Govern-cement schools are about indoctrination, not teaching.
They teach you how to be good factory workers and soldiers.
They do not teach you how to use your brain.
As an example, which is more important? Your learning or the bell?
Out of all my classes, I have had only one teacher keep us after the bell to finish teaching us something. In all others, the bell is far more important than what is taught.
The way things are taught is designed to kill creativity.
It is designed to create dutiful little robots that will never buck the system.
I hate govern-cement schools. Everything I learned there, I later learned was wrong.
I agree 100%
Many things we learned have been wrong, I sometimes wonder if the complete opposite is actually good for you. But as a kid I didn't know better, So I listened to adults blindly. Now I'm surprised by everything that I thought was true, Is completely off.
The things I learned in school that I still do were bad, cussing, judging, drugs,....I met people that I otherwise wouldn't have come in contact with,...