The Terrible Curse of the Once a Year Post - 2023 in Red's Review

in #life7 months ago (edited)

Alternately entitled: "Building in public, celebrating and suffering in private. What day is it? Ow, my guts. When can I sleep?"


❗️ Please note:
SO. You can see how that's been going. 😂 I'll crack on with it and explain why down at the bottom. Long, likely dull post is incoming! You can expect nothing less from your girl. I originally started this post at the end of... February? of 2024, shortly after @martibis wrote a proposal for me. I intended to spend a few weeks ruminating on what I thought about it all, finish up doing a few global keynotes and presentations in SEA, UAE and the states, then to consider writing my own and neatly wrap it all up before my on chain anniversary.

⚠️ ANOTHER EDIT: I'm getting tagged a lot, in a case of seemingly only skimming and misunderstanding this post entirely, so better to set it straight, even though almost all of you already know:

I have been working full time, almost every single day, for Hive for the entire four years of it's existence. I don't post as myself frequently, but recently took only about two months off from a portion of my public facing duties to do physical rehab to relearn how to walk. I have never once left or taken any appreciable time away, let alone a year. That's what this post is about- just letting you in a little bit, since I usually do one big update post a year and missed it, so I'm catching up.

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Hello hivelets, one and all! As is my custom, I'm stopping in for a probably thankfully all too rare Crim-centric post. (For those of you counting, we're now about three years late to my last, "wow, home from Iceland- travel log soon!" promise.) This past year took forever and also flew by, which seems to be a hallmark of my time on the blockchain. The more there is to do, the more I miss, and the more time it takes to do the missing the more aware I am of time ticking away. There's probably a lot of very deep human lessons to unpack hidden in that statement, which is also a big recurring theme for me with Hive in general.

I thought since it's been so long, and so much has happened, that I'd try for a year in review style post- looking back at 2023 as a collection of events and achievements, instead of the long written stories I usually default to. My personal photo and travel blog backlog has more than enough of those, and since I'm coming out of such a tough (and great! I'm trying not to focus on the tough bit, since we've all been mired there for so long) year, it's a good time to cheer for what got done too.

I'll preface things by saying that I often take for granted how many of you know me now- through my work here when I was telling stories, through my live streams and entertainment when I was doing those, or through my day to day Hive tasks where I'm sort of tucked away in the background as one of the many cogs that make this place work. I'm never afraid that anyone here "forgets" me, even when I don't post for a year or so, and I try not to take that for granted. On other media, I've not built the same identity, so I'll just catch you all up to a post I made there as the groundwork for looking back at 2023 because I got a lot of messages from people wondering if I'd ghosted.

So yeah, somehow almost a full year ago I was lamenting my reduced posting capacity, the fact that I hadn't done a radio show in a few weeks (which has now extended to literally almost 13 months, congratulations, I played myself), and wrote almost the same thing I thought about writing today. In the interim, life continued to life, I lost another close family member, we have been dealing with the changing aspects of life with a long term terminal illness, and yeah... at the start of this year my literal house ended up partially falling down on my head via an incredibly inconvenient flooding instance. SO. Here we go again, take two. Let's just forget the long stretch of time in between and therefore declare that I did not fail in any of the goals I set, but rather that they were deferred to starting right now. 😂 Very purposeful, you see. Everything as intended! Moisturized by the destructive hand of nature, in my rut lane, flourishing, et cetera.

I'm also using this post as a sort of glimpse into all the random, behind the scenes work for Hive that has become difficult enough and has had a strong enough impact on my life that I am considering making a back-pay proposal for. I recognize that these are a) not an ideal way to do things b) not what I've long term planned to do nor encourage any others going forward to do and c) not great practice as I'd optimally love to lead a charge in seeing the way the DHF is approached changed to a certain degree. I'm just in a really weird space with Hive overall, and it's a good time to prelim talk it out with you, since you're likely to be locked into this post for the next ten mins or however fast it takes you to think "good for you, or sorry that happened, I ain't reading all that tho".

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I take for granted that I am, for the most part, pretty capable. I've been juggling a lot for a long time, and it works, in it's own way. But here I am returning to the keyboard in July, after a pretty big reminder that the universe is much larger than me and despite my indefatigable willpower, I am still just a bag of meat generously arranged on what has turned out to be a traitorous armature.

Early on in the 2010s, a distracted driver rear ended me at a stoplight. She drove my hip up into my socket, shunting my entire body out of alignment and making one of my legs almost two inches shorter than the other. For three years, I went to rehab, physio, and fought a court battle while I relearned how to walk. Powerlifting, competitive sports- you name it- were pretty much fully removed from my life. But I got better! And at the end of it all, I was told, I have some nerve damage and a syndrome in my piriformis muscle that means I will probably have chronic back and hip pain for the rest of my life; so I've just learned how to work around that and assumed that was my "new normal". Unfortunately, accepting and living with a baseline of pain means I've not been able to tell what what has actually been happening inside my body.

Shortly after flying home from Dubai, where I gave a talk and helped MC/moderate most of the conference panels, my leg started getting heavier. Then it started to feel like it was expanding, which is a pretty disconcerting thing when it feels as though your skin is blowing up like a balloon, straining and stretching to the point of bursting... and you look down through tears to see it's completely fucking fine. Doesn't even have the good manners to look at all out of sorts! Shortly thereafter, burning- REAL burning- the most agonizing, excruciating phantom pain I've ever experienced. Doctors immediately determined it wasn't a clot (I've flown long distance enough that I know what to do about and how to avoid those), and I spent the next few days howling wordlessly in agony when I wasn't on a cocktail of opioids.

Then, my entire leg just... stopped working.

I'm not going to lie to you, this was fairly terrifying. I had what was essentially a lifeless hunk of something not me attached to my body. It didn't respond when I asked it move, even though my brain was convinced I was standing on my toes or flexing my calf. I couldn't feel touch or temperature sensations on my skin. Pressure barely registered. Pretty horrific! (Spoiler alert in case you are feeling anxious: It is back and functional again)

I have no intention of turning this post into a medical docudrama, so just take it from me- always ask for imaging if you can get it. It turns out I have severe spinal disc height loss, severe disc bulging, severe lumbar spine degradation, facet joint trauma, and my spine is directly in contact with the nerve roots that control pretty much everything to do with my right leg. One false move, and they could pinch and turn them off like this, or in the future maybe even sever them. With a lot of work and some incredible medical professionals, I've been doing rehab and physio, had some small procedures, and am now on the waiting list for a neurosurgeon for future spinal surgery. But by the time you see me in Croatia for HiveFest, I'll look about as normal as you can expect! For the people who miraculously avoid this post, they hopefully won't know that anything happened, other than I really dropped the ball for a few months this summer on work and comms.

Learning to walk three times in one life I think is enough, I think. It turns out you don't get an achievement for it. BUT there were achievements! Here is a very short list because I'm so over this post already:

Other than the basic day to day stuff of answering emails, pushing social media, working with our projects to provide help, coordinating tech and biz dev liaison work with exchanges, and (unfortunately) often being the doxxed address and credit card on behalf of the Hive ecosystem, we branched out and got a lot done! In the past year or so, up until April 2024 I

♦️ did a record number of X live spaces, video presentations, keynote speeches, and panels- sometimes up to five a week and two a day, or four or more in a single event span! I took the main stage for "special keynote" talk slots four times all over the world, with as much fast and inexpensive travel and a mind for value to the ecosystem as possible. I will maybe slow down a bit in 2025 because in 2023 and 2024 so far I have used up about 95% of my paid vacation time solely on Hive related duties. For someone who has shaped their life around travel, I have missed out on a lot of personal time (by choice!)
♦️ built full a graphic suite and updated "vision" to support immersive displays and tech villages at conferences at more than five major events in four countries; then budgeted, designed, rendered, and oversaw getting it all built as well as handling all of the financing personally and the legal and contract work. I provide these or other custom and motion graphics, photo editing, visual work etc. for free to any project needing them. (The rally car is another of the designs that got a new look this year)
♦️ worked with a number of our dapps and projects to use VP funding to select events, secure spots,then bring our teams to work together as well to connect with outside opportunities that they couldn't do on their own; used their work to showcase what Hive does best while highlighting and supporting what's been built here, and taking care of everything from managing housing and transport to creating and securing marketing items, stage time, and beyond
♦️ secured low priced but high quality legal opinions on HIVE and HBD for multiple locations globally to help us with listing and long term market resiliency
♦️ continue to navigate new listings without paying listing fees- while we're still chasing the "big boys", there are some smaller but vibrant deals ongoing that will hopefully help continue to make our coins more accessible while only covering development overhead, including some already completed tech work for additional fiat on and off ramp channels
♦️ negotiated a bunch of marketing and outreach initiatives including social media and ongoing campaigns with players like Binance, (another of which will be starting hopefully fairly soon), and am working on other partnerships with data aggregators and payment providers to introduce themselves to the community and to work with me and the DHF to create integration and development proposals
♦️ if you know of more, you're welcome to fill in the blank here as you see fit. I suspect I will really struggle with doing the itemized bragging part while writing a proposal when the time comes because I am not really good at this sort of thing. A lot of the time, I am a nag. I nag to help things get done, to help connect people to each other; you name it. Nagging may or may not be a point in the "pros" column, depending on your perspective.

One of my biggest regrets from when I am working on behalf of Hive is that I'm usually so busy that I never even manage to take a photo, and that is sad because we've put on some incredible experiences, have done some really amazing outreach, and have done our best to try to help more people see this ecosystem as one to contend with. Many of them you have seen in other people's posts already, so I don't want to get us too stuck in the weeds over it. If you have a few faves, please drop them in the comments as I'd love to see what I missed while I was chained to a conference booth forgetting to eat 🖤

You've spearheaded fewer large conference style events for 2024- why?

One thing that we've come to realize is that crypto, even at conferences, is still so new. This sounds like bullshit, but it truly isn't. If you're not at one of the OG nerd parties that have become famous for the lavish spectacle of spending cash to stroke the egos of the people who already "get it", the wider tech world is really just waking up to this space, and is either terrified of it or hoping to find a way to exploit it. We have our work cut out for us, and we have a lot to do. The crypto world lives or dies on who is making the most money most quickly, and people want to hang out where they can make the most in the crab bucket the fastest without thinking about whether they should even be in the bucket.


It can get demoralizing when time and again, building something sustainable or for the "right" reasons with this tech gets overlooked or drops behind another shiny scam that blows up immediately and sets us all a little further back. Right now, it feels like chasing every middle tier conference or trying to buy our way into competing for attention at the biggest ones with oversized sponsorships doesn't feel like quite the right fit. I'm hoping to try to get more invitations to even more speaking engagements that maybe offset or open the doors to reduced cost opportunities- it is VERY easy to get taken for a ride on spending in this space if you're not willing to negotiate and then ultimately say no.

I know especially here, with a social platform built in, we're prone to talking around and past each other. Everyone knows everything about each other, but also nothing. Money works differently when it's transparent, but when there's a disconnect between the platform and the "real world". People operate with passion and dedication for the platform, but also with self preservation in mind, and it's all shaped by the medium of the internet connected message. It's an odd place to try to change the world from. It's an odd place to try to just live in. But it's home, and I love it here. I believe in it and I take lumps when I see where we're failing and where we could do better, and where things just plain "aren't fair". It's the soul of what makes this place STILL ALIVE when hundreds of thousands of other chains and coins and projects couldn't cut it.


Never disbelieve that there's something very real that keeps us alive and moving forwards when there is no guarantee, no VC or founder safety net, and such a vastly diverse set of opinions and experiences all pulling for how to best steer the ecosystem.

I won't lie, this year has been really, really hard. From my personal world to the struggles of taking on the financial burden of others and even this chain at times, and then literally waking up with a quarter of my body paralyzed and now scrambling to make up for the lost time and income and costs of dealing with that, it's easy to let the overall market sentiment and sometimes pretty brutally shitty attitudes around here get me down. The flip side is, there's so much good, here and in the world, and I am an infinitely blessed person who's worked so incredibly hard to make things not just good, but better. I've spent seven years now fully immersed in everything Hive, and I'm still just as wildly enamored with it as I've always been. It's not always as bad as doomscrolling the internet has us believe, so pick a thing that makes you happy, work towards making it better, and make sure you take the time to keep your heart (and your spine!) healthy.

I'll see you guys in Croatia 🖤

(at some point I will do a real happy anniversary and update post, but I just had to finally get this draft out. Sad thing is, it's not even my oldest 😂)


I just kinda skimmed. Your house collapsed on your legs. Sorry that happened.


Oh, look, the greatest comment of all time


hugs).TL;DR: @crimsonclad is awesome (and needs

Lol, it's very verbose. You cheated because you already knew it all already 😂
Looking forward to so many hugs, man. Beached, huggable white whale in Croatia.


It sounds like you are handling this adversity with aplomb.

You did a good job with the redesign on the rally car, it looks exceptional.
Will it be at hivefest?

I hope you take a few minutes to pat yourself on the back.
We all know how tough this crowd can be.

I'll be so honest, I've gone thru more than a few screeching into the void "IT IS NOT FAIR AND I REALLY REQUIRE A BREAK FUCK OFF UNIVERSE" periods in the last year or so. Being productive for events or for Hive etc. gives me a chance to have some autonomy and feel like I have a direct impact on an outcome. It is helpful when I can manage it, because there is so much I my life I have zero control over. People I can't protect, buildings I can't shore up, even parts of my own body that I have to be beholden to. Just exactly the same as everyone else. I think it's been a 'raining, pouring' few years for everyone, but I hope (and feel) that sentiment is shifting a bit.

I really like the new car design! A lot of it came from seeing how poorly I understood sticker placement and having no templates the first time around. It was a bit of a shot in the dark and many lessons were learned.

I would love to see it at HF, and given race HQ, it seems more possible. LB and Roeland are spearheading the work on all things Fest. I'll be helping wherever they need to tag me in, but those are the guys to try to solicit hints from!


My dear friend, I have not been posting myself much because of a health mishap too and has got serious. Reorganizing my life around it as I try still to find my healing. I did not know about your accident or leg, so sorry. Our strength also relies in how we overcome things. Croatia sounds dreamy, always wished to see some natural parks there
I will try to be more around myself but I am still in the middle of my storm

It's weird contending with something I thought was very far behind me, and having it crop up again eight as I'm already feeling a bit overwhelmed. I know you've been fighting for a long time for freedom from pain and peace and clarity, I'm sending you lots of love. These ephemeral stardust bodies of ours are so magical and so unstable all at once~

You can tell my level of emotional wreckage when you comment made me pour tears 😭. My physical vessel has been in serious discomfort. I had a scare mid june and since everything is off. My energy level is so depleted that even my voice and source of joy is affected, and I cannot risk a proper hike because I pass out often. It feels kind of vulnerable, some things come from old and some are post this event and quite abrupt. Thanks for the good wishes. I am stubborn so I just hope for resolution. Now they are acouting for some serious words and it is impossible not to feel anxious.
All we can do is one step at a time


Thanks for giving a shit.

the thing that is hilarious is that so many people here have so full of it, imagine how much shit we could collectively have? 😂🖤

Could make a theme park. "Come to Shit Mountain!"

Wouldn't be able to create accounts fast enough...

But seriously, thanks. I wouldn't be able to do all that and here you are doing it on one leg.

I wouldn't either. What a rough year. Way to keep it going. Not sure where you get the grit from but heckfire maybe.


I'm genuinely curious how you think I'm making a ton of money off any of this. I come out at net negative for most events, even before tax implications. One of the reasons I'm doing much fewer this year. Any reimbursement that I have been given on chain I carry usually for a month or more on my personal credit cards and then submit a receipt and documentation after the fact and the reimbursement is matched directly to what I paid.


I understand not having enough time... I don't even have enough time to read this whole gem of a post right now.

Thanks for reminding me I'm not alone in making sporadic reappearances, and giving me a good laugh.

Oh yeah, since nobody else is saying anything, you can probably take down your 2 year old pinned explanation for shutting down you witness.



Then it's totally fair to punish them by making them scroll ALL THE WAY BACK to two years ago in your feed!

I just got back and finished reading this, and now I feel lazy about my own life, so I think I'll work on (but not publish) at least one of my many drafts. Thanks for the inspiration, I think...

More seriously, I hope you continue to do well, and find all the energy you need. We're blessed with an abundance of rabid do-gooders here on Hive, and I thank you for turning this into my favorite space on the whole internets.

I timed it, it takes 1.42 seconds of scrolling. The punishment may have to escalate until morale improves 😂

But yes, thanks for the wishes. I have work to do to bring back some better balance. I feel very obligated to the platform and everyone here, but the truth is that you know what happened while I was gone for a few months? Kind of nothing. Hive didn't care. Just like when the witness happened. It's resilient and malleable and doesn't lean on one person for success. So, knowing that, I need to take a small bit of time to re-explore and redefine some small boundaries so I have the time to be there for some of the things that have a big impact on the personal aspects of my life. (I suck at that.)

Those sound like very sensible goals.

Good luck with that!


Case and point.
points at self


Thanks for everything you do fir the chain Crimmie and look forward to seeing you again at HF

I actually just pulled out my pretty swirly handpainted LegacyChainFest souvenir the other day while I was displaying some decor in my office!

Given what you are going through, what you have accomplished for Hive, everywhere in the world, is even more astonishing. THANK YOU.

Over the past year of meeting up with so many Hivers around the world, it's just been rough. There's nowhere that hasn't been through it, and so many people are dealing with their own struggles. I admit, I have times of feeling like it's been a bit too much all at once for me now and again, but I think we all hit that point sometimes. Two months of recovery away has felt like a lifetime though.

Sending good vibes and good wishes!

Hive has carried us through rough times ... and no, I can't imagine two months away either ... glad you're back, and I put your good wishes and vibes on the return trip to you!


I hate being flooded. Sorry you had to see that. It's always ugly.

Back pain isn't better tho. I'd rather be flooded, and I am sure you would too. I really hope you negotiate that process impeccably, and that your neurosurgeon is inspired as well.

I am happy that Hive has a face to the world as beautiful as yours, with the light shining out on folks fortunate to bask in it. It sounds like you're doing your very best to shine that light everywhere and how you can do so as cost effectively and productively as you can. From what I know of you, that's bound to be very effective at generating the most important and essential potentials for Hive as can be.

Particularly the work you've done to get on ramps and routes to and from Hive must be extremely challenging in the constricting environment many (especially N. American) governments impose. Any achievement in that arena must be exhausting.


This is my first time at the flood rodeo! Not my favourite, admittedly, lol. We had a very cold (for Vancouver) winter, and I had a pipe burst while I was at work. I caight it before too too severe damage, but because it was upstairs, I lost a lot of my ceiling and walls, and some of my flooring. I've been slowly picking at the repairs over the year, and so far, so good, but I'm definitely tired and it was definitely demoralizing.

You're spot on with the NA hurdles, that's for sure. Getting North American big deals really hinges on having a culpable legal entity in ownership in charge of the ecosystem, ORRRR pay a few hundred thousand dollars plus as a ransom to get your foot in the door, and still offer up a fully doxxed fall guy. Tricky, but not insurmountable, slowly but surely. Hopefully these legal opinions will help us stay as resilient as we have been in the face of the tightening 'standards' the world has been facing.

Sending love and greetings your way! 🖤


I literally was wondering all the things. Who knew all I had to do was go to your page and READ the damn thing. This answered ALL the Qs. From your streaming, to your FT-ing, to your posting, to your witness-ing.

I only have ONE wish. I wish there were at least a thriplicate of Crim. One to post and write and interact. One to stream and do the things streamy and entertainey. And one to wear the DEV and PM hat.

May your health be ever in your favor, and energy tripled, so you can do all you hope to accomplish this year and in years to come.

Delightful as always, wish you were able to write more, but I get it.


Okay, cool cool cool having a little cry.

Honestly, some days I think I have it all figured out and that this stuff is the absolute way to go. Some days, when I'm down my feels and frustrated with whatever the heck trying to work in a critical co-opetition clusterfuck looks like, I just want to go back to playing loud music for twenty of my friends and writing stories about tripping off mountains into deep lessons and coming home to my dogs.

And the thing is, I have no one to blame but myself. Once a year or so, I recap it all, get this burst of pride, and then spend the rest of the post lamenting what got pushed out by the stuff that made the cut. I know that's the hallmark of a full life and the pressing choice we all have to make as humans, but it makes it no less frustrating. I have piles and piles of unsorted footage that I'm challenging myself to create something around. Let's see how long it takes.

Thank you for writing this. Everyone is always kind, because that's how we're raised to be on the internet, but it's a blessing to see people stopping here to be real about it 🖤

I was never raised to be kind on the internet.

Here's a thought...and strike me down for being Hive's Judas here, but what about what Crim needs? Put it this way: Who DOESN'T need Crim? Everyone here is always going to need you. You are very literally the incarnate representation of Dagny Taggart, able to think and do so much.

This puts you in the paradoxically (and equal parts) fortunate and very unfortunate (and also extremely rare) quantum superposition of being needed everywhere all at once. Most people may not see it, but you are one of the unlucky few who really do have the ability to do all things, really really well, and also to enjoy them, no less! And if I were to wager, likely riddled with an unseen "survivor's guilt" of sorts about it. Which makes matters even worse! It is a blessing and a curse, as I see it. The rest of us morons are lucky to be gifted at one or two things. And to enjoy them and share them enough for a few to appreciate. At best.

I always say, just because you CAN, doesn't mean you MUST.

I wonder just a little bit...what would happen if you DID take a little intentional lunch recess to go where your heart lead? What if Hive and everything else could wait. I would never dare suggest in PUBLIC (such as a comment thread like this one), that you leave the place.

Merely suggesting, especially with the health reboot and all, maybe one could experiment with the idea of being less obligatory about a thing, and more "Dr.'s orders" about things. And Doctor says, maybe it's ok to just relax and enjoy life a little. You owe nobody nuthin. Kinetic energy or no.

A good hard rock and roll, a decent beer, and a few blogs never hurt anybody.

Just my three cents. Cuz I think it's worth slightly more than two.

We are all grateful for everything you've done around here even during the hardest moments of your life. We don't know what a day by day life looks like for each of us but only see their contribution brought on here and yours was always felt. So thank you for that and for the quick update :)

In some ways, Hive is really great for helping everyone build context around struggle and kindness. Everyone has something going on in their life and its always wonderful to be able to share a little thread together on this big wide web 🖤

Indeed 💛


Wishing you good health going forward! ✌️💛


Yeah, health is a real shit. I've always had genetic autoimmune issues. My immune system is so strong that it takes out my body. So, I at the very least sympathize.

Take heart that you achieve more in the space than me.

My mother suffers from an autoimmune disease, I'm truly sorry, as I understand what it's like having a body that's hell bent on actually making life even more difficult for you. I don't really think much about comparisons, because in a lot of ways, doing stuff for Hive is a personal choice and fulfills some of my own needs. I think I would have given up years ago and gone back to blogging instead if I wasn't at least sort of getting some psychological thrills out of it, lol. There's no Hive without everyone doing everything, so achievements wise, being here is just fine~

Yes, but also, the blogging. Crimmy crim...were there even two of you - one to blog and one to do the other are phenomenal at the words. It tickles our brains. Please do consider some sort of engagement on the word level with the rest of the masses.

Well things have got better for me recently as I finally got put on anti-TNF injections. That stopped my seizures although they haven't cleared everything else up. Still feels like my body is so swollen that I might explode sometimes. It has allowed me to relearn how to touch type and string sentences together again. Yeah, so enforced big breaks in doing things, I get it. Your mother too ....sigh.

You need to restart your show again :)


Hola, que buen trabajo, te felicito, debe ser interesante, poder viajar y conocer, eso compensa cualquier adversidad, en Venezuela estamos encarcelados, la hiper inflación, hace que no podamos viajar en nuestro propio país, sin embargo uno consigue motivos para sentirse feliz en medio de las limitaciones, yo me divierto con la música y compartiendo momentos en la naturaleza , muchos abrazos

How right you are! No matter what happens in my life, I have a baseline of privilege and security that comes from where I live. While everyone has their struggles, the people in Venezuela live every day in conditions I'll never be able to truly understand. What I do know is that all of the people I've met from there though Hive have been wonderful, caring and motivated humans and I'm grateful for the reminder that we have to make our happiness and love priority in our lives 🖤

¡Qué razón tienes! No importa lo que suceda en mi vida, tengo una base de privilegios y seguridad que proviene del lugar donde vivo. Si bien todos tienen sus luchas, la gente en Venezuela vive todos los días en condiciones que nunca podré comprender realmente. Lo que sé es que todas las personas que he conocido allí a través de Hive han sido seres humanos maravillosos, afectuosos y motivados, y agradezco que me recuerden que debemos hacer de nuestra felicidad y amor una prioridad en nuestras vidas 🖤

Me alegro de conocerte y te agradezco mucho tu respuesta bonita

Great post. Thanks for the update. I have thought on occasion about people like you who travel for topics like spreading the blockchain/Hive word and have thought it would be better if you had assistants who could help in areas of video (editing)/photography. Maybe some help in scheduling, speech/blog writing and planning as well. Delegating things gives others something to do and eases everyone's burdens.

Wishing you a good health, for everyone of us🥰

Learning to walk three times in one life I think is enough, I think

Nothing is enough, unless its decided by the divine, you are just passing your time in this universe, we all go through bad and good times, but in reality we never control....

The biggest truth. We're all just borrowed bits of startdust here along for the ride; no sense wondering why it's the way it is now that its happened. I'm still going to weigh in with my tongue in cheek opinion though, on the off chance there's a sympathetic ear out there in the cosmos, though 😂


welcome back

This is just awful, I would expect nothing less from you 😂




Please take care of your own health and that of your family members. Absolutely nothing else in this post is more important than those things. Do that for us, so you don't feel like its all about you. Because I know if you think you're doing it just for yourself you won't give that your attention. But if you're doing it for the people, well, you won't be able to stop yourself.

Im reading this post on December 14th 2024 so a bit late but I am hoping for a 2024 review sometime b4 summer 2025 😃

I wanted to support this post but I’m way past 7 day reward period so here’s a HSBI for ya! Cheers!


I can relate to the health stuff. Sending u good vibes! Hoping you are doing well this week!

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You've got a true grit story and a reminder to the rest of us to stick to the things you love. Inspiring actually. Thanks for the real stuff you shared.

Best wishes. Some Iron Maiden seems appropriate:

Who says this ship is lost
Another prophet of disaster
Leaving you to count the cost
But the truth of all predictions
Is always in your hands
If you're gonna try, well, stick around

I don’t know how I missed this post! Thanks for all of your help.

p.s. crab buckets suck
