Independent news outlet = oxymoron. Didn't watch but bet Corbett and possibly you are controlled opposition, funded by or aligned with Rockefellers/ NWO.
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Independent news outlet = oxymoron. Didn't watch but bet Corbett and possibly you are controlled opposition, funded by or aligned with Rockefellers/ NWO.
Great job reviewing the Corbett video and excellent choice of topics. Sorry I jumped ahead accusing you, I'm so used to deception. Yes, there's indication Corbett Report is controlled opposition, but I'm not super familiar with them. What I wrote above that independent news = oxymoron is practically a law of nature. Gary Allen said Rothschild (& Rockefeller, Wall Street, CFR, Illuminati, etc.) always played both sides, sometimes 3 sides or all sides - think of U.S. Presidential elections:
The menace of communism in this country will remain a menace until the American people make themselves aware of the techniques of communism. No one who truly understands what it really is can be taken in by it. Yet the individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent.
The Elks Magazine (August 1956).
Here's a couple links that might be relevant:
The StreetCar Conspiracy
The StreetCar Conspiracy. How General Motors Deliberately Destroyed Public Transit. by Bradford Snell. The electric streetcar, contrary to Van Wilkin's incredible naïve whitewash, did not die a natural death: General Motors killed it. GM killed it by employing a host of anti-competitive devices which, like National City Lines, ...
uAMERICAN GROUND TRANSPORT. A Proposal for Restructuring the Automobile, Truck, Bus & Rail Industries. Bradford C. Snell. From the Original 1974 U.S. Government Report
The people supposed to fight the New World Order (Communist-Capitalist ) Conspiracy, The John Birch Society and their publication The New American magazine, have been infiltrated, I recently realized and proved it and found other credible sources that validated my suspicions:
However, even The Convention of States
is infiltrated or controlled by the bad guys, Illuminati/CFR types. Their link was not currently working.
Again, the only thing that will save us is to restore the U.S. Constitution - The Liberty Amendment - not dissolve it like Adam Kokesh promises:
Individual liberty, freedom and sovereignty of the people will be restored in a representative republican form of government by clarifying the original spirit and intent of the Constitution. The Liberty Amendment will give back to the Constitution its full force and effect in limiting the powers and activities of the Federal Government and restoring those powers reserved to the States and to the people. The Liberty Amendment, proposed, could become the 28th Amendment to the Constitution.