Facebook is 13, okay that explains the current issues/problems people are having with facebook. Trust in people issues? I am not sure that is a big issue for being on line, like in life there are people that are going to be assholes. The trust of others though, and the truth of situations, and the learning of others the internet has helped. I am learning a lot more about culture and different parts of the world in the short time I have been on steemit than I have in a long time.
Relationships, someone needs to do a breakdown study of marriages over the last 20 years. Those that met and married in a traditional since (TM), and those that met online(OL). OL percentage still married,divorced or widowed, and TM percentage still married, divorced, or widowed. They could also add on the study as to the percentage of spouse in protective abuse type homes. So I think until we see a study highlighting that the jury is still out on online longterm romance/marriage.
Jobs, I can see us moving more away from current traditional training/education and believe it or not returning to the original means of education/training. Apprenticeship/Journeyman style of training. Where corporations will be taking on people and doing the training, they already have to retrain those entering the workforce from out of the university system, that many have started onboarding people from out of highschool and providing in house training and progression from aground up point of view from corporate headquarters.