bahaha, great story, an every day in the life story that every parent has gone through. Loved it. I also put you on my autovote setup so I won't miss any of your posts. Don't want to do that. oh and I made a visit to the beer store and got some goodies that I didn't need as I have a pretty hefty supply but when there is new beer, it has to be bought.
Well thank you very much!
You cannae beat a good visit to the beer shop! Look forward to seeing the new beers! :O)
I’ll be posting more trying to reach the 100 SP milestone, just over 96 now.
Aw man, that is excellent! It is quite the milestone to reach!
Thanks it seems like it’s taken forever! Plugging away tho
It speeds up. I am sure that once you have three digit steempower you do better :O)