Yes, and responded with a wall of text as well.
Thank you all for helping to recharge my batteries! It's not often I need to cry for help. Well, I suppose it's daily, hmm.
Yes, and responded with a wall of text as well.
Thank you all for helping to recharge my batteries! It's not often I need to cry for help. Well, I suppose it's daily, hmm.
Well, then it'll be daily until you get back on track & don't literally feel the need to cry for help. If that's how it is, then ok. People hold you in warm regards & seem to want to be there for you. Yay! I'm so thankful you are able to realize you need help & ask for it. It's much easier to try to at least try to ease each other's suffering than to suffer alone. You know?
Hope today was a bit better than yesterday & tomorrow will be too. :)
Thank you for your help.
Do you attend a group for survivors? It has helped me a great deal. I even convinced them at the meeting two weeks ago to double the (monthly) meetings, and we're having an email conversation about where to meet in a couple days!
That's awesome! I'm so glad you've found something that's helped.
And nope, I don't attend any meetings. My therapist has suggested going to the anxiety one & the pain survivors one, but I'm kind of afraid of people & being seen & it's still pretty overwhelming dealing with getting out for the first times & trying to get help & be seen & taken seriously. I unfortunately can't add more to life yet, but I'm working up to it. :)
Good luck to you! It's a struggle for me today just to respond to replies. Yours, though, is worth responding to. I also am afraid of people, I've never been proper, socially. Comes from my eye being crossed from birth, making people think I'm detecting danger over their left shoulder... Never made good eye contact, so I have no idea when someone's starting to get upset facially -- only when they put it in their voice.
Definitely feel ya. I'm glad you responded, I'm struggling as well. I know I owe ya one. But I don't know how to explain the short version of anything and I've always gotta settle in to fire up the old brain, because right now my getting disability experience is a giant miraculous blank of grateful life saving goodness with no details. Hopefully they get you squared away right quick. It's just a struggle sometimes if one doesn't have the words to explain what they are experiencing.
When I lived with a kid that was on the autism spectrum for awhile, I would take advantage of the voice thing, because that's also how i hear upset because I'm fail at eye contact, except at brief key moments. Instead of escalating or acting out my anger hoping he'd get it, I'd try & be like: "c'mon buddy, do you hear my voice getting deeper & firmer when I tell you no? I'm starting to get upset & you need to listen." I'm not sure my point, but it sure seemed to go a long way & I wish others would do it for me, lmao.
Best to you & the Mrs., hope your struggle gets a little easier. But no worries on the reply thing, I know how it goes & even if we forget each other for 3 months, I'll be glad to meet you again!