Bro code? It’s a relatively new term to me. One that I don’t think was around when I was younger, or perhaps I took no notice of it. Who knows? I’ve never really been one for these buzz words that come and go just as fast as my time at high school.
There were always these unrwitten rules for us guys; things you knew that were a boundary and you daren’t step over them for fear of looking like an utter dick to your inner circle of friends. Some of it was just decent human behaviour — like not flirting with your friend’s girlfriend or not talking nasty behind your best friend’s back.
As I write this I’m trying to think back, remembering a time where these rules were impregnated into our minds. They were the unspoken word and I can’t ever remember speaking about them outright with my friends. It has me wondering where the rules for decent behaviour for men and their circle of friends stemmed from. Could it have been TV? I recall countless instances on Hollyoaks where some dude has done the dirty on his mate (yeah, I was a big fan in my early twenties). Perhaps that’s it? I can’t remember.
To me, these rules are a good thing. It inhibits men, or a at least a lot of men, from being utter fuckheads, because let’s face it, when women are involved the game completely changes; we could all be having a quiet game of snooker until a few pretty ladies walk in and we all start to strut our stuff like peacocks. I’ve watched it unfold countless times.
What about intimacy though? There is zero in the Bro code, or these unwritten rules about male intimacy, just that you stay the hell away from it with each other. In my mind the perfectly balanced male is one that is awesomely in touch with his masculinity and equally his feminity. We have a lovely balance, us men, but we tend to shun it. I remember once upon a time when I tried to hug a male friend randomly on a night out because I liked him a lot. I spent the rest of the week protesting that I wasn’t homosexual, not that homosexuality is a bad thing, or even something to be ashamed of, only that it wasn’t me.
I’ve finally figured out why I love being around women so much. I figured it out the other day. Intimacy. Women are intimate with everyone they meet; not sexually, or relationship-wise of course, but they are way more intimate than men are. I miss intimacy with men. I would literally LOVE to sit down with some of my male friends and open up a bit more about my life, but I can’t, because it makes them feel uncomfortable. I’ve had to accept the status quo for now.
In male circles it often feels like a constant pissing contest, each trying to outperform the last until one is crowned the ultimate untouched dominator; it’s hard to compete when I really don’t believe in competition. I’m more of a progression by collaboration person. It’s why I like golf so much, I was never competing against anyone else, only myself, and I’d always cheer my friends on to do better than they previously were, even if at times, they were besting me.
Emotional intimacy is something men need to work on, and when I talk about that I don’t mean have a good cry, that’s usually the after effect of a heavy emotionally open conversation with someone else. It starts with just standing the hell up and saying, “shit, I’m a bit flawed,” it starts by opening up to your friend about the gigantic spot on your bum, and your friend not laughing but looking through google to see what it can be. It starts by hugging your mate because you feel a bit sad that your Mrs has gone out, again, and left you with the kids. It starts by acting the same way you would with your male friends as you would with your female ones. It starts by having a conversation.
I watched a YouTube video once from a die hard Feminist that dressed up as a man for a year and convinced all her new found friends that she was, in fact, a man. Once the test was over she had a lot to say. The most striking difference she noticed was that Men aren’t intimate with each other at all; she noted that as soon as she outed herself as a female (surprisingly no-one was mad) they began to be far more emotionally available to her, as in they were being more open and honest with her in those few moments than they had been with her (or him) in the entire year that she knew them.
I write a lot about having pent up emotions and not having anyone to talk to but this is by far one of the worst problems men have today. Fathers have passed onto Sons the stiff upper lip mentality where it is better to go down in a fiery ball of bravery than show a hint of, or any weakness, and that is a flawed mentality my friends and for one reason.
We all have our weaknesses.
Take me for example, I have my unorganisation, my obsessions, my addictions, my love for all things internet and a ton of other unhealthy weaknesses to my name. I’m not perfect and for as long as I live there will always be some issue, or problem that I’m trying to work through — but I’ll damn well talk about it. I’ll talk about it to my friends and family, and perhaps even to you, my audience. I won’t keep it in and let it fester in hopes that god forbid someone witnesses any weakness from me.
Yes, my friends, I am flawed and proud of it. I’m no pinnacle of perfection.
When people say talking helps they really mean it.
I’d absolutely love to start a trend somewhere. One where men stand up and talk; unjudged about some things they are afraid to talk about. Maybe let’s see a few in the comments. When it’s out there it never seems as bad as it was before.

Very nice!
I would say it's a tragedy for men that society don't accept them if they express. They can't be sad or emotional; they have to talk about money and career; they are viewed as money-making machine, and no one cares about how they feel; men, who are expressive or emotional (which I never saw) are seen as having feminine characteristics.
All humans are same; men too, need emotional support as much as women do, and men too are sensitive; but this is not realized.
Thanks man - yeah. I think there is truth in a few points you made there :)
i.e., the first) hashtag. Perhaps the trend would catch on, especially if you challenge other men to open up about something, to help the trend gain traction. Who knows...?!?!? You might touch many lives that need it!Maybe you could start a trend, a new hashtag on the Steem blockchain... something like #mentalk or #mentalktoo or whatever. Edit your tags in THIS post and include it, perhaps in place of #philosophy and then write another post and another with #mentalk or #mentalktoo as the primary (
What an absolutely awesome idea - this is something that I can really get behind too :)
You've now got me on the track of thinking about a community and everything - what an awesome idea. Thank you :)
THIS was the post I was thinking about when you shared your news about the "Man Cave" community on Whaleshares a while ago! I am glad to see you are making it a reality! 😊
@thekittygirl Thank you! I want to, I am trying hard to :)
Upvoted by the whaleshares show!😉
Thank youuu :)
What a crazy experiment, to do. That must of been very interesting. Could of never imagine that. Upvoted :)
It was - I may even see if I can get the video :)
Interesting story
Howdy from Texas @raymondspeaks! first of all thank you for resteeming my article on Amish vs. the FDA and I hope to God that England isn't in the same situation that we are in the U.S. where all the soil(except the Amish soil) is saturated with toxic chemicals. As far as the men not expressing themselves, do you think that is more of a problem in different cultures? for instance the British have always been famous for not being emotional. Here in the States I truly know alot of men who don't have deep emotions and have no interest in being emotional, others do of course but most that I know don't, and don't care. A few I know would just as soon kill you as talk to you about emotions. So blimey! what does one do with that? actually I don't even know what blimey means, I just like the way it sounds because it sounds British to me, I don't know anyone who is British but I hope it isn't swearing. thanks for the fine post sir!
Haha. Thank you :)
Great revelant topic for men right now.
Thanks man :)
Insightful. Men need learn how to express and free themselves.
Great post! "Bro Code" ...i like it! So funny too about when you said you tried to hug a male friend randomly & he thought you were gay. That's really dumb that he would think that. He's the one with "issues" 😂 Next time say... "Ahhh... does somebody need another hug?"
I've changed a lot since then. That friend is no longer a friend. Haha
That's hilarious // I've never been intimidated by hugs. Maybe you should write a post about that. Or (better yet) a funny DTube video. 😅
Excelent topic bro
Oh yeah, bro code and girl code have been around for a long time. MTV actually had a television show called that at one time. It was pretty funny.
For the most part, I think you are right... women can be more intimate than men when it comes to talking about feelings and being emotional, but this isn't true for all women. One of my friends has her own group of friends. The other females she hangs out with are complete opposites of me. They think I'm weird because I care about more emotional things that they don't care about. Not all women are mushy gushy. Just like not all men are stern and lack emotion.
I'm glad you said that actually. I can often get caught up in my narrowed-perspective. I forget that there are a lot of women that have been raised this way too! Another thing that needs to be discussed :)
It's no problem! Some may not even been raised this way, but things in life make them "hard up" or "jaded."
You're a great talker! It's true but most of the time it's true when you're together with a group of friends. When you're one on one with a friend, talk gets more intimate. Of course - it depends on what friends you have and what is the thing you're doing - drinking some booze, smoking some herb or simply playing some games.
And I like @thekittygirl idea about the hashtag! You can do it!
Thanks. I am going to do it. I'm going to take it by storm :)
I'm not a man, but I raised two of them and they are both much more emotionally available than any guys I've ever known (my husband is definitely included in that!)
I am very fortunate (as are my sons) that my husband respected my opinions and thoughts on raising children, especially that the boys needed to be able to talk about things and express themselves just as much as the girls did/do.
Now that our boys are grown, my husband has said more than once, "I wonder how much better off I'd be if my mom had raised me the way you've raised our boys..." and you know, if he hadn't been taught to shut down every emotion for so long, I'm sure our marriage issues WOULD be less (although in his family's case, I'm not sure his parents would have allowed girls to express their emotions, either. The whole topic of expressing actual feelings was pretty forbidden by anyone.)
At any rate, I think this is a conversation that needs to be had and honestly, I think that things are shifting in a BIG way. The ways that I see it manifesting now? All of the "oh, you poor little snowflake! Do you need a safe place?" (Not even talking just politically) but men/boys ESPECIALLY are set upon online by the older generation as if having feelings is a bad thing.
I am SO ready for that attitude to fade away. It is heartening whenever I do see comments supporting the need for change in this area. Also seeing post after post by younger parents who speak of letting their children, especially the boys, have and express their emotions safely with support!
Sounds like you aced it, byn :)
Just you wait and see - lots more coming from me in the future :)
I'm looking forward to it! This is NEEDED in a big way!
so cute, cool and relaxing pics...