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RE: Doggy

in #life6 years ago

Boomdawg lol. You should have offered her some Robertsons Gollywog Blackcurrant jam. Ridicolous how this shit has got out of hand.
Remember at a council meeting someone objected to calling it black coffee and felt offended. Talk about milking it,lucky I wasn't there because I would've tossed the bastard out and asked him if he would like to follow me for a pie.


The pie would have done it!!

It is a bit ridiculous, of someone asked me to stop saying black coffee I would think much the same!!!

Hmm. Black coffee...

always reminds me of this.

Is it black cream? Lol. That's quite hilarious!

Careful, I may have to go to HR about your disrespectful tone and insensitive words.

They will put me on the rack till I confess