Sometimes I love it & it feels like a super power. The world is constantly full of wonder & I'm always a little delighted & surprised.
I often get to meet people over & over.
I forget a lot of the deep hurts & every day feels a little like that Jim Carrey movie about a Spotless Mind.
I see that we & others you've met & I share similar experiences. That's a bit reassuring in its own way.
I really loved your reply & I'll answer more when my brain is a bit higher functioning & I can comprehend it better.
I have the attention span of a gnat right now.
But I think you've really hit to the heart of getting better (or not) by just accepting it. That struggle against reality part is no joke. It reminds me of the Matrix movie sometimes. But, one path leads to things getting better & one path leads to them staying the same or getting worse.
It's worth trying.
You already survived something that could have killed you.
Also that comment about the twitches makes me much more accepting of when my body goes wonky.
Anyways, thanks for the reply even though I haven't actually for reals answered what you discussed yet, lol.
"Meet people over and over" resonates. Saw someone while we were out Friday I hadn't seen in about two years, and vaguely recognized him. Haven't seen that Jim Carrey movie yet.
I think it's really neat that we almost have a "group" in Steemit!
Glad to have helped with your perception of your twitches.
I also think it's neat, that by sharing my pain, I've learned more about those around me. I could have chosen to "keep it to myself" and not ever mention my disability here -- I am glad I didn't. I'm connecting more, even if I later forget some of those connections.
Looking forward to your upcoming response! :)
Sometimes it's a blessing to forget. People have a chance to make better impressions the second or third time around. ;) Also, some people just expect to have been on my mind far more than reality would justify.
I'm glad you didn't keep it to yourself too. It pushed me to also open up a part of my life I've kept hidden. People understand a broken leg, but a broken brain is harder to understand. Sometimes it feels as if people don't think they're real. Which confuses me. But anyways, I love that line about connecting more even if you forget, pricelessly true.
"A broken brain is harder to understand" -- absolutely! I'm certain that I didn't understand it properly, prior to experiencing it. Just had someone unfollow me who I though I was connecting with, @dandesign86, which confused me. It was after I made today's post about neuro feedback. Oh well!