Why Critical Thinking is So Important

in #life7 years ago

(This post is inspired by author and Harvard Professor Steven Pinker’s latest book “Enlightenment Now”. I highly recommend it)

Humans con themselves with astounding frequency. To say it another way, our minds are constantly fooling us. Scientists have documented (over and over and over again) an astounding number of irrational cognitive biases that reliably cloud our thinking, cause us to misinterpret the world around us, and therefore unduly influence our lives in hidden and insidious ways. These biases cause us to make poor decisions that adversely impact ourselves and our loved ones. But more disturbingly, these biases render us susceptible to mass psychological manipulation by politicians and other sociopaths. Clear seeing is impossible when cognitive biases hold sway.

One example is the Optimism Bias and Negativity Bias dichotomy. When people all over the world are asked whether they expect their individual, personal lives to be better or worse over the next decade, an overwhelmingly large percentage (much more than is justified by chance or evidence) say that expect their personal lives to improve. However, when scientists rephrase the question to ask whether SOCIETY as a whole will become better or worse over the next decade, the bias invariably reverses—an overwhelming majority (much, much, much more than is justified by chance or by the evidence) of people believe that society will become progressively WORSE over time. This finding has held true regardless of decade or culture. It seems that humans are hard-wired for the cognitive dissonance exposed by these two biases.

Troublingly, the Negativity Bias isn’t just prospective. It also works retrospectively, meaning that, with rare exception, humans believe that society is worse off today than it was a generation or more ago. At a societal level, humans tend to romanticize the past and fear the future.

As a result of this Negativity bias, all the advantages of human progress—improved healthy life expectancies, plummeting rates of violence and genocide across the world (a well documented trend has persisted for hundreds if not thousands of years!), 100-fold declines in infant mortality, the fall of tyrants and the triumph of democracy, dramatically reduced working hours, the near elimination of famines and hunger (thanks to use of much despised pesticides, fertilizer, etc.), the elimination of deadly and disfiguring diseases (via vaccines and other medicines developed by “Big Pharma”), treatments for erectile dysfunction (my personal fave!), etc., etc., etc.—are overlooked or minimized. As a result, we fail to enjoy and appreciate the spectacular specialness of our present moment here on earth and have insufficient empathy for the comparatively tragic lives lived by our ancestors.

Said another way, we live a quality of life that every other known generation of human history would consider magical and almost utopian, but we are unable to truly enjoy our abundance. By any objective measure we should be wallowing in gratitude, but instead our minds seize upon the some troubling side effects of our incredible progress—overpopulation (a natural consequence of lower infant mortality and longer life expectancies), increased rates of cancer (a normal and expected by-product of dramatically increased life expectancies), environmental concerns, potential adverse side-effects of our miraculous medicines, etc., etc., etc. Our minds then build these side effects up to ridiculous proportions, completely forgetting that they are SIDE EFFECTS of solving much, much bigger problems that plagued humanity for all of known history. And we then convince ourselves that human civilization is ultimately doomed unless...unless...well, unless some great, visionary leader (read: manipulative demagogue) gains control and forcibly rights these wrongs by rewriting laws.

In this way cognitive biases make us susceptible to psychological and political manipulation. By exploiting this Negatively Bias, politicians (like Trump) are able to demand and obtain oppressive and intrusive new powers over us. By persuading the public that crime is out of control, that ISIS is at our doorstep, and that the world far less safe than in the “good ole days” of yore, politicians obtain power.

And yet, if we would only employ a little critical thinking, these politicians would be instantly exposed for the con men that they are. Today’s world is NOT less safe. Not even close. Not even remotely close! By EVERY single objective measure (murder rates, kidnappings, rapes, violent crimes in general, property crimes, war deaths, genocides, bullying, automobile deaths, accidental deaths, etc.), the world is safter today than at any other known time in human history, and by FAR. And it was safer last century than the one before. And that century was far safer than the one before it. Don’t believe me? The evidence is abundant, essentially uncontroverted, and readily available. Look it up! Or, better yet, read “Enlightenment Now” or “The Better Angels of our Nature” where Harvard Professor Steven Pinker has both collected much of the evidence for you and discredited arguments to the contrary. But it’s not just Pinker who has noted this. Scientist from multiple disciplines who has studied the matter (anthropologist, criminologists, sociologists, demographers, etc.) have come to exactly the same conclusion.

And yet we believe the opposite. How is this possible? Quite simply, the Negatively Bias. And, alas, this Negatively Bias is just one of a great many others that scientists have documented. Some of the better known ones are summarized here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cognitive_biases

So, if we don’t want to be conned by our own minds—or worse by sociopathic, demagoguing politicians who expertly exploit our unconscious biases—then how do we protect ourselves? Quite simply our only defense is CRITICAL THINKING. And the foundation of critical thinking is intellectual skepticism—a dogged reluctance to accept ANYTHING as “true” (no matter how intuitively appealing or emotionally pleasing) unless its intuitive veracity is confirmed by reason, logic and observation. Only disciplined critical thinking can protect us from self-deceit.

Some of my dear friends have inaccurately suggested that reliance upon reason, logic and observation somehow diminishes the important role of intuition in our lives. This need not (and should not) be true. Intuition is critically important to progress. Were it not for intuition, old, outdated models would never be challenged. Progress would stall.

But progress continues when intuition informs critical thinking and vice versa. Knowledge is expanded when an intuitive hunch or gut instinct is verified and validated by science. When both intuition and critical thinking agree, the odds of getting conned approach zero. By contrast, to choose sides when they contradict is to expose oneself to the influence of these cognitive biases.

When we evolve to the point that we can see through our own cognitive biases via disciplined critical thinking, we’ll start to get the friends and politicians that we want. Until then, we’ll continue to get the friends and politicians that we deserve (as we have for so, so long).


I became 25 last Friday and I boast of reading over 100 Best seller books, I have never read a book as awesome as ENLIGHTENMENT NOW.

Today's world is basically about self development and not really formal education certificates. That's why I put up the article, No one cares about your certificate.Sincerely our lives are made by our thought processes. Thanks so much @sean-king for bringing this .

Please take a look at the post and help Resteem and upvote.
Thanks so much sir, regards to @steemed-open


As I mentioned in my late comment on your post from 8 days ago, I worry, as an educator, how it may become more difficult to teach these concepts in the future. I am super positive about the inevitable influence blockchain will have on education, especially in terms of online ed, and from there, cost, overall value and efficiency, etc, but I am less positive about the overall ability to help thousands of students to develop better critical thinking skills. I teach communication classes, which are very well suited for this today, but I find that the deepest learning in regard to critical thinking in communication comes from face-to-face classroom interaction, which is already degrading rapidly. Less students want to be in classrooms at all, and they sign up for live classes grudgingly. This is partly what has led me to take a proactive approach to online education (wasn’t that long ago I argued against it!) but it’s also troubling. Glad I found your blog. You’re doing a better job than me here, but our posts on such topics are on the same page. Cheers.

I personally think that it is very difficult to look through things in a much bigger perspective than we are. I think it's the reason why individuals (like me) rely on mass media and the words of politicians (leaders) as the basis of one's belief.

Most individuals are way to far or distanced away from the so called "truth or reality", in developing countries like Philippines, citizens are voting for politicians based on the options that they have (whether good or bad politicians), or it could be based on the influence of mass media or the by the society where they lived. I have no idea how to fix this or even the most powerful person in that country, that is feasible in my or their lifetime, this problem is even older than me or anyone else that is alive at the moment.

I recalled both my parents and grandparents, are or were saying that the present living condition is so much better compared to before, it's because they lived a much difficult life back then.

To be honest, If I were to asses my current existence in this lifetime, I think that were living a better life now in comparison to the past. We are entering a new phase of development in all facets of life, like what you are saying in your previous posts, technology will improve exponentially. I will be very glad that it will happen in my lifetime :)

I will not take it for granted, that's for sure!

Thanks for this article @sean-king, it woke up my positive outlook to the future.

Very interesting read. I think this negative bias is often exploited by conspiracy theorists. For example, vaccines (as mentioned in you article) have improved human life by nearly unimaginable extends. But still, there are - I have read a lot of that here on Steemit - those anti vaccination conspiracies. "Big Pharma" wants to take all money from us and makes us sick. No-one cares about the fact that decades ago child mortality because of sicknesses now prevented by vaccines was so much higher.

Let's hope, humanity will start thinking more rationally. Thanks for the article!

Love this book recommendation, thanks, It also reminds of a talk given by Neil Degrasse Tyson who highlighted that there was evidence that even scientific discovery by some of the greatest in history (Newton, etc) was held back by their cognitive bias (religious). Imagine what else these minds could have achieved. So interesting.

Hello Sean, I have to admit, that I didn't read the article, but I let a vote here and assure you, my critical thinking is always turned on :-) (sometimes unfortunately... would make it easier sometimes)

Actually I write, because I wanted to share a painting of you and your wife and wanted to share it here with you.


Hope you like it :-)

I was really excited when Bill Gates recommended this book. But there was no translation of the book in our language. I've also listened to a few interviews about it. Now you have told me this book. And I'm more curious. I hope to find this time again to check the bookstores.

Sometimes people really doubt? Are we really moving forward? While there is so much evil and ugliness. But there are really many good developments. Surprising scientific discoveries, conscious and liberating societies, people united by art, happiness and beauty that for a moment forget everything.

We have to cling to these. We have to duplicate them. We have to tell more of these beauties and give HOPE and LOVE to people. If we want tomorrow to be more beautiful today, everyone is responsible, everyone must contribute.

It's a perfect subject, Sean. We thank you. And I hope you will have a chance to look at your studies. Your support is making us happy. But if you do not have time for it, it's not a problem :)
Have a nice day. And respect for your beautiful wife :)

A good post about critical thinking and its positive gains...Simply the critical thinking is open to the development itself and when finding a mistake or realizing about a new thing it renovates itself easily,at least its adaptation period is short.

Thank you for sharing my friend if you have time i have just shared a new post actually a traveling post about Mardin...you can look at it if you want and have a nice day...

what a good way to start my day.. Thank you for this wonderful piece.. Critical thinking here I come

Good good good good good

Fantastic read. For a long time I have been amazed at the research being carried out in such fields. As well as that there are some great books out there that chart and delve into the concepts you are addresses, top of these is: Thinking Fast and Slow - this book honest to god changed my whole world.

Of course there is also Predictably Irrational, Stumbling on Happiness & Risk: The Science of Politics & Fear.

Thanks for the enjoyable post.

very good post, I really like about posting @sean-king.

This is very motivational blog.We should always think critical basically taking any decisions.A conscious person never lost.I appreciate your post.Thank you very much

It is hard to reprogram the human consciousness to embrace the present and stop fearing the future or live in the comfort that past offers, but not impossible.
This way of living is inherited from generation to generation in thousands of years and the politicians and other influential people that you mentioned don't want this kind of freedom in thinking. They rather have the population in fear of terrorists, diseases and other threats in order to be able to control them.
Living in such conditions lead by fear and hope for the better, the society has no chance to develop such critical thinking and use more of its intuition.
That's why only a few have this kind of thinking and revelations. They somehow got out of the matrix of lies, manipulation, fear and false believes.
Unfortunately just a few...

And most certainly stop believing fake news or everything you read online.

so damn true!

The old knowledge has to go out in the world again!

The yoga Sutra said it also

Ata yogash anushasanam
Right here and right now you start to be your true identity!

yogash chitta vritti nirodhaha

Yoga is to calm down the thought

tada drastu swarupe vastanaman
Only then you stay in your true self

Something like that, it’s freestyle translated!

Thanks for your great article


What a great read! I totally agree with you you wrote here, specially the part where you say that as humans we live to romanticize the past.

Will have to give this book a read. I think I heard him as a guest on the Joe Rogan podcast a little while back and loved some of the insights he had.

This is a really interesting topic, how our biases affect our decisions and our outlooks. Whether these are symptoms of the success living in the first world or whether they are a part of the easy access to MSM and the constant bombardment of negative news, its hard to tell. I would love to see studies of people in less developed nations to see their outlooks on the future and the past to be able to compare.

Overall I think we are headed in a good direction, like you pointed out, mortality rates are at an all-time low, there is more food available for more people than ever before in history and we can communicate with people anywhere around the world with the click of the button. However, personal debt is at an all time high, working hours are also constantly going up and pollution is a huhge global problem. So there are big things that loom in the distance to counteract all these advancements to society.