Today I took the little lady on a whirlwind tour of errands.
She gasped in awe at the gigantic sheds of Ikea as we swung in to pick up one of their amazing no-frills baby chairs before the weaning nonsense starts with the little boom on Sunday.
She yuk'd incredibly loudly at the hot dogs because they had a tough old skin on them. I refrained from telling her they were like old condoms filled with dead meat. She has plenty of time in her life to hear that kind of tosh.
Boof! We wheeked away to the gigantic supermarket chain who is evil but kind of accepts Bitcoin in a roundabout way.
Daddy, I want this!! was heard many times as we walked through its cunningly designed aisles. Each one seeming to end in some manner of kids/fat bubbas delights.
We swung away from there and into the nearby coffee shop where she happily played with her sticker magazine that I had bought her after she had screamed I was an Awful Daddy in the big supermarket.
I mean, I'm not awful but I can be weak.
Then after the sweet merciful brown goodness of the coffee worked its inevitable magic on me I zoomed her to the doctors for an ear check up as her hearing had been a bit funny since our combined illnesses last month.
In the waiting room, we sat and well... waited.
Whilst there I thought I would inquire about my final follow up check-up for my once gimpy foot. I had received a letter asking me to make an appointment but had kept forgetting to make one.
I asked the kind receptionist, a lovely lady with a welcoming happy face if she could make the appointment for me.
Of course dear. Let me get that for you.
My little daughter came up. With a hawk eye she watched the conversation I had with the receptionist who at all times was simply the most pleasant lady you could ever meet, a vast difference from your average Doctor's receptionist.
My appointment made, I took the little lady's hand and shepherded her back to the seating area.
Suddenly she saw the little water dispensing machine and announced that she was really thirsty.
No problem little lass!
I went to get her a drink of water but there were no cups. The little lady, being the diplomatic soul that she is let out a heart-wrenching wail.
But I'm soooo thirsty!!!!
The kindly receptionist lady stood up and waved us over.
Hi there, I have some cups here if you would like them.
She smiled at the little lady warmly.
I thanked her and gave the little lady a cup and we walked the few short feet to the water machine.
Wasn't that kind of the lady to offer us some cups lass?
I enquired. Hoping to elicit a thank you.
The little lady looked at me. Then she looked at the receptionist. Then back at me.
Well Daddy. It looks like she wasn't so WITCHY after all!
She said in a piercing voice.
I made a startled squawk and looked over at the receptionist hoping she hadn't heard. She had. The glare I was getting from her could have frozen the sun.
I dragged the little lady off to the furthest corner and hid.
Yes, kids...Actually, they have a power to see many things & feel bad and good energies...Proved...I remember my son...We went on tennis clay court, to play tennis. The courts there were one beside other. So, he had no time to announce me his biiig need for big toilet. He simply put down His pans and did that between 2 clay courts...😪😪😪in front of everybody...Can you imagine "How pleasently we felt about that 🤔😲😷?"
Oh my oh my oh my!! That would have been quite the thing! I am thankful that I havent had a situation like that ... yet!!
Yes, so the little lady "Witchy"mood is peace of cake 🥞...And kids have precognition abilities also...what kid can see & feel, no man can think off...
Then she can see what is coming!! I had better bunker down!!
😆😉🤣😂😂🤣😆😉😂🤣😊😋🤣😂🤣😂😊😂🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣 yes and enough food down there or up there, the guitars and all needed infrastructure
Oh, I learned long ago that you can Never and I mean Never say anything in front of your children that you would not want to be repeated. Those innocent little darlings will rat you out in a second and not even on purpose. To take that warning a step further, Don't EVER pull the whole "Don't tell mommy" on the kid. They will start a full-on marital armageddon before you have had the chance to blink your eyes. They don't mean to but they will bring you down!!! LOL
Ikea hotdogs are brutal. Stick to the meatballs there. For a bomb hotdog hit the Costco!!!Do you have Costco there?
We do have it actually! I havent tried the hotdogs! I do like the Ikea meatballs but for some reason when she saw the hotdog sign she was all about them lol!
I have experienced the ratting out. Even worse, one of the times was to the mother in law when my little darling asked why she was tight with her money. That was a bad one!
Oh no!!!! I can imagine that didn’t go well at all!!
Lol, gotta love what comes out of their mouths. What came out of my sons mouth at a very young age, after he watched Mulan. "mommy that man looks like a monkey." I turned red and hurried with the shopping, after telling him the man is not a monkey, and thus proceeded with the (talk.) We have no corners to hide which are big enough, lol. I swear there is a red banner flashing above us when these things happen.
I do hope your foot is doing better and btw, loved the video you put on a spammer, lol.
I love that video too!
My foot is smashing now, almost 100% I am sure the checkup will be - oh right, all is well!
Hehe, they say some amazing things at times. I will miss it when they are older
Yep, because once they hit teen years anything we adults say are shunned. Glad your foot is smashing, lol.
I know, I am looking forward to some time back but at the same time dreading it
Always always always be careful to what you say in front of her!
I hate hot dogs and fast food in general.
I only eat there when I am at the airport and everytime I fucking regret.
I think you are very talented in writing. I am not saying it because I like to compliment people. You have the magic to make a little story like that interesting and entertaining!
HAha, you are a smashing person and I like the cut of your gib!! Which means I like your style!
I hate fast food too, bloaty nonsense!
lol to parents often happen to us this kind of thing, children are so transparent that we must be very, very careful what we say in front of them, it's something like everything you say can be used against you....even though the little lady seems so sweet and you're a good father!
I just can't eat my hot dog anymore after reading this:
It does seem that way, everything is stored to be used against you at some point!
Hehe, awful sounding isnt it!
It's so much more than horrible, every time I think about it, I feel an emptiness in my stomach... now that I'm making those tasty (guacala) sausages from the fridge.
guacala in my country is like saying you're disgusted
That's something you cannot recover from!
Poor woman, helping you and all only to be told she's a witch!
I'd laugh my arse off if I could have seen her reaction.
Lol, she was raging. They are so rarely helpful or nice and she was both and gets accused of witchery!
bahaha, great story, an every day in the life story that every parent has gone through. Loved it. I also put you on my autovote setup so I won't miss any of your posts. Don't want to do that. oh and I made a visit to the beer store and got some goodies that I didn't need as I have a pretty hefty supply but when there is new beer, it has to be bought.
Well thank you very much!
You cannae beat a good visit to the beer shop! Look forward to seeing the new beers! :O)
I’ll be posting more trying to reach the 100 SP milestone, just over 96 now.
Aw man, that is excellent! It is quite the milestone to reach!
Thanks it seems like it’s taken forever! Plugging away tho
It speeds up. I am sure that once you have three digit steempower you do better :O)
@meesterboom blimmen hilarious! Kids do not have a filter at all.Their brains are just sponges.The things you would like them to intake, they dont.But the random things you don't, they do.
The amount of times my kids have done similar things to me I cant even begin to tell you.I have twins so when one speaks the other twin is the echo.So every blimmen person will hear😢
We recently got a new grumpy lollypop man.He never smiles, says bye, or anything.The kids picked up on this.Just before we broke up for Easter holidays, my twins decided to tell him about himself.WHY ARE YOU MEAN & HORRIBLE! Oh my gosh i just wanted the ground to open up and swallow me.😯I just laughed it off but really i was dieing inside.But you know though on the way back from school the twins Witchy moment, Mr Grumpy started smiling and said bye.And you know what the twins shouted out really loud."MUMMY MUMMY IS THIS OUR NEW LOLLYPOP MAN HE IS SOOOO LOVELY.NOT LIKE THE NASTY ONE THIS MORNING!!!" ( oh hes heard alright and so did about 40 other people).Just kill me now!!
Why oh why the witchy moments!!
HAhahahahhah. That is fantastic. It is great in a way even if so cringeworthy because they say exactly what they are thinking. Iwas half tempted to go through a day in work and try to be as honest as my daughter. I am sure I could have quite a bit of fun with it!! Isnt it funny how as adults we hesitate to call people out for being just plain horrible when we really should!
It is like the film liar liar with jim carey. Classic example what would happen if you literally spoke your mind.I would defo get sacked!😂😂.
Oh and the lollypop man i just have not got the balls to tell him.I think hes old and may have some illnesses.I try and justify why he is so grumpy.But we don't need to worry about saying anything @meesterboom, we have our gorgeous kids do the talking for us!😁😂😁😂😯
Exactly, who needs balls when you have kids! On many levels :OD
No truer word spoken then those of a😂😂
Just wanted to say though there are only a handful of people on here that i make the concious effort i.e when kids are all in bed to read through their posts and not just check the live feed.You have become one of them, as I find them very entertaining and engaging.
Keep on blogging as your a very talented writer.We all need humour in these dark times we live was reading uncle boom yesterday chuckling out loud.My hubby thought i'd gone bonkers so i made him read your post.He loved it. 👍🏼
Well that is very nice of you, I do appreciate it :O)
Sometimes I think I am rubbish so I always appreciate hearing that someone has enjoyed what i write!
So we're in for some delightfully funny posts on little boom's introduction to solids... can't wait for that!
I can't remember which of my kids repainted the whole damn chair with baby food :))
We still have porridge on the roof from when we weaned the little lady lol!
Hooo this is terrible dear friend @ meesterboom, in this situation one does not know where to hide, although we must admit that children are like that, very front when it comes to opinion, how interesting that the receptionist did not turn out to be so witch.
Grateful for another wonderful reading, I wish you a beautiful evening
Hello @jlufer!!
They are so brutally honest at times I find it quite funny and refreshing. If she had been the slightest bit witchy I would have laughed and shook her hand!
From the mouths of babes! LOL You never quite know what will spout forth...I remember taking my somewhat precocious son to the supermarket one fine day. As we were going up and down the isles we kept passing a rather large black lady wearing a very loud black dress with huge yellow and red flowers on it. Where we were living at the time was predominately WASP neighbourhood, so meeting up with this lady was a bit unusual. My son kept staring at her despite my best efforts to keep him from doing so. As we passed for perhaps the fifth time, my son in a very loud voice, "look mom. Hasn't that lady got a beautiful dress!"
Hehehe and you were thinking he was going to say something totally different!!
My daughter has quite a thing about saying things loudly about fat people. It is the one thing that makes me totally cringe. Thankfully she has mostly stopped that now but she used to lok at them and then say (really loudly... Daddy, why is the person so fat?
It didn't help that my mother in law(outlaw) was a bigot! She was never careful about making her feelings known around my sons...
My dad is a terrible racist and bigot. Absolutely shocking. He can never control himself in front of her. ITs shocking!
Somebody is instructing her to say these things to embarrass you. It's a conspiracy, I tell you.
Now there is an avenue I never thought of before!
I just LOVE your little darlin'!! Too funny. Never a dull moment. Gotta stay on your toes!
She is smashing. Every day she says something that makes me smile!
Gotta love kids and their honesty! LOL!
Its a whole lot of fun!
A few years back I was shopping with a friend and her daughter (about the same age as the little lady) and there was this woman who had the 'dunlap' (if you're unfamiliar it means-the belly dun lapped over the belt) and it was smooshed into her pants. As we passed her Kylah shouted and pointed "Mommy, that lady has a big pee pee!" Friend was mortified, lady was mortified, Kylah was quite proud of herself, hahaha! Of course it wasn't my child so I got to duck into another aisle ;)
haha, the dublap always cracks me up. I work with someone who has a dunlap and they wear their trousers over it itf you get me. Mental?!?!
Hehe, yeah. its kinda great when they do that! :O)
Yes supermarkets are evil!! Well, they were actually fun when I had just one relatively easy child. She would take her own mini-cart alongside mine and we had great fun together.
Now I have 4 beautiful children, and we do most our shopping at a local health food store. My husband tried suggesting once that we might save money at the supermarket (it's true, the health food store tends to before expensive) however, I calmly reminded him My sanity was worth the extra $ as the health food store doesn't even carry the temptations that they line the checkout aisles with at the Supermarket, which possesses all 4 kids and drives me to tears!
Yeah they plan them out to drive kids wild. When I go it is often a dive in and out affair. We used to have a big health food place nearby but it blooming closed which was annoying!
Oh boy, that must have been an awkward moment! I sympathize with you, I remember that my children also embarrassed me with their so-called honesty. You would want to sink through the ground on the spot.
Hehe, yeah. I totally did feel that way. I laughed later but at the time it was a yeek moment!
Kids really say the most truthful things from their hearts. It reflected her first impression and her final impression of those kinds things done by the receptionist! Such a cute girl!
They totally do! I like to think that they see right to the heart of things!!!
"Daughter of cat Hunting mouse" ... definitely Little Lady carries the genes of her father meesterboom; that was a masterful response to the best style of meesterboom and UncleBoom ... Wow! Good Lady and Little Lady, they are going to be a very strong duo that they will have totally controlled meesterboom; behave well @meesterboom. Greetings.
I think you are right!
LOLS!!!! The receptionist gave a cup to the little lady to quench her thirst and she felt the receptionist was not witchy at all. I was hoping for a "thank you" reaction just like you. You little lady is so rough. Upvoted!
I know! I was expecting a nice thank you as well!
They are all like that when they are little they want everything and if you do not, you are a bad mother or a bad father.
You are walking through the super and you hear the same thing every moment "I want this, buy me this, I want that, that" and you say with your serious face "NO".
After a long time you end up buying something for her.
that happens a lot.
Children are smart and realize everything.
and they do a lot of calculations with their imagination
eres un gran padre!.
Hehe, I try my best!
They are very very smart!
when you hear them say those things .. you laugh crazily ... unless others can hear them, then it's just RUNNNN !
I'm always trying to be very cautious with my young one, trying to avoid such situations lol
Oh man, I try to be cautious too and its as if she knows and tries even harder to get me!
Lol, children of nowadays can be too smart beyond your imagination, seriously the little lass is too funny and even smarter than you and I love for that.
he is, I think it is truly amazing!
Please read my massage only if you have an opportunity to help me out.Hello @meesterboom and guests of this blog!
Last month my mother was diagnosed with lung cancer and now we are doing all in order to gather the funds needed for treatment and surgical operation. Unfortunately a major part of my cryptocurrecy stuck on HitBTC exchange and I don’t know when I will be able to withdraw them. I want to ask you to financially help me; even $20 will help my family a lot! Sorry for begging, but sadly I have no choice at the moment.
Please donate me with Steem, SBD, of Ethereum. ETH address:
I am sorry.
On the internet anyone can say anything for money and they often do. I do not know you. I have no reason to trust you.
This is begging and I wont send anything
This is ok, I understand you.
But I hope that someone else can help me.
You will probably just be flagged to invisibilty for doing such a thing. People will think you are a scammer myself included
Yeah, . We think it's fun to spend some time reflecting on and celebrating the unique tell-tale qualities of a truly bad-ass wizard.This is important — not male, not gender, but a perversion of masculine energy which brutalized, raped, suppressed the feminine.
Hmm, I am not sure we are on the same page
Why u not sure 🤔
Well my take was only a little story about my five year old daughter calling someone a witch. Not quite sure where the suppression of the feminine came into it
Oh okay..
Kids say the darnedest things!
How nice to take the little woman where despite the grief you had are children and do not know what they say and think so crazy things that neither we as parents think that hahaha, what a pleasant publication, greetings.
Witchy!? Of course she is! She has the cups needed by the publicly available water dispenser. I mean... why wouldn't she just put it there for everyone to get. Does getting a cup mean trading one's soul to a practitioner of the dark arts??
That Ikea trip... is that why our once and future overlord's castle is composed of furniture that are practical, well designed and affordable?
Also, it feels so odd seeing a post of yours that I have yet commented on. I feel like it was from a time before our epic friendship began!
Hehe, I forgot about that one! I have a new one coming in the next few days!
Haha,apparently i'm using this one to stop spam comments on steemit. @meesterboom i can't wait to use a new one too.
I take it you saw the original one as wel that came before that one?
This is the best one ever!!!
Its my favourite as well!!
Hello friends want In Re-steem with FOLLOWERS | PLEASE 0.02 SBD to @lektolek and give a double chance to your post with our followers followers _ + 30 minutes plus up-vote on your will find more friends and you will become more popular.
loool. Love it !! When did you start using those? :P
Hehe, I thought i needed a change from my gifs and last week I think I was in a right playful mood and just quickly made a paper dice and recorded them!