Can you hear me applauding from Gainesville, Georgia?
Believe me, I am!
Relevant to your point: My favorite comparison is that life is like an elevator. We have a choice. We can push the UP button or the DOWN button.
Any day we choose to push the DOWN button, nothing seems to go right, even when we make heroic efforts. People respond to us poorly, we lose focus, we stop trying early because we see no results from our efforts.
Ah. . .but on the days we push the UP button, the universe seems to support our every action! Unprecedented results happen, and our spirits soar.
My favorite all-time essay on this topic: Ralph Waldo Emerson's "Self Reliance." "Trust thyself," he wrote, "every heart vibrates to this iron string."
You are an amazing thinker and writer. Of all your posts I have benefited from, this one heads the list.
One more point: James Allen echoed your theme: "As a man thinketh, so is he."
Thanks for this stimulating post!