I am not a great writer, nor a great philosopher, but I will give a short stab at this.
Help someone, it does not matter who it is you help, in the end it is you who you are helping.
@samstonehilltube had his original account stolen as I am sure some of you know. He was on his way back home from helping evacuees in Bali from the volcanic activity there, he was trying to bring a little bit of light into their hard situation. Did he rant, did he rave, did he scream, did he pout, no he accepted that he had made a grievous error. He blamed no one but himself. Visit his page read his story, see what happened when we found out.
The three favorite steemians, that is a monumental task to narrow down to 3.
- @samstonehilltube for his humanity, and his handling of his mistake.
- @mammasitta for keeping it real, for providing me grounding on steemit
- @stellabelle for her humor, her reality and being my second ground point on steemit.