I recently watched How Big Oil Conquered the World.
This was the most eye-opening documentary I have ever watched and I highly recommend for you to subscribe to Corbett Report on Youtube and follow Corbett's website to stay informed on the elitist's plans to take over our world!

@corbettreport is also posting on Steemit, Corbett Report is one of my personal favorite independent news outlets.
I have already released Part #1, Part #2, Part #3, Part #4, Part #5, Part #6 and Part #7 of this series. I highly recommend for you to read through these first to better understand this post.
Today I will inform you of the story of Standard Oil brushed off Federal Prosecution like it was nothing!
Second Indictment
In 1949, GM, Firestone, Standard Oil of California and their officers and corporate associates were convicted on the second count of conspiracy. LINK
And what do you think was the punishment for abusing and causing the dismantlement of America's public transportation ecosystem?
A fine of $5,000.

It does not end there!
We also saw the bust of H.C. Grossman, who was Director of Pacific City Lines during the demolition of LA's $100 Million Pacific Electric system.
How do you expect this accomplice in a Global Conspiracy to be punished?
He was fined 1 US Dollar.
Not Much Jail Time Ensues
General Motors and their associates did not stay behind bars for long at all! Would you be surprised if I told you that in 1953 President Eisenhower gave Charles Wilson, who was the current President of General Motors, the title of Secretary of Defense.
Francis DuPont of the Rockefeller-connected DuPont family became Chief Administrator of Federal Highways. This was one largest public work projects in history.
The Creation Of The Interstate
After the war, tax on train tickets are still legislated and federally funded highways and airports are providing cheaper alternatives.
Railway travel declined 84% between 1945 and 1964. LINK

After The War
This tax paid off for Standard Oil, General Motors and all of the other petrochemical associates of Standard Oil.
In only two and a half decades after World War II, Vehicle production in Detroit nearly tripled. This meant they went from 4.5 million car productions a year in 1940 to over 11 million in 1965.
And without blinking, the sales of refined gasoline followed by rising in value by 300%.

European Oiligarchs Crush Competitiors
Meanwhile in Europe, rich European oligarchs were trying to secure their oil investments. This meant stopping upstart competitors by all means necessary.
By 1889, a group of German investors (led by Siemens' Deutsche Bank) received grants from the Turkish government to extend a railway line which would connect Berlin to Basra.

The Berlin-Baghdad Railway
This deal was so valued because the rail cut through the middle of mostly untapped Mesopotamian oil fields along the Tigris River.
This crucial railway gave these German Investors 90 years of access to some very mineral rich land. Many did not know this at the time. We now know that this access came with mineral rights for twenty kilometers of land on either side of this highway.
What Do I Think?
This was a very informative documentary.
This is part 8 of an ongoing series, read part 7 HERE, read part 6 HERE read part 5 HERE read part 4 HERE! Read part 3 HERE! Read part 2 HERE! Read part 1 HERE!
Today we followed the story of story of Standard Oil brushed off Federal Prosecution like it was nothing!
Next time we will learn how the European oligarchs fought off their competitors who received access to mostly untapped Mesopotamian oil fields along the Tigris River.
Sources for images is provided by clicking on the image itself.
Who is @Chron?
I am currently working in association with @samstonehill on the following projects:
FREE TUTORIALS, personal training & resteeming services. Website HERE.@steemmasters which provides
HERE.@charitysteemit which has successfully donated solar kits to the volcano evacuess of Bali through the power of Steem! Check out our video where we hand out the kits

Avid graphic designer, if you want a Gif like above made by me or a banner like below contact @chron on Steemit.chat (we can discuss rates there).
I am currently writing a series about How Big Oil Conquered the World. If interested in learning about this subject read Part 1.

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@teamsteem @timcliff @jesta @good-karma @someguy123 @blocktrades @pfunk @klye @krnel @blueorgy @ausbitbank, @pharesim & @thecryptodrive
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@chron is a 16 year old robot-headed Steemer, currently based in Bali, Indonesia.
I am currently working in association with @samstonehill on the following projects:
FREE TUTORIALS, personal training & resteeming services. Website HERE.@steemmasters which provides
HERE.@charitysteemit which has successfully donated solar kits to the volcano evacuess of Bali through the power of Steem! Check out our video where we hand out the kits
Avid graphic designer, if you want a Gif like above made by me or a banner like below contact @chron on Steemit.chat (we can discuss rates there).
I am currently writing a series about How Big Oil Conquered the World. If interested in learning about this subject read Part 1.
Here is a list of Steemit Witness I have voted for & recommend you do the same:
@teamsteem @timcliff @jesta @good-karma @someguy123 @blocktrades @pfunk @klye @krnel @blueorgy @ausbitbank, @pharesim & @thecryptodrive
Without them our beautiful decentralized platform would sink!
Learn what this means HERE and place your vote HERE.

It’s amazing oil has literally controlled the planet for ummm..the entire existence of human civilization...
Okay maybe not that long but since we required fuel- and money was to be made, people capitalized on this (pseudo)non renewable resource. What happens when we start running low- forget fuel alternatives , what’s gonna happen to the economy and big oil companies...
what a provocative post...
Yes! I like the way you comment 😁 We will see what is either going to be a complete collapse of our economy or a reform of our energy systems. Both will require a lot of change to be made to our way of life.
It will be an interesting next few years indeed!
Thanks @chron- I tend to write exactly like I talk- I just get pretty enveloped in the topic..
The world is going to see changes in the near futures - the population is growing exponentiallyat an alarming rate and this alone will lead to some inevitable changes. We have to wait and see unfortunately—
Big oil has been suppressing alternative energy applications for years in order to maintain their dominance and control.
What would happen if we actually ran out of fossil fuels they would switch to the technology's that they have been keeping quite. A good example is the documentary "Who killed the electric car".
I’ll have to check that out- I Watch a ton of documentaries but I’ve never seen that one!
Your right though, and this is going to happen at some point. It’s just hard to say when...
To be fair you should take into account inflation when telling people how much a company was fined the the past.
That $5000 fine was worth a whole lot more back then.
Thanks for the synopsis.
This is very true. I also put into consideration this:
That is also $100 Million when inflation wasn't taken into consideration and he was fined only 1 Dollar.
Thank you for commenting 😀
Once again, there is a small handful of power brokers pulling the strings of everyone else's existence.
When will the change ever be made?
Good information, Thank you
You are very welcome.
Hope you enjoy what is to come 😁
good work
good comment 👍
Independent news outlet = oxymoron. Didn't watch but bet Corbett and possibly you are controlled opposition, funded by or aligned with Rockefellers/ NWO.
Great job reviewing the Corbett video and excellent choice of topics. Sorry I jumped ahead accusing you, I'm so used to deception. Yes, there's indication Corbett Report is controlled opposition, but I'm not super familiar with them. What I wrote above that independent news = oxymoron is practically a law of nature. Gary Allen said Rothschild (& Rockefeller, Wall Street, CFR, Illuminati, etc.) always played both sides, sometimes 3 sides or all sides - think of U.S. Presidential elections:
The menace of communism in this country will remain a menace until the American people make themselves aware of the techniques of communism. No one who truly understands what it really is can be taken in by it. Yet the individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent.
The Elks Magazine (August 1956).https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/J._Edgar_Hoover
Here's a couple links that might be relevant:
The StreetCar Conspiracy
The StreetCar Conspiracy. How General Motors Deliberately Destroyed Public Transit. by Bradford Snell. The electric streetcar, contrary to Van Wilkin's incredible naïve whitewash, did not die a natural death: General Motors killed it. GM killed it by employing a host of anti-competitive devices which, like National City Lines, ...
uAMERICAN GROUND TRANSPORT. A Proposal for Restructuring the Automobile, Truck, Bus & Rail Industries. Bradford C. Snell. From the Original 1974 U.S. Government Report
The people supposed to fight the New World Order (Communist-Capitalist ) Conspiracy, The John Birch Society and their publication The New American magazine, have been infiltrated, I recently realized and proved it and found other credible sources that validated my suspicions:
However, even The Convention of States
is infiltrated or controlled by the bad guys, Illuminati/CFR types. Their link was not currently working.
Again, the only thing that will save us is to restore the U.S. Constitution - The Liberty Amendment - not dissolve it like Adam Kokesh promises:
Individual liberty, freedom and sovereignty of the people will be restored in a representative republican form of government by clarifying the original spirit and intent of the Constitution. The Liberty Amendment will give back to the Constitution its full force and effect in limiting the powers and activities of the Federal Government and restoring those powers reserved to the States and to the people. The Liberty Amendment, proposed, could become the 28th Amendment to the Constitution. http://edberry.com/blog/polymontana/politics/politics-article-v/who-infiltrated-the-john-birch-society/ https://conventionofstates.com/