I was really excited when Bill Gates recommended this book. But there was no translation of the book in our language. I've also listened to a few interviews about it. Now you have told me this book. And I'm more curious. I hope to find this time again to check the bookstores.
Sometimes people really doubt? Are we really moving forward? While there is so much evil and ugliness. But there are really many good developments. Surprising scientific discoveries, conscious and liberating societies, people united by art, happiness and beauty that for a moment forget everything.
We have to cling to these. We have to duplicate them. We have to tell more of these beauties and give HOPE and LOVE to people. If we want tomorrow to be more beautiful today, everyone is responsible, everyone must contribute.
It's a perfect subject, Sean. We thank you. And I hope you will have a chance to look at your studies. Your support is making us happy. But if you do not have time for it, it's not a problem :)
Have a nice day. And respect for your beautiful wife :)