lack of romance in your life. You need someone to tell that you don't have a lot of money. Otherwise, you just need to afford a bottle of wine to drown your sorrow and celebrate anti-valentines day.

But can money really buy you happiness? It really depends. People feel happiness in different ways. In poorer countries or those people who have lower income, their happiness usually depends on relationships and community. This also explains why poor people are more helpful and empathetic. They form stronger bonds with others to help them cope with less favorable circumstances. While those in the individualist societies tend to depend their happiness on accomplishments and achievements. People with higher income feel positive emotions focused on themselves. Rich people experience more amusement, contentment, and pride. While the poor people experience more love and compassion.

Without relationships, the least you can have to thrive in this society is money, right? For you to be able to enjoy life and move with ease. So you don't have to worry about food or other basic things in life anymore. Without money, you will surely feel sad and desperate. Your mental and physical health will be affected too.

For those who make more money, their happiness usually comes from their own accomplishments. This is why they are more self-reliant and that they don't have to depend on other people.

Which makes sense why I don't feel really motivated at the moment. My happiness is not dependent on relationships and other people. I feel happier when I can achieve my goals. I feel happier when I'm able to buy what I need. I feel happier when I'm able to accomplish tasks. I feel happier when I'm close to getting things done.

Without money and relationships, how can one still feel happy? Happiness comes from within, but only after you have eaten and secured a roof over your head.

Having money means you are able to experience certain kinds of happiness, but it might also mean that you are less likely to experience other kinds.

When you make other people wealthier, you remove their level of compassion and focus on other people. I'm not saying that they become greedy and selfish, it is just that they become more self-sufficient and independent. Having a lot of money tend to shift your social focus away from the people around you. So don't wonder if 'some' of the richest people don't feel guilt or empathy anymore.


Sorry to hear about the general​ malaise; having a retard for a bestest on Steemit probably doesn't help:(
Perhaps, though, young buckin' needem' stronger coffee!
Now consider this: ​there are those who are worse off:

Seriously, and this section isn't conspiratorial but rather pragmatic rationalism: I'd rather have old money rule over me as they've had enough time to reflect on the human condition and consider what's important in life; while, IMO., new money suffers from narcissism, in part because​
much of the wealth created here hasn't really been earned ​but has been generated via keyboard​ clicks or purchases​ of real-estate 50-years ago which has been speculated to the moon and has made about 10% of first worlder's wealthy for doing next to nothing! It's this, in part, that has created a culture of narcissism symbolized, IMO., within the persona of Canada's new P.M.
Okay, the audience is heckling me! ()

I'm sorry that you feel cold.

In reality, ​it's a balmy 45 degrees here; and yes, of course, from an idealist perspective I'd rather have no rulers...

Money may be the husk of many things but not the kernel. It brings you food, but not appetite; medicine, but not health; acquaintance, but not friends; servants, but not loyalty; days of joy, but not peace or happiness. ~Henrik Ibsen

This is very insightful. I appreciate the line you have drawn between the 'have's' and the 'have-nots'... They are both 'have's', they just have different things.

They are both 'have's', they just have different things.

True that!

I totally agreed but its not having the money I don't think it having what you need. If you could have these without using currency then you would still be happy. I think? 💯🐒

That is really true!

When you eco-village is up and running you'll be beaming 💯🐒

There is a lot of truth and recognizable aspects in this post here. I think also referring to Maslow in this one is fair.


People with not so much money stick in the lowest level because food/shelter is their most important issue. Love and relationship are able to provide this. There is no need for acknowledgement or using your full potential.

People with a bit more to spend are more easily in dis-balance I think. They are more influenced by outside sources and worry more about things, because food and shelter isnt their main priority anymore.

After the hurricane here I was just glad to be alive. After a month I was annoyed by my living situation, after two months I was annoyed that I can buy everything due to shipping issues, and after 4 months Im annoyed by that all my friends are not here anymore but they moved, after 5 months Im annoyed crypto is a bloodbath (doesnt matter actually since Im not selling)

The priorities shift again!!

Wow, this really makes sense, thanks for sharing!

They are more influenced by outside sources and worry more about things, because food and shelter isnt their main priority anymore.

Our worries and priorities really do change!

Hey Miss........... Diabolika. =P

It's me, your favourite stalker!

I can really relate to this post... You have pretty much summed up my own thoughts on wealth.. Probably a lot like you, when I was poor and travelling, money was no factor in my happiness. It was all about who I met and the experiences I had. But once you fall into this trap and find some material success, the rewards in life seem to become numerical, and can change your way of thinking entirely. It's like money attaches itself directly to the ego, like a parasite, and makes you believe you can't live without it, so you feed it and feed it with your emotions until you're dependant on it to prop you up.
I've lived the last few years of my life on the emotional rollercoaster of crypto. I had 40 bitcoins once upon a time and traded that amount daily, got scammed a couple of times and felt the absolute trauma of what monetary loss feels like... And then to have the added misery of realising three years later that what was stolen from you could have been sold for over £500,000 one month ago... It's just PRICELESS.

But you are doing really well on here and you should be proud of yourself, you're getting paid for being yourself and that's amazing. I'm so glad to hear that it's changed your life in such a way and that you're able to make a good living, literally from sharing your wisdom and moving people's hearts. That is beautiful, and you deserve every crypto penny.

  • Just don't forget to forget about money every once in a while. Switch off your phone and computer and just breath life for free and get back in touch with yourself. Smoke some weed maybe, that's what helps me.

Welcome back my favorite stalker/joker lol.

I felt the same when I was still traveling, money didn't matter that much. I live moment by moment. My happiness was more about meeting people and sharing good moments with them. But when I have kind of settled down / stayed in one place, money suddenly mattered a lot to me now.

Wow, 40 bitcoins! That's pretty crazy! You could travel again. But it's in the past now.

Yeah good idea, I'll try to forget about money for a while. And probably spend more time outdoors or go to the beach.

I think you hit this one right on the head. The high flying crypto markets creates a sense of security that is now suddenly threatened. In reality, however, not much has changed other than one's mindset.

The tightrope walker feels more secure when there's a net below to catch him if he falls. When it's not there, anxiety increases, and doubt can loom larger. The reality of it all, however, is that his ability to walk the rope hasn't changed...

Cryptos will be back, and you will be just as competent to meet your needs then as you are now.

In reality, however, not much has changed other than one's mindset.

I agree! Everything will be fine as always.

there's a flow to all of this you're writing. I feel different circumstances in different parts of time. So i guess time is the most valuable resource for me.

Money may help a person buy everything he wants, but does he buy money happiness?
Let's talk a bit about your concept of happiness, what happiness do you think? Do you have happiness in contentment or buying things or career success or children or love? Does happiness combine a great combination of everything?
If you think that you will find a clear and expressive concept of happiness, you are certainly wrong, since the beginning of the human being looking for happiness and trying to understand and translate.
In fact, the concept of happiness is a very relative concept that may be similar to the different fingerprints of each person. The concept of happiness changes according to the age of the exercise. Do you remember the joy that overwhelms you after your teacher praises your educational efforts in front of the entire school or classroom?
While now you may feel happy for quite different reasons, perhaps just a simple word of appreciation or thanks from someone you love may bring you happiness.
Everyone agrees that happiness is a short moment in the life of a man compared to the grief and stress we face, but a sense of constant optimism helps you to feel satisfaction is the shortest way to happiness.
Everyone wants to change his life. The poor envy the rich for his richness, while the poor rich envy the love of his family. The working woman envies the housewife for her life, while the housewife feels that her professional dreams will never come true!

Yes, Happiness is a feeling which comes within. Your happiness depends upon yourself. Some times a lot of money can't make you happy specially if you compare your money with other rich man. Happiness is all about to make you feel comfortable and relax. Although money make your life comfortable, but it doesn't give you inner satisfaction. For inner satisfaction and happy life, all you need is sufficient money and stop comparing yourself with other. Comparing yourself with other doesn't make you happy. Thanks for sharing nice post. Keep sharing @diabolika

For inner satisfaction and happy life, all you need is sufficient money and stop comparing yourself with other.

True words, thanks!

you are most welcome @dibolika

Yes right. there is no need for feelings in crypto world you will lose much money and you will feel upset but this give much experiences so in the future you can handle with that

very nice photo and very nice life story.

Thanks for sharing this post.
I like funny.
I appreciate your story.
Best of luck.

wow...wonderful photography dear friend
Really you are so sweet,,,

This nice funny post i appreciate your funny post thanks for sharing this story best of luck my dear friends..

Todo pasa @diabolika y esto también pasará! Saludos!

Right, that Is Amazing Perspektif

True wealth is found in our relationships.

Tupac Shakur - "Mo Money Mo Problems"

True wealth comes from our relationships.

Tupac Shakur - "Mo Money Mo Problems"