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RE: Caribou

in #life5 months ago

Greetings @meesterboom ,

What an adventure to be sure!

Wishing you and yours much fun in the sun. ^__^

Since you mentioned a couple of Religious groups...

Just incase you did not know...although you did mention the unmentionable in the basement...Religion has always been the devil's Ace trump....btw Christianity is not a religion...though many try to make it one.

Religion is man seeking the approbation of God through his works....Christianity is God seeking man through His Son, Christ Jesus.

Here's hoping Little Boom becomes a confident swimmer soon. What is not to love when it comes to swimming!

Bon Voyage to you and your good lady and little ones,



Thank you for your pointers m'dear!!

He can swim a little do I am hoping that days of sand and sea will turn him into a fish of a thing! 😃

You are too kind! ^__^

Oh...yes...'a fish of a thing'...would be ideal!

Kindest Regards,


All I want is enough fishiness to not drown in water them I will be truly happy! 🙂