Terrorism is the unlawful use of violence and intimidation by heartless and self-minded people to seek political aims. Terrorism can be traced as far back as the 1st century AD with the Sicarii Zealots in Judea who randomly assassinated Roman collaborators. Today terrorism has spread on a global scale inciting fear and panic in the lives of normal citizens.
There are several terrorist groups terrorizing the world today, some examples of the deadliest ones are groups like ISIL, BOKO-HARAM, ALQAEDA, TALIBAN, HEZBOLLAH, HAMAS and many others.
Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL): ISIL is a Sunni-jihadist terrorist organization that is based in the Middle East and lead by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. The goal of ISIL is to establish itself as a caliphate, an Islamic state controlled by different religious leaders who all fall under supreme leader known as the caliph, who is believed to be the successor to Prophet Muhammad.
ISIL is popularly known for carrying out beheadings, suicide bombings and co-ordinated attacks on territories in the Middle East. Most of their operations are based in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Egypt, Yemen, Saudi-Arabia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nigeria and Algeria. This organization according to a CIA report has about 31,000 fighters.
Boko-Haram: Also known as al-Wilāyat al-Islāmiyya Gharb Afrīqiyyah is a terror group based in West-Africa (Islamic State West Africa Province ISWAP). The group advocates against western education and its spread. The group was previously lead by Abubakar Shekau until August 2016, when Abu Musab al-Barnawi was announced by ISIL as the new leader of the group.
In 2015 Boko-haram pledged allegiance to ISIL and is currently the most deadly terrorist organization in the world. The group since it started in 2009 has killed over 20,000 people and displaced another 2.3 million people. The group has been known to carry out series of suicide bombing and occupation of territories in Northern Nigeria.
Al-Qaeda: A Sunni militant multi-national organization that was founded in 1988 by Osama bin Laden, Abdullah Azzam and several other Arab volunteers. The organization is known to have carried out the 9/11 attacks and Bali bombings. It has its tentacles spread all over the Middle East and is responsible for over 4400 deaths from1992-2008. Al-Qaeda stands against what it calls man made laws and fights to replace with a strict form of Sharia law. The organization is also responsible for sectarian violence amongst Muslims.
Apart from these three terrorist organizations there are several other groups around the world that make it a priority to spread panic and fear. All over the world every individual has this thought at the back of their mind. Many people in countries in the Middle East and Africa are afraid of going about their business as usual, because nobody wants to be victims of terrorist attacks.
Almost all the terrorist organization in the world today carries out their activities in God’s name. They claim they are fighting the holy war. Known as the “Jihad” and in the name of this war thousands of people are killed, tens of thousands are injured and millions are rendered homeless. These soldiers that call themselves God’s fighters, kill Muslims also, they bomb mosques and prayer houses. One will in all honesty wonder who they are actually fighting for.
In West-Africa, the activities of terrorist have almost crippled the economy of most of it countries. The Boko-haram terrorist which is now the deadliest terrorist organization in the world is responsible for the highest death. In 2014 they kidnapped over 276 school girls from their dormitory in northern Nigeria. Over 57 escaped immediately, while 200 of these girls are still in the wind. As of early 2015, the Boko-haram terrorist held territories the size of Belgium.
We can ask ourselves this question:
What causes terrorism?
This question has no answer, because terrorism is an opportunistic trend that makes use of certain conditions to spread fear and terror. They use any slightest excuse to take life. They use the excuse of belief, they twist the holy word of God and brainwash their followers into becoming suicide bomber and death squads.
All the terrorist organizations in the Middle East took advantage of the instability of the government and created terror. ISIL took advantage of the situation in Syria, Libya and Iraq and thus they carved out opportunistic caliphates. In West-Africa the Boko-Haram terrorist took advantage of the mass unemployment, illiteracy and government corruption. They slowly built an army and gave the government a run for their money. The Boko-Haram terrorists carved out territories and flew its flag in Northern Nigeria. Nevertheless today the group is divided against itself with two factions coming up; one pledging loyalty to Abubakar Skekau the ousted leader and the other pledging loyalty to Abu Musab al-Barnawi the new leader and Son of the founder of Boko-Haram. Almost all the territories they held have been retaken by the army.
The Al-Qaeda terrorist saw US presence in the Middle East as an invasion. They virtually blamed every negative thing that happened on the US, whether it was their fault or not. They made it their goal to tarnish the image of western countries and turn the minds of people against them. This way they got fighters, loyalist and sympathizers. Anyone that has ever lost a loved one, business or something of importance is a viable target for their strategies. They brainwash students and whoever they could lay their hands upon.
What then is the solution to Global terrorism?
When you look at the root hold of terrorism you find belief. Every terrorist organization thrives on the belief that they are serving a higher purpose which is the misinterpretation of holy books. So let’s look at the solution from two angles.
- Eliminate the conditions that give rise to terrorist activities
- Remove the belief
This sounds simple enough but totally difficult to achieve, while number 2 is close to impossible. You cannot stop people from what they belief, you cannot retrain preachers and those who will twist the word of God.
However we can make a difference, by striving to eliminate all the conditions that give rise to the spread of terrorist activities and surpassing extremist in the preaching of what the holy book actually requires of us.
If you like, you can follow me @caitlinm ! xXx
Don't forget to follow @caitlinm!!!
@crazymumzysa features authors to promote new authors and a diversity of content. All STEEM Dollars for this post go to the featured author.
@caitlinm is a fraud.
See my comment here: https://steemit.com/art/@jacor/pastel-featuring-new-author-caitlnm#@pfunk/re-jacor-pastel-featuring-new-author-caitlnm-20160826t231930225z
You talk about terrorist groups, but what about the whole country? Putin's Russia not only support terrorists, it behaves like terrorists and use propaganda to foolown citizens.
What!!!! Russia support "terrorists " ??? What nonsense are you talking ??? Do you show any proof ???
The trial in Gaaga where Ukrainian goverment sent proof will show you, not me.
right, and the United States is arguably the world's largest terrorist organization
why did you flag my post? because you disagree with my opinion?
yah, Islam is the religion of peace so cant be that right? Must be all the USA. I'm guessing you are a middle class spoiled American cunt with how you put down the USA, or your a Muslim trying to spread Islam with lies. Either way your an idiot.
No, I'm just an anarchist who sees that nations are fundamentally violent and they do more harm than good.
That level of concentration of power simply should not exist, and I oppose it.
You prove my point.
Image from memes.com
Great post i have decided to follow you and @caitlinm ! This is seriously appalling how they brainwash so many ! Especially the women and children, to believe what they preach, and go forward and blow themselves up for the cause! It sickens me! 😩😭😢And makes me very sad...
100% correct "The only good terrorist is a dead terrorist" :D
When @catilinm send this post I knew I had to post this. We all need to be aware of what is going on. We need to stop being so narrow minded and educate ourselves.
They are not only Terrorists, they are inhumans. They even don't know for what they are fighting. Don't believe? Ask anyone of them....
I think only Russia & India can eliminate this global terrorism & ISIS
Have you considered that the imperialism of global powers and the looting of the planet by capitalists is also a form of terrorism ?
why did you flag my post? because you disagree with my opinion?
Did you ever think you are talking out of your ass? Go back to trying to censor people that post anti-feminist posts because the propaganda your trying to spread is sad.
Its not Islam killing people daily in the name of Allah, oh no, its the USA.
Fuck a duck!
Nice article. Personally I don't let depictions of violence that appear via a mere screen effect my state of being. Its not entirely real. In real life, if one truly wants to, one can always walk away and not participate in violent acts. The ability to be violent will always exist along with people choosing to enact that ability. But its all just stories I hear and see on a screen. In real life I never see violence. I never see guns or people being killed. The story is always a variation of the same thing: some people like to use political or religious beliefs to justify their dark desire for death and destruction. Such actions are self destructive, and will end like they began.