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RE: Concussions suck. They make it no fun for anyone. Haven't had a good day in years.

in #life7 years ago

Thank you for taking the time to reply in such a meaningful way. As @libertyteeth's wife I can tell you that he is truly an incredible person. Bright, funny, charming even(though he doesn't see it), when we go out socially people always come up to say hello and share a pleasant laugh with him. It is very difficult to share these times of despair with him as I see the whole and he gets "stuck" in the down of the moment. They overshadow all else to him and make it difficult for him to see the positive. I believe you words will help. I agree with @fishyculture your name is not apt! Warm regards.


That's the really hard part with brain damage, it really is a case of getting stuck, I think you described that perfectly. For me it feels a bit like being a record & the needle gets stuck on repeat because the next bit simply isn't there & I may not realize it until I'm being yelled at for repeating myself.

Anger & the resulting shame are awful on the brain & can really cement branches prone to depression. That's why I try to shake it up, so my inner voice is like "oooh, good job you went to your appointment!" & even if I feel all the feels of 'well this is bullshit' & rolling my eyes, I usually end up laughing & the thought didn't go in it's usual direction & I can start figuring out what's derailed me until I reset, yet again.