The assumption of science is and has always been unchanged. The only assumption to science is that there is consistency. Observations, interpretations and predictions built up from that one core assumption may change but not the core assumption itself.
If suddenly the universe were to become inconsistent then science's assumption would have to change but that would be a massive paradigm shift in reality.
I don't agree with what you said.
Science is based on postulates that evolve with time. From these postulates, we can make predictions and reproduce data following a logical flow. These postulates have however already changed several times in history. An example: take the apparition of quantum mechanics.
The only base assumption in science is that the universe is consistent. From that core assumption we can make observations and verify postulates. Yes things change in Science and that is great but Science doesn't assume any postulates to be true without verification. This process of verification gave rise to quantum mechanics not through just postulation. The verification is important no postulate is considered true until tested.
The single core assumption remains the same the rest is built on observation.
To me, stating that the universe is consistent does not mean anything. Sorry.
Universe is consistent makes all kinds of sense. When someone says it does not mean anything, I can only guess that English isn't their fluent language.
Nice post by the way.