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RE: User Authority, Responsibility, and Eternity

in #life6 years ago

Our masters need not force MMI onto their subject population, since by merely using current propaganda apparatus, the drones will voluntarily demand MMI installation and subsequent subjection. As nearly every man in the developed, as well as developing, world now possess some form of mobile phone, so too will be MMI in the near future. As more people use MMI for sociocultural functions, MMI will become indispensable, and those who control the interface via AI will attain absolute control over the drones. The chaos of democracy will become ordered, as the drones vote according to their masters' directions, convinced by the algorithm of the MMI that their masters' will is their own desire. Why would such development be a threat to our current masters, when an orderly society, maintained by slaves who are chained by their own perceptions, ensure their ascendancy for the foreseeable future?

MMI may obviate the need to create genetic inferiors to serve as slaves, but everything is a cost-benefit analysis, and it may be that creating genetic untermenschen is more cost effective than installing MMI on all the subject population. If man can perfect artificial womb for existing cloning technology, then creating the untermenschen to serve as unskilled labor force would be more cost effective.

Space colonization need also be analyzed with cost-benefit analysis. What is the benefit, for our masters, of space exploration and colonization compared with the cost of such endeavors? Other than mining asteroids for rare minerals, colonization has no justifiable benefit for our masters. Even if there exists more cost effective space travel option other than using ICBMs, then that technology will also be monopolized by our masters. Without massive support from Earth government/society, colonization of different planets will be impossible. There is no rational reason for our masters, who have achieved and will continue to enjoy unparalleled dominance over their drones, in form of genetic engineering and MMI algorithm control, to ever consider planetary colonization.

Population levels can be curtailed through strategic famine, sterilization, and birth control means. When our masters perfect cloning technology, the human society will establish equilibrium with the planet, according to our masters' designs, by producing sterile humanoids to serve as drones and technicians. As ants, bees, and wasps do not rebel against their hive-mind, so too, will man evolve to eusocialist existence, in which nonconformity becomes an impossibility.
