Watcher of My Thoughts

in #life7 years ago (edited)


As I have mentioned before, I enjoy being the watcher of my thoughts.

What this means is that I don't judge my thoughts; I simply sit back and watch them as if I'm watching another person.

If a particular thought is something I don't identify with, I dissociate with it -- and it stops. No need to beat myself up for simply having a thought when I can just put a stop to it and move on.

If it's a thought I enjoy or choose to identify with, I hold onto it for as long as necessary, but not too long, as it might prevent me from discovering my next beautiful thought.

If I find that I have a lovely recurring thought, I'll write about it. Sometimes I'll publish it here and sometimes I won't. Some things need to remain private, after all.

The more I practice mindfulness and as the watching of my thoughts becomes second nature, less negative junk starts to flow through my head -- which means I have less junk to filter out, less junk to dissociate with.

You, too, can be the watcher of your thoughts. Give it a try.


Being the witness.
Glad to meet another awareness junkie like myself, much love from Canada <3

Glad to meet you, too! <3

Good to know that more people practice mindfulness!

I adopted this practice 6 or 7 months ago and now I can tell the difference on my growth as a person. Besides helping me knowing myself better, this helped me improve my emotional intelligence towards others. Its great!

Keep up the good work and see you soon!

Thank you, Shaden! Keep being awesome... :)

Can we do anything other?

Once we have a clear head, no we can't. :)

Thought you sounded all Buddhist-like. Then I saw the word "mindfulness" further down, and that nailed it. ... Check out Writing Down the Bones by Natilie Goldberg. It's all about writing as a mindfulness practice.

Oh, I am by no means a Buddhist. :D I'm just a person trying to understand myself and others. I will check it out... thanks!

All kinds of people do Buddhist meditation practices: Christians, atheists, Muslims. It's about technique. You don't have to buy into the whole religious tradition.

I'm definitely a fan of meditation. I try to have some quiet meditation time when I wake up and when I'm ready to fall asleep. Only thing is, I do it "freestyle" I guess you could say. I haven't studied actual Buddhist practices. But maybe I will.

Another great post @cali-girl.

Great to have you stop by again.