
Thanks for coming back to check. You would be surprised how much of a difference that has made.

Honestly I am doing pretty damn terrible. Things are shit.I am not finding it easy to stay level headed about the whole thing. Drank more in the last 72 hours than I have in the last 6 months easy. I know it is not the way to cope but it does make time move faster.

Yeah i get that. I presume you haven't seen the missus then? Take care man, drinking has only helped for me on the very short term (hours). Longer term you need to start thinking on how to proceed, sober. Anyway advice you are maybe not looking for anyway, just wanted to see if i can help in any way. Stay strong!

Nope only a couple messages. She is 100 miles away and I have no car anymore haha
Don't worry I know getting pissed is only a temporary solution. I will get off my ass tomorrow and make a plan. I need to figure out what I am going to do next.