I may have a silky voice today. : / I'm a little nervous. I think I can ask you. Maybe you can tell me what to do. Someone made "unvote" on my travel article that I shared yesterday. when it will win beautiful for the first time. do you know this person ( likwid)
I may have a silky voice today. : / I'm a little nervous. I think I can ask you. Maybe you can tell me what to do. Someone made "unvote" on my travel article that I shared yesterday. when it will win beautiful for the first time. do you know this person ( likwid)
Ah. That's a shame. I am sure it will be a one off or something. What post is it?
I think things like that always happen ..
Ah yeah, on high earning posts you do run the risk of that
oh .. not fun! anyway :)
True, at least it still has a good payout!
I try!!!