From the mouths of babes! LOL You never quite know what will spout forth...I remember taking my somewhat precocious son to the supermarket one fine day. As we were going up and down the isles we kept passing a rather large black lady wearing a very loud black dress with huge yellow and red flowers on it. Where we were living at the time was predominately WASP neighbourhood, so meeting up with this lady was a bit unusual. My son kept staring at her despite my best efforts to keep him from doing so. As we passed for perhaps the fifth time, my son in a very loud voice, "look mom. Hasn't that lady got a beautiful dress!"
Hehehe and you were thinking he was going to say something totally different!!
My daughter has quite a thing about saying things loudly about fat people. It is the one thing that makes me totally cringe. Thankfully she has mostly stopped that now but she used to lok at them and then say (really loudly... Daddy, why is the person so fat?
It didn't help that my mother in law(outlaw) was a bigot! She was never careful about making her feelings known around my sons...
My dad is a terrible racist and bigot. Absolutely shocking. He can never control himself in front of her. ITs shocking!