Doesn't eventually your heart goes in one direction more than the other ? This is always the right to pick for me...when you go along with your true desire (meaning in alignment with your soul), you never can be wrong, and it never can go wrong, everything will work out for you Asher 😉
And nobody can tell you the right direction, because nobody lives your life nor knows where you are,
and I would add there is no right or wrong direction, there are only paths we take sometimes that are more long that it could have been, just enjoy and appreciate along the way and you will never feel doing something wrong 😊
Thank you for this nice message @barbara-orenya
I guess my heart and soul are torn right now, and it is making decisions more difficult.
I'll try another path again this summer and re-evaluate as I go, trying to enjoy as much as possible, and perhaps one day there will be some alignment. 😊