I'm mildly envious, as most of my heritage is from the British Isles, but I've yet to visit the UK. Hopefully one day soon.
My whole family loved history, and my mom was pretty much a compendium of knowledge about the Battle of Hastings, which was always fascinating to me.
When I was little my dad's aunt visited, and L.A.'s Rose Hills Memorial Park, which has world famous rose gardens, which was why my mom took my aunt to visit, and at the time they had a large installation on the Battle of Hastings.
Somewhere along the line, something triggered their senses of humor, and my mom said that by the time they got through it all, it was a wonder they didn't get kicked out for disrupting the other guests. They were pretty hilarious when they got together. Good times.
In any case, I'd love it if you would share some of your insights gained during the course, as I'm in the early stages of creating some online courses, and clearly making them fun will encourage people to actually complete them, and gain the knowledge they are seeking.
I'd far rather that, than that they pay for them and just let them sit there, which I've done with a few courses that failed to spark my interest.
Best of luck in your pursuits, and wishing you the best, along with your little ones, who, despite the hair, don't look a thing like Federer. ;-)