We are in a very unique time in our history, and we are radically shifting from one age to the next. Think of the Industrial Age... it started in the 1700's in Britain and spread throughout the world. First it was the spinning wheel and centralized banks, then it turned into iron factories and steam engines and into the 1900's. It didn't start overnight.
We're moving towards a new age as well, but much faster. It was the Internet that started this change, and it is only 35 years old. Think how far we've come in 35 years. How fast computers became mainstream and integrated into our lives. Facebook is only 13 years old. The iPhone and blockchain are both about 10 years old. Think how far we've come since Instagram came out 5 years ago.
Humans have more access to knowledge and people than we've ever had in recored history. Our greatest challenge is not losing the understanding and intimacy that humans developed over time. With so much access to knowledge, right or wrong, we could lose the power to tell the difference. With so much misinformation and distracting lies posing as truths in front of people daily, we will likely lose the trust that develops intimacy.
Things are changing and it is happening faster than we can basically comprehend living through it. Here are a few hypotheticals to think about.
Five years ago people would go to bars and events to meet people to date or "hook up" with. Now most people plan dates on dating apps. What happens in five more years if these apps become the standard for dating and people stop having that "magic" moment when you meet the love of your life? Do relationships become less valuable because they are so easy? Will we lose the "thrill of the hunt"?
Five years ago California made automated cars street legal, but a human had to be there to take control. Now, California has made it legal to have self driving cars with no human. What happens in five years when people are not allowed to drive in certain areas and it must be mainly automated? How many jobs will be lost? How much more time will people spend on the Internet if they don't have to drive?
Five years ago McDonalds tested online ordering. Now they are rapidly testing self ordering kiosks. What happens in five years when the entire restaurant is basically automated and needs far less staff? Where will people get their first jobs? Where will the youth learn discipline and a work ethic? Will that just make the youth more dependent on governments and grow up that way?
Things are changing fast and we've got to realize this before it is too late. We have to start coming up with real solutions to fix a major job crisis coming in our near future. We have to start coming up with real ways to educate our youth and give them the basic social and work skills that they'll need to live a prosperous life. We have to find a way to maintain truth and intimacy. The information age is not going to be a good thing if we only consume bad information.
We all need to sit back and really think about the future and what it will hold if we continue to ignore this rapidly changing age. At the same time, imagine the possibilities if we plan for the world we are creating.
I'd really like to hear your thoughts on this blog.
Please tell me what you think in the comments below.
Thanks for reading.
Excellent read! I see humans but no humanity.
Add on top of that the age of AI and 5G.
Indeed we are changing and that too we are at a much rapid rate that we shouldn't be. If we don't deaccelerate there will be no time soon when humans will loose all there important. Now what we could try for an alternative even if we require a change is that we could just modernise ourselves in such a way that it involves more and more human than rather only robots and machines. What it will do is there won't be job crisis. Moreover the humans won't loose there importance they have been for a while now.
You know how the internet of things is rapidly approaching, where almost every device is connected to the internet. It's going to make a lot of tasks automated which in some aspect saves time but all the same would make humans lazy and cost some people their jobs. But the human race is so good at adapting that, even though the automation might seem to take away it's opportunities, they'll find a way to incorporate themselves into that environment, at least those who don't want to be cheated.
Facebook is 13, okay that explains the current issues/problems people are having with facebook. Trust in people issues? I am not sure that is a big issue for being on line, like in life there are people that are going to be assholes. The trust of others though, and the truth of situations, and the learning of others the internet has helped. I am learning a lot more about culture and different parts of the world in the short time I have been on steemit than I have in a long time.
Relationships, someone needs to do a breakdown study of marriages over the last 20 years. Those that met and married in a traditional since (TM), and those that met online(OL). OL percentage still married,divorced or widowed, and TM percentage still married, divorced, or widowed. They could also add on the study as to the percentage of spouse in protective abuse type homes. So I think until we see a study highlighting that the jury is still out on online longterm romance/marriage.
Jobs, I can see us moving more away from current traditional training/education and believe it or not returning to the original means of education/training. Apprenticeship/Journeyman style of training. Where corporations will be taking on people and doing the training, they already have to retrain those entering the workforce from out of the university system, that many have started onboarding people from out of highschool and providing in house training and progression from aground up point of view from corporate headquarters.
Things are evolving really fast and what we can do is to stay curious and learn whatever new things that excite us. That will make us aware of what's happening around the globe.
What I can say is, even for now, we are already overwhelmed with the new knowledge made available to us. It important to understand that as we can't have enough time to consume all of them. So rather going into systematic learning mode, why not try a disorganized and more organic way?
Things are changing too quickly, it's is good in some prospective but it is also bad because we are adopting these computers, internet, cell phones but we are forgetting our families, our moral values etc etc.
Everything has positive as well as negative side, it depends upon us which we chose.
I think we can all contribute to the moulding of the future, The future will be consumer based and consumer led. We have all been subject to Social and consumer conditioning.
Once we identify the useless objects we can vote with our wallets!
A good example of a society gone wild with consumerism and rediculous trends is to look at Japan.
Just think! Kids will be able to go straight to that dream job they've been wanting to do since they were five because they don't have to worry about getting work experience at a minimum wage job! They can just "become" the next Youtube/dTube/XYZTube star, the next pro gamer, the next Ninja Warrior, the next Instagram celebrity.
Why have them languishing in a dead end job paying arbitrary dues society imposes when they can go straight to the top of the food chain, simply because they is who they is! Who needs work ethic in the age of brevity, levity and longevity?!
Okay, all kidding aside. I believe you are right. Too many tragedies begin when we discover we can do something without asking if we should do it. Once Pandora's box is open on anything, it cannot be shut. So the more we start thinking about the kind of future that is coming (still mutable or inevitable) the better off we will all be.
La inmutabilidad no es natural, el universo y los multiversos se dinamizan como consecuencia de la mutabilidad.. los procesos civilizatorios no están exentos de las cambios, y en consecuencia los grupos sociales de hoy son la potencialidad de lo que serán los grupos sociales del mañana.. Darcy Ribeiro lo refería desde una perspectiva evolucionista, más no por ello errónea en El Procesos Civilizatorio.. es un proceso inacabado y muy lejos al fin de la historia de Fukuyama...
Absolutely, things are changing. Quickly. The points you made about job automation are often the main points used by those encouraging us to move to a Universal Basic Income model (also referred to as Basic Income Guarantee, or BIG). I've followed and supported Scott Santens for a long time; he's one of the leading voices in the UBI movement. Here's a link to his FAQ page about UBI for anyone wanting to read more about this movement: http://www.scottsantens.com/basic-income-faq
Haven't heard from you in a while! Hope you're ok!
I have sent to you at steemit.chat. Please see
A lot to think about in this post. We are seeing the more serious side this morning. I do want to keep human interaction, once that is gone and the next generation comes along they will never know human service.