It's funny you mention we know so many people who seem so alike. So many times I read your posts and not only get a good laugh, but I am reminded of similar people or events in my own life. When I first started commenting on your blog I would sometimes hold back things because I thought I was coming off as a bullshitter just trying to top your stories with my own. That can be a problem when you talk with people on the internet that you don't really know. As time went on I obviously got over it as we got to know each other better. I remember when you weren't sure if it was ok to make fun of my impending baldness. I was happy to let you know nothing is off limits when it comes to busting my stones.
There will be a part two for Billy. Some stories aren't safe for public consumption, but I have a few that can be told. My problem is trying to write them out so people can see the humor without actually knowing the guy. My grandfather is going to get a post soon and I have another story of getting stupid drunk that needs to be shared.
Thank you for your support @generikat and as always I'm looking forward to your posts. Even if they are getting dangerously dairy free.
Speaking of similarities, lol! I censor myself pretty heavily on here because I also don't want to be a trying to top others fecal matter artist. When I am talking to people in person I can get a feel for a person's antagonizing tolerance pretty quickly, but like you said you just never know on the Internet.
It makes me happy that you got over your censorship, trying to out do each other in our storytelling is pretty much a family trait in our clan. My mom always has said that my dad's motto should have been, "Have shovel will travel." LOL!
I am so incredibly happy that there are more Billy tales in the works! You tell the stories amazingly, I still giggle when I think about Billy mimicing the Animal alongside the ring, that's some priceless stuff right there!
I don't know if you have noticed, but I am pretty fond of ya, just a small amount, you know, kinda like the amount of hair on your head.....I am evil....and not sorry!!
Seriously though, thanks for all the support to, I am so happy to have met you:o)!
Man the baldness jokes just keep on coming. I have to admit though I love them. I don't get busted about my lack of hair enough because it is a common trait among my family and friends. It's a fricking epidemic around here! I still have more hair than most of them. But I'm catching up. I like to say I had wavy hair. It waved goodbye.
Oh! And I just made ice cream with whole milk and whipping cream. My blog should be safe viewing for awhile now.