What is a belief?
A belief is a mechanism of integrated thoughts and opinions that combine to shape your view of the world.
A belief does not have to have an ounce of truth, or even make sense.
A belief is simply a strong opinion that you hold which usually will shun new information lest it shatter into nothingness.
Since a belief does not have to be true, and does not have to change form with the coming of new information - it usually isn't true.
A belief, is something that you hold onto that helps you see the world in a way that conforms to your ideals.
If we dissect the word, we can see the word LIE, bold facedly in the middle.
We can also see that be lief , means to be “happy” : thus, to believe something is to be happy with the lies that you have told yourself.
Some examples of beliefs that do not conform to truth are; belief in any deity being THE GOD, or a belief in a monotheistic God that is not one with (the same as) the entire universe and all that is (what was originally taught in those hijacked texts), or someone who believes that planet earth is flat.
These beliefs are based in un-truths, and ignore key elements of truth.
For example, if one believes that an entity is “God” , they are bold facedly lying to themselves, as God is not an entity, but a word for the oneness of all that is - a word for the force that is in everything.
Why believe?
To believe is to think that a certain belief is true or the ultimate truth.
This cannot be, for it is impossible for any entity to know the ultimate truth of existence unless they become one with that existence which means they are not in the physical realm.
When we believe in something, we essentially close our minds, because there is ALWAYS more to know, and there is always more information coming to us.
When we hold onto a belief, we ignore this new information.
What we can do instead, is perceive the world based on our current access to information - and continuously change our perception based on new information that comes to us.
When we do this, we remain open minded and it is only in open mindedness that we can come closer to knowing the truth of existence.
Knowing that we know nothing , and then finding out what is most true, what resonates as most true and what cannot be not true (universal law - demonstrated continuously without error: like the fact that you exist) : we allow ourselves to become active students of truth without any limiting barriers.
right.. guess we can't know any truths..
like the fact that we are breathing oxygen right now lol ?
nihilism fails because of its performative contradiction.
That is not at all what I have said. A belief is not necessarily a truth and this post has absolutely nothing to do with nihilism.
All I am saying is that a belief is akin to a lie that you tell yourself - it is not usually true and not absolute.
We can perceive something but have to change that perception based on a newly recognized truth.
With a belief, you can totally disregard new information because it is not in line with what you believe.
I see belief as locked perception.
I completely agree with you @colored-content. Your post was only meant as means to question what is believed.
What if I believe in an absolute? It would be my belief, but it would at the same time be an absolute.
And I absolutely agree that we should question our held beliefs, but I disagree with the notion that simply because one believes something it is more or less likely to be true. My belief does not effect the truth value of an object or proposition.
Perhaps I didn't explain it well enough; Ill admit that.
What was meant to be said is that - from my perception and under standing - belief is a perception that does not change - even with new info; thus a belief is almost always wrong because it is a perception that doesn't change.
Again, this is just my perception based on my own definitions of the words.
But, if you believe in an absolute value, your belief should have no reason to change.
then that is not a belief, obviously; it is an absolute reality.
From my perspective at least.
To me, a belief is just a perception...the only difference being that a belief does not have to change with new information.
Thus, if we are ignoring information, we are lying to ourselves.
Does absolute reality?
Absolutely agreed.
Does it?
But since you believe that belief doesn't have "an ounce of truth," would that belief have "not an ounce of truth?" And if your belief that belief's do not have an "ounce of truth" is true, then we have to consider whether that belief is true. This process will go on indefinitely, with us questioning whether our belief in something makes it true or not.
Congratulations sir, you have created a paradox.
it is not my belief that a belief does not have to be true: it is my perception based on information that is factual and correct.
For example, if one believes in the official 9/11 story, they will still believe it true only by ignoring new info. it will be true ** in their head** , but not actually true.
Can you comprehend this?
I agree that a belief does not have to be true. Absolutely, not all beliefs are right. All Im saying is that some beliefs ARE right, because they reflect absolute reality. Im not saying all beliefs are factual or correct, that would be impossible.
I think I see what your saying. And I agree, that just because people believe something does not make it true. But, not all beliefs are wrong either. Beliefs that reflect absolute reality are absolutely correct, regardless of someone believing them or not.
(Pulling from our other conversation)
Beliefs are just a perception
So its your belief?
Also, before we continue I would like to thank you for this dialog, I am enjoying it and I hope you are too. Thanks for being willing to discuss this with me :)
no problem.
I do not claim to know the answers but I like to ask questions and that leads me into mind bending realities hahaha