you have created a paradox.
it is not my belief that a belief does not have to be true: it is my perception based on information that is factual and correct.
For example, if one believes in the official 9/11 story, they will still believe it true only by ignoring new info. it will be true ** in their head** , but not actually true.
Can you comprehend this?
I agree that a belief does not have to be true. Absolutely, not all beliefs are right. All Im saying is that some beliefs ARE right, because they reflect absolute reality. Im not saying all beliefs are factual or correct, that would be impossible.
I think I see what your saying. And I agree, that just because people believe something does not make it true. But, not all beliefs are wrong either. Beliefs that reflect absolute reality are absolutely correct, regardless of someone believing them or not.
(Pulling from our other conversation)
Beliefs are just a perception
So its your belief?
Also, before we continue I would like to thank you for this dialog, I am enjoying it and I hope you are too. Thanks for being willing to discuss this with me :)
no problem.
I do not claim to know the answers but I like to ask questions and that leads me into mind bending realities hahaha