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RE: Tinder Fails: Going out with a genuine witch

in #life2 months ago

Wow, that is pretty crazy. Definitely like something out of a movie. You could turn that into a screen play. Although they would probably have to make it a bit more exciting for Hollywood these days! I'm glad you dodged the bullet there.


I can only imagine what sort of hell she would have tried to put me through if she knew where I lived. I'm really happy I didn't do that but I am not the kind of person that tries to take someone home the first day I meet them anyway. I WAS like that in my 20's but these days that just seems a bit cliche and boring.

Yeah, I am not that sort of person either, though I have never traditionally dated anyone like most people do either. I have zero doubt she would have probably hurt your dog for sure, so that was a good call!