Would you live my life?

in #life8 years ago

This is probably one of the lowest points in my life and I have no one to share it with. So i'm just going to type. No fancy headers. No consideration for correct grammar, sentence breaks or flow. This is just the story of who I am and how I came to be.

One of my earliest memories is of my father sitting on stairs in our house in Co. Mayo, Ireland. I was maybe 2 years old but I remember it vividly. He was crying and my mother was drunk. She told me to spit on him, and I did. This set the tone for the next 12 years of my life. I just didn't know it yet.

I should tell you I have two brothers and a sister. Roy, Aiden and Sinead with me being the youngest. From Mayo we moved back to Cork, a little place in Glasheen. I think we lived their for 4 years. It was a reasonably nice area. Just another council estate I guess. We had a dog named Bud, he was a golden lab. Disappeared for a year and suddenly came back. I used to love riding my little yellow BMX. But one day when I woke up it got stolen. It took me a year to figure out my mother had hidden it in the garage for fear of me hurting myself. Behind our estate was a busy motorway, me being the kid I was, got hit by a car at the age of 6. Luckily the largest hospital in cork was only 100yards away. I lost both my front teeth that accident.

Not too long after that we moved again. This time to Mahon in Cork. This is where things got really bad or maybe when I stopped being too young to easily repress the bad memories. I was 7 at this stage, Sinead 9, Aiden 11 and Roy 12. I don't think things instantly turned to crap. Thinking now about my mother's friend "Tom" or some shit inbetween when things were not too bad and when they were very bad means they did at least try to hide all the fights or maybe I was just too young to understand. All I have is a foggy recognition that he existed and brought us to Aqualand one day in the "Batmobile". I don't ever remember my dad being gone.

Mahon was not a nice place to live. Realistically speaking at the time it was one of the worst. 200yards from our estate was quite a large "Haunting site". A place where Irish Travelers would live. Their must have been 100 young Travelers who would make all of our lives living hell. I know your thinking so what...we all got bullied as a kid. That's true. Does not make it any less shit.

By now my front teeth had started growing back but one the fuckers just didn't want to come back straight. I ended up with a long crooked tooth pointing out the top of my lip. It was not until years later that I realized I had stopped eating carrots because people used to call me Bugs Bunny. The rest of my siblings were not fairing any better. They fell into a "bad crowd" and starting doing what all kids do when your family has nothing but unemployed parents who are not happy with how their life has turned out, drink and drugs.

Yep that would make my brother Roy 13, Aiden 12 and Sinead 10. Pretty young to get started on smoking weed and taking xtc. I don't think Sinead started following suit until she was maybe 12. We used to be very close. I would joke, calling her and her friends the cow patrol. Mean I guess but we were just kids. My mother and father were fighting now with a very predictable pattern. My mother would follow the same routine every Friday. Start getting ready to go out at 5pm, drink one can of Budweiser or whatever was cheap, one naggin of vodka and off she goes. My Dad would never go with her. He didn't drink. At around 2am my mother would arrive home, plastered drunk. Her and my dad would fight over anything she could think off. You must understand at this point, I did not know how much of a problem my mother had. I did not know you could manipulate children into thinking that their father is hitting there mother when he was not. I would be asleep upstairs and be woken to shouts of "Gavin he's hurting me" ... "Let go of my hand" ... How could I understand he was holding her arm to stop her hitting him. So for a while I would go down and shout and fight and console my mother. Tell her everything is going to be ok. I understood even though I was the youngest, I was the only who had any sense.

10 years old. The feeling of Friday night approaching weighs on my heart. The routine has changed. It has gotten worse. My Father spends all of his time in the kitchen reading while my Mother the front room watching Soap Operas. The tension during the week can be felt by us all. My sister had escaped into drugs, following the example of my older brothers. They have all started drinking very heavily. Doing all the drugs they can. I was introduced to smoking weed and I was already smoking cigarettes. We were really a dirty poor family now. Money was very tight. Someone along the line would always drink it or steal it. Second hand cloths are all we got to wear. I still remember the shame of having to go into the second hand store across from my school with my mother. Friday night comes. My Mother and Father stop fighting rather quick as my Father goe's on his weekly stroll for the next 6 hours. Now with no one to fight with, my mother takes a fistful of pills. My brother's and sister are out doing there own thing. They had learned to not be home on a Friday night. I have to deal with it myself. I get the ambulance. Go to the hospital with my mother. Stay until I am forced to leave. Not having enough money to get a taxi home, the woman at reception called the Guards to drop me back. This was not the first or even close to last time I had to repeat the same routine.

The years wen't on. The terror I now felt was daily, not only from my mother, but now my siblings as well. They had really gone off the rails. Stealing and fighting. Pretty much all the things you should not be doing. Their friends were dangerous people. People who would hurt you for fun. My brothers were full blown alcoholics and my sister was borderline to say the least. My dad could not take it anymore. He had to get out and I don't blame. I didnt even blame him them. I did blame him for leaving me though. I should have mentioned that my dad is not my siblings biological father. He did raise them as best he could all the same. I was left in this house where we had to put 1 pound into the tv if we wanted to watch it. What a great idea to take advantage of the poor. Well it backfired. All thatmoney in the back of the tv became a target for my brothers friends. They broke in and stole it. My brother Roy was attacked not long later. The person who attacked him poured white spirits all over his body and set him alight. It was pure dumb luck a passing guarda spotted him and and used her jacket to put out the flames. The damage was severe. His face was swollen beyond recognition and he had 3rd degree burns over 70% of his body. He got better all the same. Physically at least.

From here my brothers and sister got in more and more fights, had more parties at my house and did whatever they pleased without repercussion. My mother was simply not equipped to handle the monsters they had become. Neither was I.

At Age 13 I decided to move up with my dad in Kerry and leave all the trouble and pain from Mahon behind. My dad was living in a trailer in Ballyheigue right next to the beach. Although it was a little run down, it was peaceful. We were very poor. This is why my dad did not bring me in the first place. He could barely survive on his own, nevermind with me. We survived all the same. I was a troubled kid with a lot of repressed anger. I lashed out in school regularly. The fact that I considered myself smarter than my teachers did not help. I had closed myself off from people. People always do he wrong thing. I just lost faith. Life was still magnitudes more pleasant living with my father. Aside from a small little blip where my mother moved up for a month, got drunk and told me she aborted my sister and nearly aborted me. Pretty heavy stuff. I was a kid who didnt know how to deal with it. I felt like I was worth less than the people around me. I talked a pretty good game while feeling worthless about myself. So I never really resisted what is about to come.

16 years old. I met the love of my life Aileen. 11 years and one day ago to be exact. She was beautiful and I talked and talked and talked until she would meet up with me one night after work. From that point we were inseparable. Spent all of our free time together. I would skip school all the time. I was rarely going anyways. Her brother Joe was in my class. Aileen is 6 years older than me but I never cared. I have always been more mature than other people. well pretended to be at least. It was the natural conclusion that her parents would flip out if she was going out with a 16 year old. Her being 23 and all. So we kept it a secret. Sure what difference does it make. I love her and she loves me. Obviously secrets never last. Someone told her brother Joe, who told her parents.

Me being some poor little city boy lost in the country, I was obviously not good enough for their daughter. They are fairly large farmers after all. Gotta protect the millions in land and marry Aileen off to a good farmin' lad. We never broke up and they continued to hate me without ever even meeting me. Remember I did not get on so well in school so my reputation would not have been the best. We got over the paternal strife and decided to ignore it. It will work itself out. We spent many happy years together. Inside me the resentment continued to build. We would fight over it constantly for a while then just stop for a while. I knew it was going to ruin us so tried to end the relationship a few times. But love prevailed. That song Rude came out which gave me an extra boost. When I was down about it I would just listen to that song and feel ok.

My brother Aiden has died from a Methodrone overdose. My brother Roy spends more time in prison than out. My sister Sinead a heroin addict. I distance myself from the going's on of my family as much as possible. If I don't hear it then it cant be happening. The constant storys of what horrible thing Roy or Sinead has done now. Me being unable to change any of them!

We were together 9 years now. Had a holiday planned for Tenerife when Aileen got pregnant. We decided to still go and enjoy one last holiday before she told her parents. The stress about doing it was eating at her. She feared they might even disown her for getting pregnant. We fought about her telling them a few times and eventually it took me breaking up with her "until" she told her parents to get her to do it. Only took an hour once that happened. Her father was not great about it but could of been worse. As it goe's with most grandparents, when Nathan was born they fell in love with him.

Aileen move's in with me. We are fighting occasionally but overall happy. Still I have not yet met Aileen's parents and feel like they are still saying horrible things about me. We rarely broach the subject for fear of the fight that would ensue. As a form of compromise Aileen goe's back to her parents house once a week with Nathan and stays the night. Me being excluded from that part of Aileen and Nathan's life was tough. It made me feel like I was not worth standing up for. All I wanted was a grand gesture to say we accept you Gavin. For them to apologize for getting it wrong. Wehave been together 10 years. Surely by now they can accept I am a half decent human being. Nope.

Nathans Christening was especially hard. It was the first time me and Aileens family had met. First time I had seen Joe since I left school. Not one word was spoken between me and her family. I admit it is me being stubborn aswel and not knowing what to say. But what can I say? Tell them that I feel I have been wronged? Tell them what they did was ok? Silence was the only option. The moment the ceremony was over we left the church as quickly as possible. No time for pictures really. Just so we could avoid all the awkwardness that we created. I came to the realization that this will affect Nathan's upbringing. Being thorn between family. Me and Aileen have were fighting more now. Recenly in front of Nathan who is two. Yesterday was the second time. My wardrobe door is smashed and broken. We screamed at eachother and we cried. Now nothing else was left but for Aileen to leave. The alternative being me putting Nathan through a similar childhood to mine. Where his parents are filled with resentment. I refuse to do it. But in doing so I lose my son. It is very clear to me how this all plays outs. It will end with Nathan calling someone else Daddie. Me just being that cool guy he hangs out with every weekend. Slowly over the years he will become posioned to believe I am that shitty person everyone keeps telling him I am. It is still better than Nathan dealing with what I did as a kid.

Today I am in this empty house. I have no one to call and talk to.

I don't even know why I am still typing.

Don't know why I shared this.


Thank you for posting @gnimeets.

Many writers come from Ireland. This well written soul-baring post communicates the tags which you have given it.....pain....sorrow.....bottom...all a part of living life......nonetheless the pain is not lessened by knowing this is life down here on earth....ever since the choice of Adam to reject God's plan for his life.....at which time satan overtook the rulership of this planet.

God in His grace provided a plan...a salvation plan...to save us from satan's plan for mankind.

For you see...God loved the world (mankind) so much that He gave His uniquely born Son (Christ Jesus) that anyone who blieves in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. John3.16 ...translated from the original Greek text.

Your loss and grief pain my soul and yet I can assure you that Christ is the best friend in time of need.....He is the way, the truth and the life...no other way to the Father but through Him.

Christianity is God seeking a relationship with man through His Son Christ Jesus.
Religion is man seeking the approbation of God through his good deeds.

Faith alone in Christ alone for salvation. The reason we are here...the issue in life...What do you think of Christ...do you accept or reject Him?

Start with salvation.....God's Plan for each and everyone of us.

Wishing you God's best for your life. Kind Regards, bleujay

Thank you for the kind words bleujay. Personally I believe in more what I can touch and feel. Hope is something which is hard to hold for so many years. How can I not question creation when the supposed creator appears to have abandoned us. I firmly believe in the principles religion preaches. I however do not agree with all the terms and conditions that accompany them. This doe's not mean I would neglect my child's spiritual upbringing. Aileen is a very catholic, catholic girl. I could never belittle her religion but personally it doe's not give me strength, only anger at such a petty world.

Thanks again for your support. I do appreciate it and we have decided to see a counselor on Friday afternoon to try and work things out.

I have never considered myself a writer because I have never wrote anything. Since I was a teenager at least ^^

ex's can be a real bitch to deal with but all you can do is try to spend as much time as possible with your son. Try to get him in a sport and slowly over time win him over. That's what I did and my son ended up living with me in the end.

That's all I can do afterall mate. He is(or was I guess) already running around the backgarden like Rooney. Our second name is actually Rooney haha

I am delighted you got your kid. My ex now I guess won't be hard to deal with for the most part. I know she will put what Nathan needs over anything else. I just wish she would have done the same with me. That's for the historyblocks now I guess.

I actually thought today for a minute that Nathan would be better off without me. Aileen got proper ratty just because I wanted him to be in a routine through all this so I thought I can't put up with years of her taking me up wrong. Fuck it though. Hopefully I won't care as much with time when she gets pissy and wont get pissy myself.

One thing I know is that I will not let them come between me and Nathan no matter what happens. Only one opinion that should matter to me right now.

Man, that was such a read. I can never get my head around bad mothers. My Dad was the problem, and yup, it was the drink that killed him in the end. I spent the first five years of my life peniless so my Dad could go to the pub daily and pretend he was rich. He had personal drivers and everything. He earned a good wage, but it all went on him, everything.

My life story is quite similar to yours. My Dad once introduced me to my half sister that was living with him, who actually wasn't my half sister. Mind fuck, really.

Not that you probably need it, but if there's one bit of advice that I can give you from my life is - get up from your computer now and go get your mrs. Sometimes it takes the bigger person to just step down and say I'm sorry, even if you're not in the wrong. Your kid is two. The future hasn't happened yet. The future isn't set. There's no way you would be anything like your Mum - the fact that you have just let the love of your life slip through your fingers to counteract that proves to me you wouldn't let it happen. Spoken from a man / father that constantly worried he'd be like his dad.

Go get her man.

I think you gave him great advice @raymondspeaks.

Hi bud, thanks for sharing. I really think the distinction between bad mothers and bad fathers is something I would not give too much thought. There are only bad people. You don't need a dick to be a dick after all.
I can see having a selfish father made you more empathetic. It's funny we either become a mirror image or the polar opposite. I don't know which one I will be yet. Maybe somewhere inbetween.

If I could not get over my own insecurities in the last 11 years then I need to change things. The clearest sign of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again with the same result. That is all we have been doing. Maybe I took the cowards road and probably many other ways I could have went. Gone to her parents myself and just sorted it out. It still would not fix the actual root of my problem. Aileen never thought enough of me to stand up to her parents. That's being a bit harsh, she probably just can't. The fact I have not gotten over that through everything probably means I can't.

I am sorry to hear about your sad childhood. But you made a turn for the better when you met Aileen. Sometimes you are too close to the problem, meaning you and Aileen to reach a solution. Please go to a marriage counselor or social workers that works with families. These people are there to help you, professional help is all around you just have to reach out to them. For Aileen, Nathan and yourself it is worth the effort. I believe love can overcome a lot. These people can listen to both your sides and help you how to handle the problem. I really hope to read in time that you got a solution for this situasion. Please go to my blog and read on the posts that I did on communication. Their is a way to communicate and to not fight. Thinking of you and will pray for you and yours.

You know I got that exact same recommendation today from a friend. Probably something we should do. Not something I would have even considered myself. The stigmata of mental health is still prevalent in our thinking. I really appreciate your input. It is something I will consider for sure.

You are welcome, please keep us up to date.

I will when something changes. All we have managed to do is fight and decide we don't want to fight. Not exactly progress

Hi I read your story and you know to be where you are now you are a strong person , sometimes we do need extra help and it may not be friends and family that can do that - I feel your pain - I hope it helped being able to write it down, try to find the light in the world a solution that is good for all - I don't want to intefer of say something that will upset you more - but there are services that can help you manage you anger, you depression - you just need to reach out to them - they can help you see the light again - calm the frustration - use mindfulness so you don't react in such a negative way- I am only suggesting as I have years of knowledge and experience with these things - sometime compromise is better than loosing everything - I hope things get better for you soon

I have tried to compromise. Meet on neutral ground. The plan of doing it is always their. Then it gets forgotten until I bring it up again. Then we fight some more and the same thing happens. Yesterday was our 11th anniversary and we spent it fighting over such an insignificant reason. From perspective I can clearly diagnose our faults. Being able to change them is a different story Thoughts of what I don't know are too much for me to handle. I have tried to fix this situation countless times. But when I am not a person involved in the conversation then how can I change it.

you have to want to change yourself first to be able to change the situation - I know it's hard - believe me - their are people who never have the opportunity to have a partner or a child, people who live in war zones children in war zones - what you have is right in front of you - what you are looking for is right In front of you - if you really want things to change you have to find the strength to change yourself - you already did a lot of that - look at the good in you the good you have done - its too easy to focus on the bad and negative that is why sometimes we need outside help - I have been at the bottom - lost everything - had no one - no support - overdosed - they found me -resuscitated me and spent 2 days in a como - 4 more days in a ward - do you want to be that low in life or do you want to change so you can give your son a future with you in it -

I don't have a drug problem myself. One thing I can do is learn from other peoples mistakes. I realize I need to change myself. I have put far too much focus on how others perceive me in my life. If I want things to change then I need to change them. Should that mean I spend the rest of my life alone with some bit of self respect, then so be it. I would rather be alone than feel worthless any longer. I have let first part of my life be run by what other people want and need. Need to fix myself now. Not rely on a false sense of worth I would get from other people's approval. If Aileen believed that I was worth fighting for. She would have done it.

I don't have a drug problem as I do not do drugs - I do not drink either , that's not why I overdosed - but hey - maybe she doesn't realise how deep it all goes for you - I just hope you find the answer - I can see why you would think so though from my above answer I will try to be more precise with my articulation

I understand. Thinking about it now the title sounds like I am dismissive of my life. I don't have the guts to kill myself. This is in no way a cry for help before I do something stupid. It is just an accurate representation of how I feel at this moment. Probably in an attempt to justify my own logic.

EDIT: Also I presumed wrong on how you overdosed. My apologies on that. I appreciate you sharing your experience and trying to help another going through similar pain. Thank you

so had it helped - getting it out there - getting it off you chest so to speak - I just try to offer my perspective - I am no means right much of the time - but your story compelled me to answer - I read it like it was a book - you explained things clearly - and it came to life - I think you have a talent for writing - and I hope you continue to do so

Really sorry to read this mate. I don't know you except from a few earlier Steem replies and your blogs of course but I completely understand your pain. Your history sounds awful but i think you are making the right decisions now, for whatever it is worth. In my view you need to address the issues with your in-laws. If mine wouldn't accept me, they wouldn't see their grandchild either. At least as long as the missus would agree. In all fairness, she needs to stand up to them and choose your side. Anyway i am writing this based on what i read, i am sure there are numerous other things to consider. I am glad you wrote it down and got it of your chest man, hope it helps. Doesn't make the house any less empty, but maybe it does make you feel understood. And with regards to your boy Nathan, maybe it is what happens, maybe it will turn out better like it did with my brother who also separated from his girlfriend when they had a little one. He has very close contact with all his children and is the real dad, regardless of other men coming into their lives. I guess it all depends on how you treat Nathan and if you are there for him. Judging your character by this blog and earlier replies, i believe you will be a great dad, now and in the future. Be strong man, I hope things will take a better turn soon.

I just couldnt live with the guilt. The grandparents are great with Nathan and he loves going to the farm. His first word was "tractor" ffs. I just don't want to get to a point where I put own selfish needs above what is best for him. I will always be there for him. Aileen would never try to keep us apart. She is really a great person. Just not s "strong" person I guess. I'm just to weak to help other people be strong right now. I know I sound like a bitch. Talking about my feelings is the opposite of who I am but writing it down did help. Not the most enjoyable stroll down memory lane but one I needed. I am doing ok for myself. I have come a long way and somehow still feel like im a better person for it. No matter what happens I am just going to try to be happy. Not sure what I gotta do to get there but surely can't be as hard as what I have done.

Understand and agree man. The way you talk about your son and your wife even though she has left you at the moment shows you have a good if not great personality. You will get through this i am sure. By the way you don't sound like a bitch to be honest. For people like you to talk about feelings and the past takes guts i think, no need to think other people will think you are whining as i am sure there will be very few thinking that. And the ones that are, should be ignored and disregarded forever. Interested to know how you will be doing later on this week mate, let me know.

You don't know, you just lifted me up from an abyss I had fallen into recently, wallowing in self pity and seething with anger at the way life delt it's cards to me. But now I realise people go through much more worse sh** in their life.
I am sorry for what happened with your life man. But the silver lining is you found steemit and you are young. You have the whole life in front of you and you can shape it beautifully the way you dream of it. It's in your hands to shape your life now.
There is this saying. "That which does not kill you, will only make you strong".
So, everything, all the worst experiences not withstanding, you for all I know have emerged much stronger to face life now.
I am sure your love for Aileen and Nathan will keep you three together happy and that your efforts here payoff and that you prosper and flourish in life.
I live in India quite far from Ireland. But this world is a small place. Please let me know if there is anyway I could be of any help to you.
I shall pray for you and wish you all the very best in life. God Bless@gnimeets, I couldn't help a few tears when I read your story. I am going through one of the worst phases in my life and probably at lowest point too, but when I read your story, I feel my bad phase is not a bad phase at all.

I'm glad your problems feel a little bit smaller. You telling me that makes my problems feel a little bit smaller. My life wasnt all bad. I have had many good times. Especially with Aileen. It is just hard to not let the bad ones take a toll and shape your decisions.
I do really appreciate the words of encouragement. You just taking to your time to read my story which I have never told anymore. Even my closest friends. Is all the help I need.

If you want to talk about what your going through I would gladly listen. Writing it down helped me a lot more than I thought it would. Right now I should feel rage but I am weirdly calm.

Take care my friend. You are a strong man and the world is your oyster . God bless@gnimeets, sure I will talk about it soon. Reading your blog calmed me down immensely. I have to manage a few stuff now and sometime soon will share my story.

@gnimeets Thanks for sharing your story and I'm sorry you have been dealt shitty hand in your past. You sound like a decent guy and you don't deserve any of this. I know it's easier said then done but keep your head up and continue to do what's right. Stay focused and live the best life you can for you and your boy. Nathan needs and deserves the best version of you teach him right and wrong. It's up to you to break the cycle of disfunction. I too grew up in a disfunctional home and every day I do what I can to raise my kids right. So far I am proud to say my 15 and 21 year old daughters are everything I could ask for. Keep your chin up and know you are not alone ❤️

I appreciate the words of encouragement. If I don't break the cycle then who will. Can't leave a job like that to Nathan. The pain my mother feels comes from the abuse she received as a kid. Which I am sure came from the Abuse my Grandfather no doubt experienced. Knowing all this and doing nothing about it would be the lowest thing I could do.

Sometimes you just gotta get it off your chest man. Your not along, God is always right next to you. He may not always come when you ask him to but he is an ON TIME God and will be there. Keep faith cuz, this is a heartfelt story, just remember that you are NEVER alone.

I know I have people who would be here with me now if I only asked. I just can't do it. It means admitting that my failure is real. I have to act weak and not be the happy go lucky guy I pretend to be.

Talking to strangers who wont look at me different tomorrow helps. When all the things that matter to you are gone. How do I tell other people that I'm going to be ok when I don't believe it myself right now. I am basically just using steemit as a place to dump my shit right now. Not fair I know but it's all I got.

Brother your life story started out heart breaking. You determine your future though. You determine if you fight, argue and have a poisonous home. You determine if your son is going to be in your life on a daily basis. You need to patch thing up, you need to say that your past is not a crutch and will not determine your future.

Get off your fucking ass and go fix this! Sorry, but I needed to emphasis my passion I am feeling for your situation.

Once you fix things at home you need to reach out to her parents. Maybe they will turn you away but you are a man and you tried to do the right thing. This also may break a decade long problem and let the healing begin.

Life has kicked your ass for too long. Stand up and say enough. Tomorrow is a new day and what happens has not been determined.

Good luck brother!

How are you doing today mate?

Thanks for coming back to check. You would be surprised how much of a difference that has made.

Honestly I am doing pretty damn terrible. Things are shit.I am not finding it easy to stay level headed about the whole thing. Drank more in the last 72 hours than I have in the last 6 months easy. I know it is not the way to cope but it does make time move faster.

Yeah i get that. I presume you haven't seen the missus then? Take care man, drinking has only helped for me on the very short term (hours). Longer term you need to start thinking on how to proceed, sober. Anyway advice you are maybe not looking for anyway, just wanted to see if i can help in any way. Stay strong!

Nope only a couple messages. She is 100 miles away and I have no car anymore haha
Don't worry I know getting pissed is only a temporary solution. I will get off my ass tomorrow and make a plan. I need to figure out what I am going to do next.

Seems like you pulled the shitty short straw. I've had a similar experience but as others have said, don't just sit there and wallow in the shit that was dealt you. Do whatever you can to fix your family and get your kid back. You can't let anyone else raise your son, you don't know what they'll do. Meditate, change your surroundings, do whatever it takes to be able to make it through the day.

We are going to see a counselor on Friday. I spent the last few days drunk and angry. It is about time we did something to try and fix it. I don't want to give up on our chance at a happy family. I was so stupid for thinking for even a second Nathan would be better off without me. Your right, any dickhead could end up getting a say in his life then. Didn't even think of that.

All the encouragement, understanding and compassion I have felt on Steemit the last few days really made the differance between me going to a bad place and me going to a terrible one. Thanks

Good luck bro, keep us updated.

omg is that really your life story ? :O so fearfull ! omg

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