A cylinder autumn vegetables over the winter! 一缸秋菜过一冬!

in #life7 years ago


I like autumn, because it is not only a busy season, but also a harvest season. At this time a variety of vegetables and fruits have become the main part of everyday’s life . people usually buy some vegetables or fruits to spend the winter.





Today my work is to pickle crispfolia.
On my breakfast table , our family usually eat porridge with some radish, cripfolia, and other vegetables . I cooked them with some sesame oil, sesame, pepper, indescribably delicious!

This morning , I bought a bunch of crispfolia, picked the yellow leaves off, removed the roots. Cleaning.( Some people usually do this without cleaning and pickled , that is ok) . Then I put a layer of the vegetable and a layer of salt . One or two days later , you can put the salty crispfolia in to the jar with a big stone pressing on it . About 15 days later , you can enjoy eating !




This custom may be out of the date , but I want to say , life will be like this ! Or where can you find the taste of autumn life ?
My dear steemians , have you smelt the taste of autumn ? Have you stored the vegetables or fruits to spend over the winter ? A few days later , I am sure I will pickled Chinese cabbage. That is what we have in the northeast . At that time, you can say: " Cui Hua , Chinese sauerkraut please !

Thanks for your reading and happy every day !

我喜欢秋天,是因为它既是一个繁忙的季节,也是一个丰收的季节, 这个时候各种蔬菜水果大丰收。而且也是过冬存储瓜果,腌制秋菜的时间。

就像小白兔要过冬,准备好萝卜白菜一样。通常老年人这个时间是最忙的,买过冬的地瓜,芋头,萝卜, 白菜,等等。现在的年轻人, 已经没有了这个传统, 他们通常想吃啥就叫外卖,对于过冬的储备,总是表示不屑。反而有时候觉得是浪费时间。

我不觉的浪费时间, 也许我也是走进了老年人的行列里了吧!天气一凉,我也忙个不停, 买完芋头,买地瓜。通常这两样放好的话, 是不会坏的,能吃到来年的春天。也许有人说,家里没地方放啊,吃多少,买多少呗,市场也不缺。
是啊, 即使市场不缺, 我也养成了习惯,秋天来了, 怎么的也的储备点。

今天早上去市场,白菜,萝卜,地瓜,大葱 成了市场的主角,那个头,那颜色甚是喜人啊!不过我今天干的重要的活是买雪里红,腌制雪里红。


买了一捆雪里红,把黄叶摘掉,去掉老根。洗净。 也有的可以不洗,直接腌制。然后控净水,一层菜一层盐,腌制一两天。把腌制的坛子洗净,两天之后放进雪里红,然后用石头压上。大约15天之后就可以吃啦!

一缸秋菜过一冬,也许是老人留下的传统已经过时了,但是我还是想说,生活不就是这个样子吗? 否则哪有秋天的味道呢?

亲爱的朋友们, 你闻到秋天的味道了吗? 你也开始储备秋菜过冬了吗? 哈哈,再过几天,我就开始腌酸菜啦,那可是我们东北的特色喽!到时候, 你会说,“翠花, 上酸菜!”




嗯, 是, 跟气候有关,越往北走, 酸菜就越好吃,大连的温度也很高,酸菜得等过几天再冷冷的才能腌制!







I like veges... In fact, I love having fresh veg food... but I have a question, don't you feel hungry right after 30 minutes of having this kind of fresh food?

usually the fresh veges -- is good , but after salted the vege - maybe another taste style you can have a try . that is why there are salted fish , bacon and so on . it has good taste i think !

yes, i've tried... Tuna, Turkey, Fish, Chicken and Beef

Ever since I was a young man I've always loved vegetables. Green vegetables are good for the body makes you healthy thank you so much for sharing keep up the good work
