When I was a kid, Adults always told me that if I didn't take advantage of my brain, Then I would lose it. That once I hit the age of 18, I would lose all the brain cells that weren't "connected." This terrified me. Because knowledge has always been something that has been important to me. So As a result. I became somewhat of a real-life Matilda. Adults always told me that reading was the best thing you could do for your brain. So I read tons of books both fiction and nonfiction. To try and "connect" those brain cells as much as possible.
After A lot of research, I realized that much of that isn't true. But I'm still grateful that I spent so much of my time on books instead of the other activities I could have done.
New studies suggest that our brain development doesn't actually stop until mid-20's and early 30's. The way we scan information and process information is constantly changing. Everyone's Prefrontal Cortex develops at a different pace. And it starts to develop at puberty.
What is the prefrontal cortex responsible for exactly?
- Problem solving
- Complex thoughts
- Causes emotions.
Not everyone develops at the same rate; it varies greatly by each person. This could explain why You have some people who seem to have extreme issues in life, While others are getting by just fine.
This is relieving,
There are so many myths about the brain that we haven't looked too deep into. It's important to understand how our brains work so we can survive more efficiently.
The more I think of it, The more ridiculous it is that some how our left over brain cells that weren't "connected" would "die". I'm not going into too much detail in this article. But we can grow new neurons in our brain as we go through life. As we learn our brain is altered so we can successfully understand new information.
It sort of makes sense why we are dragged into school and so much education as children. But is it so much? In a way we are throwing away a chance at a childhood. But if it will give us better ways to think, Is it worth it?
Hire a teenager
While they still know EVERYTHING.
OMG XD Yes! Because in 10 minutes you become stupid and brain dead hahahhaha!!
Now that was good!
“When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years.”
Mark Twain
Wow I love that quote haha
Govern-cement schools are about indoctrination, not teaching.
They teach you how to be good factory workers and soldiers.
They do not teach you how to use your brain.
As an example, which is more important? Your learning or the bell?
Out of all my classes, I have had only one teacher keep us after the bell to finish teaching us something. In all others, the bell is far more important than what is taught.
The way things are taught is designed to kill creativity.
It is designed to create dutiful little robots that will never buck the system.
I hate govern-cement schools. Everything I learned there, I later learned was wrong.
I agree 100%
Many things we learned have been wrong, I sometimes wonder if the complete opposite is actually good for you. But as a kid I didn't know better, So I listened to adults blindly. Now I'm surprised by everything that I thought was true, Is completely off.
The things I learned in school that I still do were bad, cussing, judging, drugs,....I met people that I otherwise wouldn't have come in contact with,...
Steemit will help as you constantly massage those little brain cell/s, developing new articles like this one right here.
Or you could throw up your arms and have more wine.
Hahahha So true! XD I've learned a lot by blogging and reading blog on here.
And it didn't even hurt did it... it is fun, thanks for helping make it so @kaylinart.
this is about developing the habits that allow you to continue to make new neural connections throughout your life.
every part of you is renewed every 7 years, or less.
Thats very interesting too! Habits can definitely help a lot. Also for time saving.
so that's why people say I've lost my mind!
This was a wonderful post, I agree with you its very important to understand our brains and our mind. More research should be done on topics like neuro-plasticity so we can reach our full potential.