i.e., the first) hashtag. Perhaps the trend would catch on, especially if you challenge other men to open up about something, to help the trend gain traction. Who knows...?!?!? You might touch many lives that need it!Maybe you could start a trend, a new hashtag on the Steem blockchain... something like #mentalk or #mentalktoo or whatever. Edit your tags in THIS post and include it, perhaps in place of #philosophy and then write another post and another with #mentalk or #mentalktoo as the primary (
What an absolutely awesome idea - this is something that I can really get behind too :)
You've now got me on the track of thinking about a community and everything - what an awesome idea. Thank you :)
THIS was the post I was thinking about when you shared your news about the "Man Cave" community on Whaleshares a while ago! I am glad to see you are making it a reality! 😊
@thekittygirl Thank you! I want to, I am trying hard to :)