You have exhibited why the gross majority of us parents choose to let our vernacular stagger round and die. Losing your ability to speak to Toastmasters is nearly a right of passage. Alas, I live in America. Our schools leave much to be desired, particularly in vocabulary development/refinement. Rapier is a term suited for adult circles and fancy Scots.
Us fancy Scots love our fine tongue linguistics hehe!! You get to live in the land of the free!!
That's a touchy issue....yes, the Constitution still exists somewhere and we are free of British bondage, but there is a lot of monkey business behind the scenes.
Sadly its kinda the same here, only we arent free of the British :O)
All these centuries later and they keep hanging on. I'm fairly accurate in saying the Rothschild clan plays our puppet strings well. Nevertheless, at least monkeys can freely throw and eat poo universally. Caged or free :)
Haha yes indeed they can!