We're heading to a monthly meeting shortly, for brain injury survivors. Last month, a lady expressed that she feels that she causes others to be unhappy, and that she can't control it. I feel this as well. Crying a lot this morning, I feel useless, I feel like nothing I do is any good, and I'm constantly unhappy.
Then I thought about when the last "good day" was -- and, I cannot recall it.
Hopefully the day improves from here, I woke up angry. Anger directed at my wife's alarm clock. The alarm clock, going off for this meeting which is helpful. I'm a jerk. ;(
[Edit: I have one real-life friend (although we've never met!!!) on here, @fishyculture. We communicated for several years on another social media platform, which was shuttered by its owner. We migrated to his new place, which he also shuttered, and I haven't looked for any more sites that he brought to life only to murder. A month or two ago, I was running a "100% upvote giveaway" and she participated in it, not knowing my new avatar name.
That was a great day!
I was feeling really down yesterday. I thank all y'all for helping me feel better, today.]
Your posts speak a diffrent story. The lovely images and the words you choose are always good. And lift up on the people around them. They wil not mind if they truly love you.
Thank you. I often can only see red, not all the good that I do.
As long as the people around you support you you wil push true
Thanks. It sucks getting in stupid fights with family though, which I KNOW are due to my interpreting the world incorrectly because of these concussions. They do support me, but it feels like I'm constantly pushing them away and I really regret that.
Understandable, but there is one thing you can not forget family is there when it matters the most.
Maybe try some meditation? Not saying it will solve it, but it might help a bit.
Thank you! Yes, I have a subscription to Headspace but rarely use it. In fact it just renewed and I hadn't even completed the second set of 10, so in other words, I haven't even done 20 sessions in over a year.
Never heard of Headspace, I usually do it on my own intuition. Still u might have done more meditation than me lol. I need to do it more often as well, but for different reasons. It can be so damn relaxing... But actually getting yourself motivated to start meditating...pfft ^.^
Oh, honey, how did I not see this earlier? I hope you are feeling better.
Mark took me for a drive one fall afternoon, several years ago now. It was one of those perfect days out west. The desert air has this amazing scent in the fall, all the herbs dried in place and making the whole drive like aromatherapy. The sky was this intense blue, I never saw it this color when I lived in Ohio, this dry air and high altitude make for a blue that nearly glows.
It was hurting my eyes that day. Something so beautiful, something I had cherished living here, and it was hurting me. I can't even say that was the lowest I ever got, but it became this cycle that day, that went down and down. I was angry, why can't I feel GOOD any more? Where is my JOY? I used to feel it, now all I could feel was nothing on a "good" day, and like dead weight in the lives of those I loved most on a bad day. If I had a magic wand I would wave it for you. All I can tell you is "Hold on. You WILL feel joy again."
You are on the right path, truth sets you free from all prisons, even the prison of health problems. I don't know how many years it took for me to feel joy again, I refuse to go back and count - it would rob joy from THIS moment. :)
Oh, and my Jesus trick... Now go be the best Jesus you can be. The only miracle you have to perform is to forgive yourself for sucking at being Jesus... :)
Love you, honey!
I want to respond to everyone but I'm crying. Thank you. All of you. I do suck at being Jesus. But like in Pulp Fiction, I'm trying really hard to be the shepherd. Love you back, thanks. This hurts. But the day did get better.
Crying is fine, "holy water" if it is done right.
I have had problems with depression through my life. One of the worst feelings is when i have noticed it affect others. I also felt I was making others unhappy.
The most helpful thing I ever realized is that I have to be nice to myself and treat myself well in order to make others feel good. This might feel selfish, but in the end of the result is that you feel better and the others around you feel better then that's okay !
So my advice is to be your best friend, be forgiving of yourself. You can't help what has happened, but you can decide what attitude to have moving forward.
Keep your Chin up buddy !
Great advice. It's not easy to treat myself nicely. I tend to be my own worst critic (as do we all, I'd imagine). Deciding on my attitude is a tough one; there are physical symptoms that cause a fight-or-flight response, and I see red -- it's difficult to describe how a broken brain "works"... Thanks!
Maybe it's autumn depression. arrange for a weekend walk in the fresh air, it will help)
Thanks, yeah fortunately I do take walks out to the garden usually at least once a day. Lately we've been getting hit with those hurricanes (up in Boston, so no damage, just lots of rain and wind), so I haven't been out as much.
Speaking of autumn depression (here we call it Seasonal Affective Disorder, or "SAD" which is a somewhat amusing acronym, not so much while I'm experiencing it), I have a "happy light" which is right next to my desk, I should start using it now that the days are getting shorter.
Ok so, let's pretend that you are a jerk, that you're useless & nothing you do is any good & you do make people unhappy.
So what?
If that's reality & you accept it, then you can also change it if you want.
But is it true?
I've read things by you that I enjoyed enough to remember your name, so they must have been good & you don't seem like a jerk online at least, so already there's some wiggle room on thoughts you thought were absolute truths.
I don't know what's going on in my head, I had a brain injury & then compounded it by lack of medical care & care in general. I have what feels like seizures to me & my memory resets every night when I go to bed. I often forget how to do really basic things & struggle to get my brain & body to communicate. I'm on disability & am the definition of useless in society. Routinely I read how people like me should kill themselves & stop being a drain on society. So I've been in the neighborhood of your experiences & struggles, even if I can't directly relate.
What I've learned is that brains are highly trainable things & sometimes it helps to treat them like adorable puppies so you feel less ridiculous.
Brains like ruts, they have their familiar thought pathways & it's easy to go along with them & assume our every thoughts are true & beat ourselves up accordingly. But you've always done that & you'll always get the same results. So what if today you don't? You can always go back to the same old.
I double dog dare yourself to celebrate little successes. You got up & went to your appointment! You expressed yourself! You had your meeting! Woohoo! Go you! Give yourself as many 'good boys' or 'atta girls' (as the case may be) as you can. Even for simple things like brushing your teeth. Yes, it'll feel stupid AF, but slowly it changes those familiar ruts & gets your brain slowly hooked on feeling positive & seeing areas of success where you may have assumed failure.
Anyways, even if you decide not to celebrate you, I hope your day gets better or the crying shakes something loose in your head that's stopping you from knowing how amazing you are.
Thank you for taking the time to reply in such a meaningful way. As @libertyteeth's wife I can tell you that he is truly an incredible person. Bright, funny, charming even(though he doesn't see it), when we go out socially people always come up to say hello and share a pleasant laugh with him. It is very difficult to share these times of despair with him as I see the whole and he gets "stuck" in the down of the moment. They overshadow all else to him and make it difficult for him to see the positive. I believe you words will help. I agree with @fishyculture your name is not apt! Warm regards.
That's the really hard part with brain damage, it really is a case of getting stuck, I think you described that perfectly. For me it feels a bit like being a record & the needle gets stuck on repeat because the next bit simply isn't there & I may not realize it until I'm being yelled at for repeating myself.
Anger & the resulting shame are awful on the brain & can really cement branches prone to depression. That's why I try to shake it up, so my inner voice is like "oooh, good job you went to your appointment!" & even if I feel all the feels of 'well this is bullshit' & rolling my eyes, I usually end up laughing & the thought didn't go in it's usual direction & I can start figuring out what's derailed me until I reset, yet again.
OMG you have to change your screen name, you are a beautiful addition to this community and you can't be out there doing such blatant false advertising! THANK YOU for sharing this wisdom with my friend. I hope he took your words to heart!
Yes, and responded with a wall of text as well.
Thank you all for helping to recharge my batteries! It's not often I need to cry for help. Well, I suppose it's daily, hmm.
Well, then it'll be daily until you get back on track & don't literally feel the need to cry for help. If that's how it is, then ok. People hold you in warm regards & seem to want to be there for you. Yay! I'm so thankful you are able to realize you need help & ask for it. It's much easier to try to at least try to ease each other's suffering than to suffer alone. You know?
Hope today was a bit better than yesterday & tomorrow will be too. :)
Thank you for your help.
Do you attend a group for survivors? It has helped me a great deal. I even convinced them at the meeting two weeks ago to double the (monthly) meetings, and we're having an email conversation about where to meet in a couple days!
That's awesome! I'm so glad you've found something that's helped.
And nope, I don't attend any meetings. My therapist has suggested going to the anxiety one & the pain survivors one, but I'm kind of afraid of people & being seen & it's still pretty overwhelming dealing with getting out for the first times & trying to get help & be seen & taken seriously. I unfortunately can't add more to life yet, but I'm working up to it. :)
Good luck to you! It's a struggle for me today just to respond to replies. Yours, though, is worth responding to. I also am afraid of people, I've never been proper, socially. Comes from my eye being crossed from birth, making people think I'm detecting danger over their left shoulder... Never made good eye contact, so I have no idea when someone's starting to get upset facially -- only when they put it in their voice.
Aww, you are too sweet. Thank you. :)
Thank you so much for your wonderful words. I remember your first interaction with me, you gave me some help with a gardening issue and someone (@grow-pro, I think?) replied to you that your username is not accurate, at least not this time or something like that. :)
I'm sorry to hear about your injury. Having your memory reset sounds like that movie "Memento"; I have tons that I forget, but I do retain some from past days. I recall a lot better, events that happened before the first concussion. And a lot worse, events after the second and even more so, since the latest one, seven months ago.
I'm also heading for disability; have been rejected once, and am currently staring at the paperwork for the second which will likely be rejected as well. Then I'll go in front of a board, in person, and then they should grant it. This is what the attorneys tell me -- long-term disability said they'd cut my benefits if I didn't go for a Social Security Disability. Which seems weird, but I guess they've arranged the legislation so that works...
If I might ask, what was your experience getting the disability? My email is [email protected] in case you'd rather not have it on the blockchain, but do want to share.
I love your "adorable puppies" wording. No idea what's going on in a puppy's mind, but it likes a belly rub! :)
I read this comment yesterday. I have a toothache; a filling popped out months ago and I don't really like dentists, the last two tried to scam me. Your "celebrate brushing your teeth" really resonated. I also have sleep issues, and rarely sleep through the night. Last night was similar, got up around 3 am for a few hours, then went back to bed. While I was up, I did some oil pulling -- and today, the tooth doesn't hurt! I need to make it a routine, especially with the currently-exposed parts. I have a sticky note on my laptop but it really took your words to motivate me, and I thank you for them!
One of the guys at the meeting has tics, which we discussed during the meeting; the organizer (who is recovering herself) said that her experience of Somatic Experiencing (from http://traumahealing.org/) tells her that experiencing the tics is a good thing, that it's the body trying to reset itself. He said if he lets them go, they can throw him across the room! That's scary, he said one time he was asleep and ended up five feet away out of bed.
I didn't share this at the meeting, but I feel almost like it's an advantage to have those tics. One look at him, and most people will recognize that something is wrong. I look just fine (apart from my broken eye, from birth), but I tend to explode, randomly. I'm like a walking time bomb.
Another guy said he has "flat effect" which is like not showing emotion, facially. He said (and I didn't probe) that he learned not to explode because he's been locked up, and he doesn't want to be locked up again. Curious as to whether that was before or after his issue. Which wasn't a normal head injury -- he died for a few minutes, his heart stopped, and his brain didn't have enough oxygen -- so the injury was all internal.
Several people expressed that they write journals. I think next meeting I'll share my experiences on Steemit, as it's very similar to journaling, just perhaps a little less structured. This is a long comment, for instance. :)
Others said they use a calendar, and write on it what happened that day, making it easy to look back. And also look forward, by putting upcoming appointments on it. I use my phone's calendar for the latter, but I don't do the former. Perhaps I should.
"I'm amazing." That's weird to type. Like the phrasing for EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique by Gary Craig, at http://emofree.com -- "Even though I 'X', I deeply and completely love and accept myself.", where 'X' is the issue you're trying to resolve. First many times I did EFT, I would choke up while saying that and start crying. Thanks.
Sometimes I love it & it feels like a super power. The world is constantly full of wonder & I'm always a little delighted & surprised.
I often get to meet people over & over.
I forget a lot of the deep hurts & every day feels a little like that Jim Carrey movie about a Spotless Mind.
I see that we & others you've met & I share similar experiences. That's a bit reassuring in its own way.
I really loved your reply & I'll answer more when my brain is a bit higher functioning & I can comprehend it better.
I have the attention span of a gnat right now.
But I think you've really hit to the heart of getting better (or not) by just accepting it. That struggle against reality part is no joke. It reminds me of the Matrix movie sometimes. But, one path leads to things getting better & one path leads to them staying the same or getting worse.
It's worth trying.
You already survived something that could have killed you.
Also that comment about the twitches makes me much more accepting of when my body goes wonky.
Anyways, thanks for the reply even though I haven't actually for reals answered what you discussed yet, lol.
"Meet people over and over" resonates. Saw someone while we were out Friday I hadn't seen in about two years, and vaguely recognized him. Haven't seen that Jim Carrey movie yet.
I think it's really neat that we almost have a "group" in Steemit!
Glad to have helped with your perception of your twitches.
I also think it's neat, that by sharing my pain, I've learned more about those around me. I could have chosen to "keep it to myself" and not ever mention my disability here -- I am glad I didn't. I'm connecting more, even if I later forget some of those connections.
Looking forward to your upcoming response! :)
Sometimes it's a blessing to forget. People have a chance to make better impressions the second or third time around. ;) Also, some people just expect to have been on my mind far more than reality would justify.
I'm glad you didn't keep it to yourself too. It pushed me to also open up a part of my life I've kept hidden. People understand a broken leg, but a broken brain is harder to understand. Sometimes it feels as if people don't think they're real. Which confuses me. But anyways, I love that line about connecting more even if you forget, pricelessly true.
"A broken brain is harder to understand" -- absolutely! I'm certain that I didn't understand it properly, prior to experiencing it. Just had someone unfollow me who I though I was connecting with, @dandesign86, which confused me. It was after I made today's post about neuro feedback. Oh well!
Hang in there! I have a degenerative neurological disease, so I know the frustration!
I'm sorry to hear! Looks like Ataxia, haven't heard of it. Feeling much better today, thanks. Mine was three concussions, about a year and a half apart each, the latest one 7 months ago. Last one was the worst, it damaged my ability to walk and talk -- fortunately, temporarily, both those recovered in the emergency room in the four and a half hours we were there.
be calm everything will be fine :)
Thanks. :)
My brother has TBI from an IED in Iraq. He had some anger, but it seems he has found balance now. I hope your injury does not prevent you from finding the same balance.
Thanks. The meeting went great, as they always do; I cried a couple times as I described how I used to be able to write software (writing this just triggered a headache). Sharing with others with this condition is incredibly important though! One fellow shared a documentary, "I Am", which is about someone who had a bike accident and had a brain injury, and his recovery. My wife @countrylover and I will watch it soon. I shared that I'm doing hyperbaric chamber oxygen therapy, as well as neuro feedback, and answered questions about those treatments.
Sorry about your brother, I can understand what he's going through from a symptom perspective, but I can't imagine what it'd be like to be in war. The beginning of the first "Iron Man" movie is scary enough.
It sounds like you have a great support network. Which is the important thing. I wish you the best.
You are bringing a lot of interesting art, life, thoughts to this platform. So in the virtual world you are making people happy! So sorry to hear that in reality you are not doing well and that your injuries are continuing to affect your health and happiness. I hope you will continue to heal and can somehow find peace and relief in the mean time.
Catching and releasing the woodchuck looked like a good day from the virtual perspective of your garden life!
Thank you @otage, you're right, it was a stressful day lugging the poor thing half a mile in, and the trap half a mile back out; but, it was also a good day for the garden! Has been raining a lot lately, the storms have made their way north, and depression does come with rainy days.
I just wondered about the origin of that children's song, "It's raining, it's pouring, the old man is snoring" -- if rainy days lead to depression, perhaps they also lead to napping? Rain tends to come with "low pressure areas", so the entire atmoplane is depressed, at least locally? :)
Feeling much better today. Appreciate the kind words.
Or, "the rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain." Atmoplane? Glad you're feeling better!
Yeah, it's my dig at the globalists. :) I don't think we're on a sphere, so how can I use that term to describe the air above me?
Was on the new BTC-e site last night, met someone and exchanged some kind words, but when I dropped the FE bomb he fought back with challenges which I answered, but he then went on to "ignore" me -- my first ignorant user at the new BTC-e! :)
How's about flatmosphere!
Haha, that's closer, but still has "sphere" in it. :)
Am not in your shoes and so i don't know how you really feel, but it seems bad. am very sorry about your situation. I hope you get divine and permanent healing.
Thank you my friend. Yesterday was bad. Part of it, we're realizing, is the "aftermath" of doing the neuro feedback.
In the meeting yesterday, the organizer was saying not to push yourself, as there are limits and once you hit your limit, that's it. She said that, in conversation with others, she'll say something like "I just need to rest a moment" and will lean against a wall, close her eyes, sit down, or even lie down on the floor, just to stay "normal". Breathing exercises help her a lot as well.
exactly what I'm doing when I do neuro feedback! I'm much more grouchy that evening and the next day. Yesterday was that "next day".My wife @countrylover and I had lunch afterwards and continued discussing the "pushing yourself" and we're pretty sure that's
I asked her if she thinks it's helping, or if I should stop. She said she thinks it's helping. I'm planning to get a home unit in a month or so, as right now I only go for an hour a week, and half of that is talking, hooking me up, and removing the probes at the end so I only really get a half hour of training time. I'd like to do it daily, but keeping in mind not to push myself.
One thing that may be worth trying is eating brain healthy foods around feedback days. Even if it's just a snack of walnuts & blueberries.
Nice, thanks! Wrote that one down.
Ok. Good luck then.
Try to concentrate on the good things. Even small or tiny elements of your day like a coffee, a talk or go out and listen to mother nature. Enjoy those little moments and gain energy.
Thanks. Feeling much better today.
Good to hear that. Focus on the small things that make you happy. :-)
Hey buddy. We all have good and bad days. Falling into depression is something that can seriously get on you. You should get some rest and think deeply on it. You have to get out of this hole. Its kind of a mind game too. What makes you happy or unhappy? Why do you see bad and not good while good is all around?
I like reading your posts. You're one of my top 10 favourite people I follow. You blog about arts you create on your computer, about daily struggles with vlc, about animals you see in your garden. Things in your daily life. That is what makes your posts so interesting.
Keep up your chin and walk with a smile through the world.
Thanks J
Thank you. Your ending resonates with something my dad told me many years ago. He said he likes to walk around with a smile on his face; most people think he's happy, and some people wonder what he's up to. :)
Thank you for your kind words about my output as well. From my software background, I tend to see everything in terms of three stages: input, processing, and output. For instance, the build team's input is source code which comes from the developers; their process is to compile the source code into executable code, in a repeatable fashion; and their output goes to the test team, to verify functionality. Right now my input is my experiences, my processing is somewhat broken, and my output is what you see. Just, to make the first sentence of this paragraph a little clearer.
Thank you. It is, and He is. I really find it fascinating that people are interested in the woodchucks in my garden. :) I do write well, though, it's a skill I've developed alongside software, in fact my double major was computer science, and technical communications. I used to say in interviews that this allows me to write code, and documentation as well. :) Now I suppose I can still document my experiences.
I love all those Unicode smiles at the end as well! :D
I feel ya. My processing is broken & I have huge bottlenecks & memory leaks.
Wtb hardware for brain upgrades. Please send RAM, a solid state hard drive & new power source.
Oh if only brain upgrades were so easy.
I used to follow nanotechnology, and pined for an upgrade. The way I envisioned experiencing it: I'd take a pill, which would contain nanomachines which enter my bloodstream, and then travel up to my brain.
Once there, they would convert it, in place, to a more efficient form. Back 20 years ago, Eric Drexler (of The Foresight Institute, and author of "Engines of Creation" and other books about nanotech) had written that a computer the size of a sugar cube would be more powerful than the human brain. So, my skull can contain many sugar cubes, and each interconnection makes it even more powerful, so I'd end up thinking perhaps a million times faster.
I'd sit in a chair, watching the ceiling fan (lived in Florida at the time) slowly reduce in speed, to almost not turning, as my processing was sped up.
Then, of course, there'd be two classes of people: those who sped up, and those who didn't. It would be almost impossible for those two classes to communicate! Who would want to wait a million years to hear the next word? :)
These days, I see my thought experiment as similar to "taking the chip" -- those who do so will be able to buy and sell. The rest of us will need to garden. :)
That's sometimes how I feel even now, only I speed up & blow a fuse & I have to work back to just being delighted to garden... Only that starts the cycle all over again. Basically my chip upgrade feels faulty & it's a lot of work fixing the electrical whenever I blow a fuse.
I don't know, maybe eventually our brain deficiencies will give us super powers. Too optimistic?
Also your reply would make a great premise for a book/movie/short story, etc.
Thanks. Re-reading it, it reminds me a little of Johnny Mnemonic -- which was woefully out-of-date as soon as it came out! Like Short Circuit 2 which @countrylover and I watched last night (and the first one, first!) -- at one point the robot says "I've got 500 megabytes of storage!" LOL.
Both movies were awesome in the re-watching though. I should make a post about them. Lots of stuff I missed as a child.
I can understand your pain.. I'm really sorry about it..
Thank you.
dark cannot drive out darkness only light can do that,
hate cannot drive out hate only love can do that...
Thank you. Reminds me of the saying, "I'd rather light a candle, than curse the darkness."
That sounds really unpleasant. It's not much but if you've never heard of Damien Amen I think you should give him a chance if you have time.
The world is full of tiny coincidences. One just happened, and I'll note it: I had to blow my nose, and got the tissue and reached out to hit the space bar so I wouldn't miss any of his words -- and paused it right here:
Really enjoyed the video, and will reach out to his organization and see if there's anything being done nearby.
Also enjoyed the second video, which I just finished. Very weird that IED refers to an explosive device, as well as explosive temper. Almost like they did that intentionally, that old "as above, so below" trick...
Thank you very much for sharing these with me! I've subscribed to his channel and intend to watch many more. It's uplifting. Thanks!!
Cheer up. I will pray for you
Thank you, @mountrock -- that means a lot.
sorry to hear man - if i may make a suggestion to practice laughter...
I happend to look at your banner and couldn't help but laugh...heres a video that I have a hard time not laughing at as well
LOL thank you, I've seen the video before but with different captions, his laughter is infectious! Thanks (I think) for laughing at my teeth as well. :)
haha! i mean you included the fairly close up close up of them pearly whites!
I'm sorry. I don't have bran injury butbidobhave other things that cause me to be severely an inexplicably irritable and angry. I hate being angry. I'm not an angry person. And I surely don't want to be angry! It's such a huge emotion that takes up so much energy!
I'm sorry you're feeling this way today. Maybe you can find an animal to watch or something. That always helps me a bit.
You're right, it does take a lot of energy. It's draining. I'm the oldest of four, so as the others arrived, I would get less and less attention. This "taught" me that negative attention is better than none at all, and I'm still working on unlearning that lesson.
Often when I'm passionate about an issue, like the school bus we were stuck behind yesterday, I raise my voice and speak emphatically, not quite "like a drill sergeant" but I've scared children when all I meant to express was that I was very interested in the topic.
I'm sorry about your condition. I hope you can heal from it, as well.
Thanks for the animal suggestion; we have two cats. We're down a woodchuck though! :)
Oh yeah, those things are so hard to unlearn. I was an only child, so I experienced TOO much attention and now definitely shy away from any. Haha.
I get that. When I get excited about something, people feel like I'm pushy. I don't mean to be! Hahaha.
Maybe you should get chickens. They're super fun to watch. Hahaha.
Yes! Chickens are on the agenda for next year -- don't want to start them now as it'll get cold in a few months.
If you did start now it would be okay. Many start in the fall. Chickens are good outside after 5 weeks of age (or whenever they get their first “adult feathers”) they’re able to regulate their body temps just fine.
But starting in the spring is great too! Lots of people start in the fall because then the chickens are ready and old enough to lay in the springtime. :)
Many just start in the spring cause that’s usually when the farm stores have a big influx of baby chicks! Hehe either way is a good way. :)
@libertyteeth got you a $7.72 @minnowbooster upgoat, nice! (Image: pixabay.com)
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