Meet my Hurricane Cat & What I've Been Up to During my Steemit Absence

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Greetings my Steemit friends & family! It's been a weird roller coaster ride for me in the past month, hence my self imposed steemit absence, though I have definitely missed you all! My current plan is to get back in the routine of regularly blogging and curating as I am known for here on my upcoming TWO years on Steemit.

During Thanksgiving I spent about three days on the road to relocate from a disastrous situation to what seemed to be & is a better option - my "home" town of Columbus, GA. I say this as a military brat who spent 13+ years in this area before moving out of state in late 2015.

I almost feel leaving Columbus was a mistake in the first place but we never learn if we don't make mistakes. In my time back here it's been highly stressful at times but also nice being back closer with my family and friends.
Unfortunately, I am currently unemployed, again. I was able to transfer within my company to move here but after working at the new facility, politics I didn't agree with and finger pointing over a relatively simple error caused me to chose parting ways with this company.

Once again, experiencing alot of self doubt and skepticism and extremely upset this position didnt work out as I've been job/ company hopping for these same reasons since August of 2017. It's now been well over a year of this and I'm sick of the instability and income lapses. Unemployment is scary folks.

All of the "hard stuff " life has to offer I've experienced especially in the past year. Multiple hospitalizations, moves, lapses in employment, etc etc.

It's during the cutthroat moments like these you find out who's really got your back and who's there to hold grudges & stab you in the back. Astonishingly, (not really), it is normally those who should be your closest allies that are your worst enemies. To no surprise I've learned my abusive father has not changed a bit and is permanently blocked from my life as I simply can't cope with his negative and controlling behaviors. I can't grow if I have a nasty infection of people in my life so I've recently done some major chopping.

It's not all woe and misery though. Lately, I have been introduced to a new love interest and it was the last place I would've looked. Having companionship in general is important. Having a strong person that's got your back no matter what you tell them has happened or you've done/ experienced is major. I've experienced the opposite of this my whole life. I've just always felt like a burden or parasite to my partners.

So I have learned,if you can't deal with my shit, don't expect me to deal with yours. I am realizing putting myself last in relationships has been wearing me down for years. Thank God for this ark of fresh air.

Employment will come. Opportunities are around the corner. I have to stay strong and be healthy and good to myself.

Other things that have been happening is I visited the local shelter, PAWS that is no kill and is where my precious fur babies, Orangey and Spots came from.
I was instantly drawn into this "hurricane cat", Hugo as seen in the first photo. As you can see, he only has one eye. He lost his right eye in Hurricane Florence that devastated the Carolinas in 2018. As I have come to find out, shelters all around the country absorb these stranded or hurt hurricane animals. In some areas they are even giving them out for free. Hugo was a mere $25 and is a precious cat. He's got a great personality and fits right in with my other two. He is quirky and has a habit of "suckling" blankets when he's getting cozy.
I feel we often forget what the animals are going through during these disastrous storms and that the hurricane animals are a cause often forgotten or placed on the back burner. I would do more if I could.

Look into it, think about it, do you have room in your home for a hurricane cat or dog?

Well, perhaps a bit long winded for my first post back but thanks for reading!! Please chime in your thoughts on how we could further help these affected animals.


Hugo is a cutie. Glad he has fit in with the other two. Nice to see you have someone to back you up. :-)

Thanks a ton. Look forward to catching up with everyone's blogs!

I don’t think it’s long winded at all, it’s so nice to get an update. With the unemployment, it must be good to have a support system like your family and friends, you are so hard working and your work ethics are so good that there is no doubt you will find work soon!

I am very proud of you for staying away from the one family member that has the power to bring you down, you really don’t need his bs and plethora of unresolved issues. It’s not like you can get him to be vulnerable, that is 100% on him.

When I read this I see a woman who is putting herself first and has her priorities down. It makes me very proud to be able to call someone like that a friend!

As always, thanks for the supportive comment. I'm glad you didn't find it to be too long winded. It's really cool that I can be off the grid, come back and you my friend didn't give up on me!! You're awesome. ♡

And yes, I tried all throughout my 20s to rectify things with my dad. One final last ditched effort here recently that ended with me being called "nasty", like okay.....

But my siblings, friends, mom, bf all have my back and are kind , supportive, and only one call away.

Welcome back! Peace to you, my dear. Good things are coming, indeed!

Thank you! Actually i received positive news today on a good job right here in town that i'll be phone interviewing on tomorrow

That is excellent news! Sending you positive vibes for the interview!!!

Welcome back to steemit. You are right that those closest to us hurt us the most. I have had a first hand experience with these. Keep being on the lookout and choose friends wisely. I wish you the very best in finding worthy employment.
Hugo is looking great. I got a black kitty just like that called Rodrigo. Take good care of him 👍😁

Posted using Partiko Android

That's cool rodrigo is a great name. I will certainly be taking fantastic care of him! Thanks for the well wishes.

That is a rough few months. Glad to hear there are positive things too and I really hope you will find work soon.

Tysm! It's looking up, i have a phone interview with a job im very interested in tomorrow so that's a plus! Hope you've been doing well!

Life can be tough, but, you came up strong. Kudos for sticking to your moral compass on things.

The kitties are adorable! I love that fluffy stuff. You sound so much better and I am happy to see life giving you a break! Glad to see you posting again!


Thank you so much! You're always so kind and supportive. Send me you're address and i'll send you a couple fluff balls as I sweep them up daily! LOL jk
Hope you're doing well!

Welcome back Chelsea! :-) It's great to see that you didn't throw in the steem towel like so many others. When I got back home (and the regular internet conditions) I couldn't believe how empty everything got compared to a year ago. But that's okay, now we are the survivors...
I'm sorry to hear about your employment situation, and keep my fingers crossed that you find something soon. On the other hand, I'm happy to see you are in good company. I love the picture of your smiling friends, and Hugo just looks super cute.
Take care!

My compliments for the photos of cats and good luci for a new work for you

Posted using Partiko Android

Very much appreciated, thank you!

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Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide :)

So good to hear from you again. Sorry that your work didn't work out, but I'm sure the right place is just around the corner for you!

I'm looking forward to adopting some critters again - as soon as we're in a place we're allowed to have them. People don't seem to understand that animals are good for us!

Have a great 2019!

I was getting worried about you. Glad you resurfaced.

Hope you find the right situation soon.