The blockchain is considered immutable. Because the data is distributed across otherwise unrelated servers an attack on any server or region does not delete or alter the data. Drunk posting therefore is not recommended, as no one can remove the ravings, ramblings, and randy photos which employers, mothers, and daughters can run across without heed forever more.
The universe is also, essentially for the same reason. Gravity takes no time to propagate across distance, because it is not a force like light, but a property of universe. The relationship of matter, energy and spacetime is partially described by gravity, and just as size or distance take no time to propagate, neither does gravity. It doesn't go anywhere, it just is an aspect of the relationship between these things, just as their size or the distance between them, just like space itself, thus no time is expended in the exertion of it's effects.
It takes no time for space to exist, and it takes no time for gravity to exist either. Indeed, space, time, and gravity are aspects of one thing. I couldn't craft a clever equation to express it, but I can see that it is so necessarily.
So, since gravity is an effect of the relationship between components of the universe, all components of the universe distribute the information regarding their state throughout the universe instantaneously, because gravity takes no time. The universe is decentralized; it's data distributed and immutable.
You are part of the universe. Every act you undertake is a part of the interactions gravity is defined by, even if the act is infinitesimal in impact. A butterfly flapping it's wings is chaotically connected to typhoons and sunspots and galaxies instantly, because the movement of it's wings changes, however slightly, the relationship of aspects of the universe which gravity reflects. So does every word, thought, and act you commit.
My life has been a constant state of shock at how people act. Lava flows downhill, just as you'd expect a viscous fluid to, but people can be surprising. They can pretend, dissemble, and lie in order to cause you harm, for whatever ineffable purpose, and seem to do so with dismaying regularity.
I have almost become resigned to seeing people act like they're going to do things a certain way, and then actually doing things in such a way as to take advantage of those that expect them to act as they say they will, like knowing that lava will flow uphill just to pounce on folks avoiding it's gravity driven path.
When I was faced with the reality that local, regional, and extranational governments coordinated with private parties in order to exert control over them and achieve, maintain, and extend their mutual power and aggrandizement, I was surprised. I was naive, and kind of silly. Ah youth!
The recent post by @corbettreport is a good example of how such things are done, and while it deals with events a century past, it reveals how things are done today by those doing them to you.
The reason I point this out is that wealth is like gravity. It's a feature of the reality you exist in, not something you acquire. It's specifically not money, for example. We see fortunes of fiat (or tokens) as wealth, but in reality wealth is the necessary features of the world around you on which you depend for your quality of life, like the air you breathe, the water you bathe in, and the friends and family you love.
Money can affect your wealth, like jet fuel can affect gravity, but money does not effect wealth just as jet fuel does not effect gravity. Folks that don't understand the difference tend to act accordingly, and this is the reason for the duplicity and harm done in the world. Don King sells people for cash, but people are far more valuable than money. They are real wealth while money is but a veil behind which wealth is concealed.
Cecil Rhodes is a good example of this. He found a way to extract massive amounts of money from the wealth in the world around him, and proceeded to destroy that wealth in ways beyond my ability to reckon. He seemed to fancy the English way of life, and set about to affect the wealth of the world to effect English hegemony, savaging the African continent and peoples in the process.
Then he died.
As James Corbett points out, we are still reeling from the consequences of his actions today, more than a century later.
This matters to Cecil Rhodes, despite the fact of his death.
The universe retains all information, including the life and loves of Cecil Rhodes, you, and I. This may be difficult to grasp, but bear with me a moment, and some of you will understand.
Consider weather forecasting. As data processing technology improves, our ability to predict weather improves with it. We collect data on the extant conditions of the atmosphere and the relevant impactors (such as the Sun, volcanoes, and seasons), compare it to our understanding of how weather has evolved historically, and reckon how it'll change. Over time, we gain better perspective on how weather has changed, install more data collection points, and improve our tools for reckoning.
Moore's Law predicts that computer processing power will double about every 18 months, and it's held true for nearly 50 years. If we extrapolate from our present ability to calculate how the atmosphere is acting into the future using Moore's Law, we can see that our ability to grasp the state of the atmosphere will continue to exponentially improve until we can know where every single molecule in the Earth's atmosphere is, what it's doing, and what affects it.
Today we may have a data point for each cubic kilometer of air. A few years ago we had a data point for each hundred cubic kilometers of air. In a few years we may have a data point for each cubic meter of air, and eventually we'll progress to each actual molecule. It's just a matter of time and engineering. Political will doesn't even enter into it, because that only affects the rate at which we progress - time - not whether we will progress.
There are various physics incantations that say we can't know this or that, or that random stuff happens, but I don't believe in magic, and reckon hubris blinds physicists to their incompetence. We see that this happens in the sciences, along with far too much corruption, as theories cherished by those gatekeeping eventually are overwhelmed with data, or are abandoned when those whose grants depend on the theories being protected die off. American archeology is a good example of this, but it's as true in physics as in any science.
Physicists are just people too, and as poorly understand reality as any carpenter might, which causes them to err for what they consider profit, just like soldiers, miners, and captains of industry like Cecil Rhodes do.
The point is that there are qualitative changes in what we can do with data when we have enough of it, the processing power to use that data effectively, and the understanding of how to do so. The universe has the data, we're gaining it at ever increasing speed, and our understanding (despite our hubris and denial that causes error) is growing as well. Extrapolate forward and how each molecule in the atmosphere acts will be something we can control.
Presently such capacity is overwhelmingly difficult to grasp, because we don't have those things yet. Just like Dick Tracy wristwatch TVs were once utterly fantastic, such technology has become so facile that such devices are play toys for babies to keep them distracted, and so will be the weather.
Human beings are not more magical or complex than the universe of which we are components. When we can manufacture each individual raindrop and direct it to it's targeted leaf on the savannah, manufacturing people will be just as easy.
There is room enough in the universe for an unimaginable horde of people. There's no end to the universe, so no end to how many people can occupy it profitably. There will never be enough people to crowd the universe, when the technology I foresee comes to fruition. In fact, no matter how many trillions of folks are around, I predict a shortage of good company in parts.
So, I am pretty sure that early on in the expansion of people throughout the universe, it will be easier to resurrect them as have already died than to make new ones from scratch, and the resurrection will be undertaken. Note that I am not predicting this out of religious belief, or prophesying based on some kind of faith, but simply extrapolating from extant conditions to what is likely to come about based on the technology that exists and will probably be unavoidable in time.
We see all sorts of BMI (Brain Machine Interfaces) and improvements in how we grasp and process data being developed now. I have no doubt that the kinds of hubris and error that presently, and have throughout history, characterize human nature and engender the evils we do one another, will be reduced, perhaps altogether eliminated, in time. It's really impossible to know what limitations will exist in yet to be developed technology, but it's not impossible that some limits on understanding and knowledge may be insurmountable.
So, Cecil Rhodes, who raped and pillaged across Africa in order that English hegemony would assume primacy, will be resurrected to see the consequences of his hubris and misunderstanding of wealth. He will be thereafter immortal, to forever contemplate and regret his errors, while being able to act to repair what he has destroyed.
Forever is a long time, my friends.
If you're chasing the dollar, consider that real wealth, not money, is worth having and creating forever, and you might be surprised by the changes you find worthwhile to undertake. For all you have authority to do, you have responsibility for, and that guilt or acclaim will be just as immortal.
Be good.
Money does not relate to wealth, resources, commodity. Money has been a symbolic representation of only one thing: power. It is power, or rather the will to power, that drives society forwards and keep the drones in their appropriate stations. All human communal gatherings describe distribution of power and its use. Despite the wonders of technical , cultural, and social advancements, man can not escape his biologic nature as a social animal; and all social animals from ants to lions live in hierarchy of power. Since the beginning of human history, men have lived in hierarchies, serving their masters faithfully. Why should the future be any different?
MMI technology has the potential for enlightenment, true, but more likely, it will be used as the perfect mind-control mechanism to produce willing slaves with not even the concept of the humanist poison of "freedom." When a man's perceptual matrix can be easily corrected via a simple stroke of code deletions or code insertions, the mankind may be able to live in the type of eusocialist organization we observe in insects. When our masters live for eternity, so too will power discrepancies and resource inequality last for eternity. It will be a necessary transition for men to evolve from semi-social beings to eusocialist hive-mind colony, under the benevolent supervision of their kings.
Our masters are too clever, too entrenched, too powerful to effectively resist. The libertarian voluntarists and the Marxist SJWs are but pawns serving the same masters, whose consolidation of power, inexorably continues unabated. Whether a social matrix collapses in decentralized, regional fiefdoms to be parceled out to our masters' guard-dogs, like that of the Central and South American Narco-states; or a social matrix melded into indistinct, borderless nonentities with the centralized state bureaucracy the only legitimate authority, a la the EU, CCP, USA, is irrelevant to our masters' designs. In the end, we all serve our worldly masters, willingly or unknowingly.
I have rarely read a response that gave me more food for thought than this. I have indeed seen the potential for eusociality to be a weapon wielded against free men, and much of what you say is undeniable. I am confident that this will be done - although probably not on Earth, as the complexity of the technology and the all too common hubris of the most brilliant of scientists lends existential danger to would be overlords that might apply this here - at least at first.
This reveals the mechanism that completely obviates the threat of utter subjugation and reduction of humanity to masters and slaves: the extent of the universe. Only madmen beyond reason would try to create a slave race genetically on Earth with extant, or nascent technology, and those threaten the rational psychopaths that truly rule this realm, and likely will continue to. Any such experiments will be crushed and prevented with all dispatch as threats to the families with power.
Once space travel provides a buffer between those in power and potential experimental learning experiences (failures), it will also provide a route to absolute freedom.
There will be no stuffing of that genie back in the bottle. There eusociality will be tried, and free men will be free of any overlords, and their money.
As ever increasing comprehension of technology potentiates more rational development - and this is not so much technical advance as political - strip mining ancient forests for brown coal, ores, and monocropping of prairies and savannahs will be over. As ecological forces are better harnessed to provide for the needs of humanity on Earth, many will also be using that same developmental technology to leave Earth altogether for fairer vistas, specifically where they can develop their societies as they see fit.
While the population of humanity will burgeon beyond reckoning, that of the Earth may well dwindle, despite the essentially limitless carrying capacity of our planet when rationally developed. Nature will probably rule most of it, with people able to experience every part of the spectrum of wilderness to civilization without threatening the ecosystems as we do now. The threat we pose is almost only due to the bloodthirsty competition for the resources that may be extracted profitably when the costs of development are offshored. For example, the cost of restoring the ancient forest in Germany that hasn't been developed in the last 12kya aren't going to be borne by the mining company, but government, making it profitable to mine the brown coal beneath it. Rational development will render such atrocities untenable, and actually profitable development will provide better solutions.
Regardless, once men are spaceborne, they will be ungovernable, and utterly free to conduct their affairs as they see fit. Space operas, like Star Wars, make pretense that interstellar space might be able to be controlled by some kind of government, but the nature of spacetime makes that impossible. No government can take centuries to respond to rebellion, and relativity makes more rapid response inconceivable.
Once that is possible, what are venal overlords to do? Maybe some can buy some slaves and create their hedonistic seraglios in some corner of the galaxy - until free men find them and cleanse them from the universe.
We will be free. It's only a matter of time and engineering.
Our masters need not force MMI onto their subject population, since by merely using current propaganda apparatus, the drones will voluntarily demand MMI installation and subsequent subjection. As nearly every man in the developed, as well as developing, world now possess some form of mobile phone, so too will be MMI in the near future. As more people use MMI for sociocultural functions, MMI will become indispensable, and those who control the interface via AI will attain absolute control over the drones. The chaos of democracy will become ordered, as the drones vote according to their masters' directions, convinced by the algorithm of the MMI that their masters' will is their own desire. Why would such development be a threat to our current masters, when an orderly society, maintained by slaves who are chained by their own perceptions, ensure their ascendancy for the foreseeable future?
MMI may obviate the need to create genetic inferiors to serve as slaves, but everything is a cost-benefit analysis, and it may be that creating genetic untermenschen is more cost effective than installing MMI on all the subject population. If man can perfect artificial womb for existing cloning technology, then creating the untermenschen to serve as unskilled labor force would be more cost effective.
Space colonization need also be analyzed with cost-benefit analysis. What is the benefit, for our masters, of space exploration and colonization compared with the cost of such endeavors? Other than mining asteroids for rare minerals, colonization has no justifiable benefit for our masters. Even if there exists more cost effective space travel option other than using ICBMs, then that technology will also be monopolized by our masters. Without massive support from Earth government/society, colonization of different planets will be impossible. There is no rational reason for our masters, who have achieved and will continue to enjoy unparalleled dominance over their drones, in form of genetic engineering and MMI algorithm control, to ever consider planetary colonization.
Population levels can be curtailed through strategic famine, sterilization, and birth control means. When our masters perfect cloning technology, the human society will establish equilibrium with the planet, according to our masters' designs, by producing sterile humanoids to serve as drones and technicians. As ants, bees, and wasps do not rebel against their hive-mind, so too, will man evolve to eusocialist existence, in which nonconformity becomes an impossibility.
Cool article! As somewhat of an Englishman I am shocked at what my forebears did and find it hard to reconcile with who I am along with fellow English people today. I'd suggest, hypothetically, that there were other hidden agents at work in this regard, too.
As a Gnostic, I suggest this technology already exists and the archons have it at their disposal--we are living in their matrix and they understand its mechanisms. My concern in that regard are any attempts to permanently trap consciousness within an artificial unit...This should never be allowed by the greater powers that be, and IMO., won't be allowed--ergo, the great kaboom once again. Perhaps if the archons grew up we might be able to see your vision but until such a time I don't think it likely.
I don't know anything about Archons, and little enough about Cecil Rhodes. I only picked on him because I had just read @corbettreport's post, not because I blame him personally for the various ills of the world. He did do some things, I hear, that are abominable, and I have no doubt that less visible perps likely exceeded anything he actually did do.
I also have English forebears, amongst a horde of others, and guess that I just refuse to explore the mindset of people that could do the things ascribed to them, not only the English. I say 'I can't understand how they could do that', but I really won't. I have trouble enough with my own sins, and have no need to intimately explore those of others.
I am quite convinced I don't want to be stored on a chip. I prefer the known evils of meatbaggery to the lack of them such proffers.
Thanks for a thought-provoking reply!
Interesting essay. "REAL WEALTH" is a particularly fascinating topic, and I think it relates to "the pursuit of happiness" that our forefathers had the foresight to acknowledge and commend. As I get older, that, for me has changed dramatically from what it was at a younger age, and has always had little to do with "stuff," or the acquisition of it.
I also appreciate your anti-Malthusian view of human population and lack of "scarcity." Right there with ya, man.
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Awesome post, what a journey!
Chance is just a name for a law not recognized.
I like your predictions and would like to add that "technology" does not always have to be manifested in it's grossest physical form to exist and tech. with the capabilities you speak of may already exist and be in operation. With the convergence of bio/tech and quantum physics, science is most likely taking us full circle to what the ancients already new - we are the most powerful technology in this reality.
Perhaps, forever is the blockchain and our words
that lay upon it, this was a very enjoyable read!
"...all those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain."--replicant, Blade Runner.
The universe doesn't lose them. We just haven't figgered out how to find them again.
We will.