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RE: Sometimes I Just Can't Figure Out Why I'm Here

in #life6 years ago (edited)

"'You're the one who brought three babies to a goddamn liquor store and you don't even notice this little guy down here playing in a puddle of spilled beer and broken glass'."

I love when the immoral start moralizing at you. I once had a raging alcoholic slur through lecturing me about how "marrrrijuana ruinsss livfffes."

"Not giving a fuck what they think trumps invincibility and can actually be accomplished without the help of fantasy."

I would agree with that. I tried giving a fuck until I was about 25 then I stopped and life has never been better (in most ways).


I've heard those drunken rants and even had to dodge a punch once because I did the oh so nasty thing of, get this, disagreeing. It's hard to live a life of not giving much of a fuck when one is drunk, since the booze equals senseless drama, but only when people have had too much, or do it daily.

And not giving a fuck, to me, is simply trying to remain calm, chilled out. Not letting the small things bother you. Not allowing your mind and paranoia about what others might be thinking control you. 25 is usually the age when most break free of that high school hallway mentality. Once you stop trying to be cool and worrying about what the cool kids are doing, it's much easier to just be cool, genuinely.

" And not giving a fuck, to me, is simply trying to remain calm, chilled out."

Truth. Although I would be lying if I didn't also mention that my lack of fucks given often manifests as me going out in public while free balling it in some probably way too thin pj pants lol.

"It's hard to live a life of not giving much of a fuck when one is drunk, since the booze equals senseless drama"

Hahaha Your telling me. Lol yeah drinking and drama do seem go hand in hand. I have known plenty of heavy drinkers and many would screech like 16 year old girls if you said the wrong thing during one of their angry drunks.

I used to be a heavy drinker, 6 beer per day, minimum. Weekends were benders. I had to stop completely and deal with the rattles. Did it all without any help, because the help seemed like a cult to me. I knew I could never stop forever, and didn't want to. Just wanted to break the addiction, learn from those mistakes, so I could once again enjoy a simple beer or two while I relax in the sun, or whatever. And no more throwing plates out the window because for some reason I was angry and didn't feel like washing them, episodes.

"because the help seemed like a cult to me"

The comedian Doug Stanhope has a number of bits about that very topic. He has quite a lot to say about Dr. Drew and none of it is positive. lol.

"so I could once again enjoy a simple beer or two while I relax in the sun, or whatever."

People like to say never again but I think that is born out of their fear of being weak. What you describe is what a I think a healthier view of breaking an addiction ought to be. If someone has to run from something to not be a slave to it, they are still kind of a slave to it.

Stanhope is a damn good guy, with a huge drinking problem. For some people though, it's like they were born to drink. It's rare but in some cases it seems like drinking is what they should be doing.

Certain habits need to be broken and stay broken. Those pills. Once you down one, you're done. Meth is another bad one. I remember back in highschool this one kid couldn't stop snorting Ritalin. This other chick I new wouldn't stop taking massive doses of Gravol. The shit people do to fuck themselves up. I'm glad weed is finally legal here. A lot of those bad drug habits started when these young people couldn't score weed. Needed a substitute. Made the wrong call.

Fair enough. Tweekers get pretty bad. Crack heads too.

Haha I always wonered what gets some people started with some drugs. I can how how people get hooked on pills because they view it as medicne but we all already know that crack was some bullshit but people start smoking it every day.