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RE: User Authority, Responsibility, and Eternity

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Cool article! As somewhat of an Englishman I am shocked at what my forebears did and find it hard to reconcile with who I am along with fellow English people today. I'd suggest, hypothetically, that there were other hidden agents at work in this regard, too.
As a Gnostic, I suggest this technology already exists and the archons have it at their disposal--we are living in their matrix and they understand its mechanisms. My concern in that regard are any attempts to permanently trap consciousness within an artificial unit...This should never be allowed by the greater powers that be, and IMO., won't be allowed--ergo, the great kaboom once again. Perhaps if the archons grew up we might be able to see your vision but until such a time I don't think it likely.


I don't know anything about Archons, and little enough about Cecil Rhodes. I only picked on him because I had just read @corbettreport's post, not because I blame him personally for the various ills of the world. He did do some things, I hear, that are abominable, and I have no doubt that less visible perps likely exceeded anything he actually did do.

I also have English forebears, amongst a horde of others, and guess that I just refuse to explore the mindset of people that could do the things ascribed to them, not only the English. I say 'I can't understand how they could do that', but I really won't. I have trouble enough with my own sins, and have no need to intimately explore those of others.

I am quite convinced I don't want to be stored on a chip. I prefer the known evils of meatbaggery to the lack of them such proffers.

Thanks for a thought-provoking reply!