I'm not a man, but I raised two of them and they are both much more emotionally available than any guys I've ever known (my husband is definitely included in that!)
I am very fortunate (as are my sons) that my husband respected my opinions and thoughts on raising children, especially that the boys needed to be able to talk about things and express themselves just as much as the girls did/do.
Now that our boys are grown, my husband has said more than once, "I wonder how much better off I'd be if my mom had raised me the way you've raised our boys..." and you know, if he hadn't been taught to shut down every emotion for so long, I'm sure our marriage issues WOULD be less (although in his family's case, I'm not sure his parents would have allowed girls to express their emotions, either. The whole topic of expressing actual feelings was pretty forbidden by anyone.)
At any rate, I think this is a conversation that needs to be had and honestly, I think that things are shifting in a BIG way. The ways that I see it manifesting now? All of the "oh, you poor little snowflake! Do you need a safe place?" (Not even talking just politically) but men/boys ESPECIALLY are set upon online by the older generation as if having feelings is a bad thing.
I am SO ready for that attitude to fade away. It is heartening whenever I do see comments supporting the need for change in this area. Also seeing post after post by younger parents who speak of letting their children, especially the boys, have and express their emotions safely with support!
Sounds like you aced it, byn :)
Just you wait and see - lots more coming from me in the future :)
I'm looking forward to it! This is NEEDED in a big way!